What's the BEST behind the Scenes Tour


Earning My Ears
Sep 23, 2000
anyone care to share their Tour experiences and recommend the best tour and what it consists of? The ones that offer a lunch- What's for lunch? Any special gifts at the end of the tours? Are these tours really "special" of can you find out all the secrets and suff in books or the web? What about the underground world- Is there such a thing? What tour would this include in? Are the tours really as long or longer then they say?

Thanks in advance
I've wanted to take the Keys to the Kingdom tour forever. I've heard good and bad thing about it. It does include a tour of the utilidors (or underground portion of Magic Kingdom). It runs about $50.00 bucks per person plus park admissoin. I'm going next week :-) so I'll let you know!
We are scheduled for the World Showcase tour January 14.
We took KttK January 2001 & FutureWorld May 2002.
Both were great! I don't think you could go wrong with any.


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