Whata GREAT TDS morning!


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2000
Now they're cookin'! :D
Five great pins at good prices, a FREE Minnie/Mickey Val Day beanie, and a coupon! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Woo Who!
Luv2Roam.......I agree. Although I already had the Buzz pin in hand (my husband got it at the Gallery Store in Las Vegas 10 days ago, go figure) I love the Tink pin and the Rolie Polie Olie. I also got the Cinderella pin to add to my collection. I hope the coupon is in effect when the next group of pins come out. By the way, does anyone know for sure, when that will be? I'm beginning to get excited again.......only 30 days 'til WDW!!!
Did they say why or when they would be available?
Even a few CM's at the local store have said there was confusion on when these pins were to be released. But they were going with a memo they rec'd that stated the 9th.


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