What was your favorite Halloween costume ever when you were a child or an adult?

I've dressed as laundry and got a lot of compliments. I cut the bottom out of a laundry basket and wore it around my waist. I pinned clothes all over the clothes I was wearing and carried laundry soap. Oh - pinned dryer sheets and tied socks in my hair too. Laundry is VERY scary!
Some of my favorites:

Bunch of grapes - purple sweatsuit with purple balloons attached to sweatshirt; grape vines in hair
Jellyfish - clear bubble umbrella with curled ribbons attached; plastic fish "caught" in ribbons
Starbuck's logo - large cardboard ring painted green with Starbucks spelled in white letters; black & white "fins" attached to inner part of circle. I wore a white wavy wig and tiara and stood in the open part of the ring. This costume won a prize at one of my office Halloween parties!
Many years ago, several of us were driving up from our military base to Georgetown for Halloween. They used to block off the main street, and it was basically a huge outdoor party. We did not have costumes, so we stopped at a WalMart on the way and, after looking around, bought hunting coveralls and stuck Christmas bows all over them. Voila! Bow Hunters! It was a great costume, since it was a very cold night, and the coveralls were insulated!

ETA: I think one of the funniest costumes I saw was many years ago in Key West. It was very late--actually it's more accurate to say it was very early--and we were going down a side street, and there was some big, fat, hairy, drunk dude dressed as Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island walking toward us! He had on Daisy Dukes, a gingham shirt tied to show his belly, a wig, and an SS Minnow life ring around his neck. We couldn't stop laughing.
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In like, 1991 my best friend and I went as the Nelson twins (remember the rock band Nelson that was big at the time?) Long blonde wigs, cardboard guitars and all.....

Maybe not my favorite, but definitely the most memorable!
My mom made me a sweet He-Man costume when I was like 5. It had muscles and everything! In my young adult days I did a pretty nifty Inspector Gadget, with a police light on my head and an extending arm. I already had a grey trench coat, since that was my style.
In my early 20's I went to Fantasy fest in Key West and had my buddy paint my face like a weird zombie thing.

I had a lot of people stop and take pictures with me for some odd reason. Most memorable costume I've ever gone with.


3 favorites I can think of:

Renaissance Princess- borrowed beautiful dress from a friend. I felt pretty! This was for a high school party.

"Sexy" Candy Striper- used my uniform from my volunteering days and shortened it. Wore with a white tank and heels. Got my first college boyfriend at that party, lol!

Raggedy Andy- bff was Raggedy Ann. I wore baggy red pants, blue gingham shirt, red yarn wig, and sailor hat. Last year of Trick-or-Treating, freshman year of high school. Was probably too old to be out, but loved Halloween!
Raggedy Anne. My mum loved to sew costumes for my sister and I. I was a baseball one year big ball stuff with newspapers. I did a homemade Violet Incredible For DD when she was 5. In the sea of Elsa's that year she stood out. She got lots of complements on that one.
One year we(friends) went to a Wizard of Oz party where you had to be something from Oz.
Bought some cheap fake wings, ssome 60's shirts from goodwill, tamborine, ski hat, two of us bought our guitars.
When we entered the party sang
Here We come
FLying Down the Street
Get the craziest looks from
everyone we meet
In 4th grade, we did a huge unit on Charlotte's Web. Our teacher dressed up as the trash dump from the fair. She was draped in a dirt brown woven fabric that had cans and food boxes attached to it.

A few years ago, my cousin was a vending machine made out of a large cardboard box.

One year, we dressed up DD as a zombie nurse with loads of fake blood. We used liquid latex, makeup, and more fake blood to make her mouth look sewed shut and going up the side of her face. It turned out really well. That year there were a lot of people handing out food and drinks while trick or treating though- stuff like walking tacos, hot chocolate, hot dogs, pop- and she was a little sad because she was hungry and thirsty and couldn't have anything. (And for the record, the "unsealed" food and drink were being handed out by people we knew in the neighborhood, so we weren't concerned about being poisoned.) Her mouth was just pretty much glued shut. It was so nice and quiet that night that we debated not taking the latex off when we got home. :rolleyes1
My favorite costume from when I was a kid is when I dressed up as Cleopatra.

My favorite family costume is when we dressed up as The Incredibles.

My favorite "couple" costume w/ DH is when we dressed up as frozen Titanic victims for a Halloween party. We looked awesome! I ordered a couple of the Haunted Mansion ballroom type costumes for us & added some water stains to the costumes. We wet our hair w/ water & gel so it would stay "wet-looking" & then added white costume paint to the tips so it would look like frost. And we used lots of white & blue makeup on our faces, arms, & hands to make us look frozen.
My favorite was when I went as "struck by lightning." I teased my hair and sprayed it so it stuck out everywhere, burned holes in an old outfit and wore dark long johns under it, smeared soot on my face and hands, and melted an umbrella so there was just a little plastic left on the frame. My favorite costumes I've made for my kids have been 1. Sam I Am and a platter of Green Eggs and Ham and 2. A mailman with a dog biting his leg and the dog catcher (We do themes lol)
When I was in 9th grade one of the guys in our friends group had gotten his drivers license. We took the whole crew of us out in his Dad's pick up truck (you have to drive to trick or treat out in the country). He got to be Santa because he was driving, the rest of us were reindeer. We even borrowed a harness set from one of the girl's aunt who had it for her team. We had a blast!! It was the last year we could convince our parents to let us go though, we all got stuck giving out the candy after that.
When I was young, my grandma would make our costumes. My favorite was a big pumpkin. It was warm, I could layer a lot of clothes under it, and I loved stuffing it with newspapers! I wore that one several times.


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