What should we wear to a Matinee of Lion King at the Pantages Theater?


Aug 14, 2000
Can anyone tell me what the dress would be for a matinee of Lion King? Does anything go or should we be dressed up? thanks in advance- these boards are great! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
We are going to see the Lion King on September 25 and we are planning on dressing up for this event.

YES these boards are GREAT. :D


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We attended an evening performance in January -- truly a SPECTACULAR show -- and I wore a nice pantsuit, my DD (age 7) wore a skirt/top outfit with tights and "dressy" shoes, my DH wore nice pants and a sweater. It is not necessary to dress formally, the majority of people were dressed as we were for an evening performance. I did not see any cocktail or evening type dresses at all, although some women did wear dresses. A very few men wore suits. Southern Californians as a rule are a casual group of folks.

Hope that helps! :)

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That helps a lot- we are spending Wed thru Sunday AM at GC and then driving to LA to go to a one o'clock matinee then catch a plane back to Oklahoma at 6:30. So we didn't want to be real dressed up. I got the idea of tacking on the Lion King from these boards as someone else was talking about doing it. My son had been wanting to see it. We saw Beauty and the Beast in New York and again when the show came to Tulsa and it was great both times. So when this question came up at home- I knew exactly who to ask! The Disney friends on these boards. Thanks a lot.


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