What is your sexiest attribute/body part?



Taken from the “are you hot” application:

1- What is your sexiest attribute/body part?

2- What is your least sexiest attribute/body part?

My answers: (according to my DW)

1- my hands

2- my flat ***

Have you ever heard of a man having sexy looking hands?
(come to think of it… when I was in school the girls always swooned whenever I raised my hand to answer a question)(and someone was always stealing my gloves in winter)
Hands are definitely sexy. I happen to think that they are one of DH's sexiest body parts. His hands are big, strong & he has long fingers, sexy in my opinion.;)

IMHO, small hands with short/thick fingers are not sexy.
1) My eyes
2) My darn stretch marks. :( :(
1) My breasts--they're real and they're spectacular

2) My elbows---they're always dry..I'm forever having to lube them up with some Jergens....
1) my chest (judging by the amount of men that forget I have a face) and my laugh
2) my feet

I didn't know to answer this thread seriously, so just for the record:

My hair is not sexy. :p :eek: :o
1.) nice lower torso

2.) my farmers tan, i need to hit the beach as soon as its warm enough.
1) I think my mind and attitude. others) it depends on who you ask.

2) can't decide

Charlie, hands can be very sexy.
Like Rita said,
I happen to think that they are one of DH's sexiest body parts. His hands are big, strong & he has long fingers, sexy in my opinion.,
CharlieNJ writes:
". . . come to think of it… when I was in school the girls always swooned whenever I raised my hand to answer a question. . ."

Hmmmm. . . . admiration? or lack of deodorant?


Sexiest body part? Definitely the brain. Afterall, that is where it all begins..and ends.
I would say sexiest: my sense of humor

least sexiest: my feet, I hate feet, ugh
for Christine(Realgrumpy)I would say her eyes.
and she has no least sexiest :teeth:
my DH says my lips are sexy

and I would definately say my feet are NOT sexy - I have long toes :yuck:

My DW according to me:

1- her head – great thick hair, brown eyes, full lips, high cheekbones…

2- her “Barney Rubble” feet…I bet if she lived in Bedrock she would feet..I mean hands down win the Day-stone-a 500. She could power a Mack truck with those puppies.


Speaking of feet my wife says I have very sexy feet to go with my hands. When my sons were born we prayed that they would be blessed with my feet. The first thing my wife asked me when they were born was…are they Barney’s or not. (they were not)

Willy you might be right I didn’t start using deodorant until my 2nd year of college. (oddly enough the swooning tapered off a little)
Charlie, you have me ROFL!!!!! Your poor wife and her Barney Rubble feet are cracking me up!!!! :p


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