What is the next Disney Live Action movie?


Simply meant to be....
Jun 5, 2013
I know there was mention of a Mulan and Lion King live action movie. Is this true? Is there one I am missing?
Which would you like to see a live action adaptation?
Wow! That is a interesting list of movies the Disney has for live action movies to adapt. Thanks!
Not a problem. I'm sure there are some that will not be made, or for a while, while others may be added, but it seems with the relative success of some of them, I don't see them stopping the trend.

wow after looking at the list i hope peter pan and pinocchio do not get made over the years they as been 3 movies alone based on peter pan and for pinocchio 3 maybe 4 it was big in the 90's, dumbo dude that is going to be way to sad for anyone dumbo dose not talk in the cartoon so what are they going to do for live action.
I wouldn't be opposed to a beautiful/whimsical live action Peter Pan. The other remakes range from stupid humor to weird drama if I recall. And there is so much material/scenery in that to mine. But I don't think Peter Pan and tink need to be totally separate movies.

I really don't think a live action Pinocchio is needed. Nor dumbo. Pochahontas would be depressing. I don't think Disney has the sense of humor to make sleeping beauty or prince charming interesting. I would love love an adaptation of spindle's end but that is so not likely.

Hmm...I wouldn't mind seeing Mulan or rose red. I could sit through Winnie the Pooh. I might like to see tiana in live action because I thought the film shortchanged the Cajun history and culture.

This topic makes me think about what if Lilo & Stitch was made into a live action movie as well - I'm mainly just wondering how they'd make Stitch look like. :stitch:


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