What is the deal with the finger scan??


Earning My Ears
Oct 8, 2002
Does anyone really know the truth behind the finger scan at the park gates? Does it do anything or is it for show? If I'm going to the parks for a few days why can't I use my brother's pass? Or can I? Thanks for any info
It is a biometric scan that reads the pressure you place on the bars in the "reader." It is an individual signature that each person's hand/fingers produce. Nobody can "fake" it or use someone else's AP/PAP. Sorry - looks like you'll have to buy your own park tickets.
The finger scan registers the AP holder the first time you use it. Your information was input into the database when you purchased the AP. If the finger scan doesn't work you will be asked to provide ID and it must match the pass. I have had times when the finger scan did not work and I was asked for ID. Each pass we bought was personalized, me, DW and DS. It will most likely not work and I think the pass is subject to confiscation (is that a real word...you know what I mean though) not worth the risk IMHO.
Does anyone really know the truth behind the finger scan at the park gates? Does it do anything or is it for show? If I'm going to the parks for a few days why can't I use my brother's pass? Or can I? Thanks for any info

It is for real, it is not for show, you cannot use your brother's pass cause it does not belong to you.
Hubby and I tested the finger scanner by switching passes. We failed the test. So, to answer your question, it is for real. There is no way to use someone elses pass.
Disnee Dad Says......................................Even if you could get in, which you can't, have you heard of morals, or integrity? Surely you have heard of HONESTY!
Sleepy, we did the switch-a-roo too. When the CM looked at the passes, she realized we swithed. We then tried to get in with our
own passes, and it didn't work again! Mine didn't work for the
rest of the trip.
We saw someone trying to get in with someone else's pass and security was called over. I don't know what happened, we didn't stick around to find out.

Personally, I'm glad they are strict about it. I paid good money to get in the parks, so should everyone else. Also, I know that if my pass were ever stolen, it would be useless.
I certainly wouldn't want anyone using someone elses pass on purpose, but I will tell you what happend last October. I hold all the passes for our family of 4. I pass out the passes just before we get to the gate and collect them when we pass through the gate. One day my husband and I inadvertantly got the wrong pass and we went through the finger scan just fine. I didn't realize it until I collected his and it was mine! Now the interesting thing is that my husband has short fat fingers and I have long thin fingers, so I really don't know what they machine is reading, but it really shouldn't have worked.
I have gone through the gate when the scan did not work. The CM at the gate just let me through when he saw I was having trouble. However, I have also been asked for ID. I would never risk my $500+ ticket so some one else could save $55 or whatever it is now. I know it seems harmless. What is one more person in the park to Disney. But it is no diferent than stealing cash from someone.
Whoa...relax on the morals thing and getting ready to jump me ...Simple question, if I could have used his pass to allow me to go to the Magic Kingdom I probably would have. No problem, I'll probably go with him now and buy a day pass. But think of one thing before you get all crazy, If he goes five days and never uses his pass again. Does it help or hurt Disney profits if I went a sixth day and when I got in the park I purchased the usual amount of daily purchases, what probably $60-$80 (parking, food, gifts) that would not have been spent at Disney that day. But now just for the heck of it I think I'll try and use it and let him go after me with the day pass, that way if I get stopped we can say oops and switch back.
1) The scanner actually uses 6 lasers to take a picture of the contours of your fingers. It has nothing to do with pressure. The pegs are there for positioning. If you are wearing a ring the first time you scan and the second time you are sans ring, it will not recognize you. If you use three fingers instead of 2, it will not recognize you. If you use the opposite hand, it will not recognize you. And if you wear gloves, it will not recognize you.
2) The question of whether or not using someone else's AP (which should be considered as important as a credit card) affects the company's profits is beside the point and is quite a moot issue. If the scanner doesn't recognize you, we CMs are supposed to check photo ID. If the photo ID doesn't match up, we are required to give the pass to management so that it can be voided and the owner can be notified by Guest Relations. It's not a question of economic philosophy, it's a question of security and guidelines.
When we were at Universal in December there was a woman in front of us in line trying to use her daughter's AP. This woman could not understand why they were taking the pass away and not letting her in. She argued and argued. Anyway, when we left the park about 5 hours later, she was still outside the turnstile trying to get in. We laughed about it, but it was pretty sad. Wasting an entire day trying to get into something free and probably getting her daughter's pass taken away.
My friend got in on his wife's pass and vice versa. They did not realize they had each other's pass. It actually only records measurements every third scan.

There have been times when my AP did not work and I was asked for ID and I said, "Why would I carry it when you have my fingerprints?"
well if you decide to use your brothers annual pass, i hopeyou get caught that is just totally unfair to even think about doing that, you are no diffrent than anyone else you should pay the 53.00 the same as everyone else. as for your brother gat an annual pass and only using it 5 days that is his own fault if he knew he was not going to get his moneys worth out of it he should not have bought it.
Yes, the Biometric Scanners take a measurement every time. No, no one has your "fingerprints", it is a picture of the contours of your fingers, and if the scanner doesn't recognize your fingers and you don't have a photo ID we don't have to let you in. (because I could use your AP if all you have to do is make an ignorant "clever" remark...) Turn the card over and read all that small red print. Educate yourself. It's all for your protection.
If it measures the contours... does that mean if you have fat fingers and in 6mo or so time you lose a lot of weight and come back- you won't be let in?

HAHA-I know... stupid question. You'd just have to show your ID then right?

I'm only asking because I'd love to lose weight in 6mo- but no, I do not have fat fingers. But it made me think of those that do also gain weight in their hands- like swollen fingers of those that are pregnant! With annual passes- a LOT can change in a person's fingers in a year. So guess it would be best to take that ID with ya. :)
I learned the hard way always to carry ID. At some store (don't remember where) at DTD, they refused to give me the DC discount because I didn't have ID to prove I was the person whose name was on the card. Always carry driver's liscence now.
Originally posted by The Sybah Shelstah
If it measures the contours... does that mean if you have fat fingers and in 6mo or so time you lose a lot of weight and come back- you won't be let in?

HAHA-I know... stupid question. You'd just have to show your ID then right?

I'm only asking because I'd love to lose weight in 6mo- but no, I do not have fat fingers. But it made me think of those that do also gain weight in their hands- like swollen fingers of those that are pregnant! With annual passes- a LOT can change in a person's fingers in a year. So guess it would be best to take that ID with ya. :)

You can ask to have your biometrics reset by showing your ID when you go through the turnstiles. They will then take another baseline measurement.


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