What is luggage allowed for flying......m


Tagless by choice!!
Jun 16, 2001
There will be five of us, how many pieces are we allowed? I figure we will have at least 2 large bags for the main clothes and I want to take a suitcase with the backpacks and folded cooler. We haven't flown in 10 yrs so please forgive our ignorance. What kind of things do you pack in a carryon?

All tips are appreciated.

We usually take one suitcase (on wheels) per person. Makes walking thru the airports easier. But we don't pack only one person's clothing in one suitcase. We split it up, so if one suitcase gets lost, everyone still has clothes!!! On my carryon I have tickets, money, camera, videocamera and snacks (especially gum). My kids usually have their walkmen and cd's.
I would go to your airline's web site and see what they allow for checked and carry ons
They are basically all the same, but, some do have specific rules about carry ons.
Hope this helps.


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