What is a good rate for a minivan?


<font color=blue>I need a Starbucks Latte!<br><fon
Dec 30, 2000
We're planning our 1st trip to WDW this Oct. There will be 6 of us and have to have a minivan.
I do have a DC card and we're part of the National Emerald Club.

The problem is, I have no idea what a good rate is. We'll be arriving in Orlando Friday, October 12th and leaving Oct. 20th. Can anyone tell me what a good rate for 8 nights would be?


<font color=navy>1st WDW trip OKW-Oct. 2001
The best rate I've gotten for a minivan on site at mco is $209.99 a week, 39.99 each add'l day. There is a special for sbout $10 cheaper for March I think. This price is through www.dollar.com using code(anyone can use it) fvg.

I used that fvg code for the first week in april at $199. Check it out, you may save 10$

Try code kiss with dollar and code ly with budget! Dollar was $209 a week and Budget was $199 a week for a minivan.This was for the month of April. I am not sure what it would be at the time you need it though.I hope it works out. Good Luck!


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