What exactly is the Government discount?


<font color=deeppink>Give me a chunk of something
Apr 27, 2000
My husband is a state employee for the state of Delaware. Does this qualify for a discount? What proof do you have to show? That rate I saw in a post at the Dolphin sounds wonderful!

YES you are! If you are a town, county,city,state or federal goverment employee then you qualify for the goverment rate at either the Swan or Dolphin resorts. All you need for proof is an ID, pay stub or a letter on formal goverment letterhead.

Hope this helps.

For lots of info on the two resorts, visit the Swan and Dolphin Faq by clicking on the link below the jumping sheep. :D


Link toSwan and Dolphin FAQ!
<font size=3><font color=green><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font>
<font color=green>16 times to WDW 13 off 3 on
Next trips!
Dolphin July 2001
Swan Dec. 2001
thanks for the info. I will keep that in mind for future trips. We always camp at FW with my Mom they have a motor home but when my brother's family come next time they get the motor home and I think we have to get the hotel but for that price........Thanks again!
Plus my DD (5) LOVES!!!!!! to look at it she is giong into disney!



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