What do you do to get into the holiday spirit?


DIS Veteran
Oct 27, 2003
I know it's only the first, but I'm not motivated to decorate or shop yet and normally I'm excited to do these things. Yeesh, I can't even believe I'm using the word "motivate". We're on a tighter budget this year because we just had to dump mega $$$ into our septic tank system and it's not over yet, but still, I have a whole attic full of pretty decorations and I do get a small Christmas bonus next week, but the thought of dusty boxes and crowded malls makes me cringe. I washed my car at lunch instead of addressing my Christmas cards and all I keep thinking about is how many weeks until we're playing in the sand in Florida for New Years and wishing I could just bypass everything else....you know that country song that goes....some beach, somewhere....
So what triggers that warm and fuzzy, feel so blessed, take in all the pretty lights, hear the children singing feeling for you? please tell, Thanks!
One thing that really helps me is doing things gradually. I don't get the rush. We make a big deal about advent - focusing on waiting and getting ready. I try to do a little bit each day to get ready - with the target date being Christmas. IMO sometimes people get so over anxious they kind of miss the target and are ready to get it all over with by the time the big day comes.
It doesn't take much for me, I'm a Christmas nut! :D Some ideas for you...Put on some Christmas music and look at old pictures from your childhood Christmas'. Bake (or buy LOL) one of your favorite Christmas treats. Watch a Christmas movie or special that you loved when you were little. Drive around and look at the lights. That's all I can think of for now. :D You have a Merry Christmas, ok?! :D
I have a special Christmas CD that I like to listen to...
My favorite song is "The Little Drummer Boy" I have loved it since I was a child and to this day it gives me the CHristmas Spirit.

Since I was a child is, after everyone has gone to bed, I go into the room where the Christmas tree is, and just sit and look at it. I look at the ornaments – many have special meaning – DD made some, DH and I bought some together… I just soak it in.
It may sound cheesy, but it truly gives me pleasure!

Good luck in finding your motivation! I know it is hard when funds are tight! I have certainly been there many times and it is really stressful.
Just let the love of the season sink in.
liznboys said:
It doesn't take much for me, I'm a Christmas nut! :D Some ideas for you...Put on some Christmas music and look at old pictures from your childhood Christmas'. Bake (or buy LOL) one of your favorite Christmas treats. Watch a Christmas movie or special that you loved when you were little. Drive around and look at the lights. That's all I can think of for now. :D You have a Merry Christmas, ok?! :D

These are great. I'm going to try a few!
1. Wait for it to snow lol. I'm tired of this rain.
2. A park around here has a nightime hike with luminaries. So peaceful and especially fun with a campfire, hot chocolate and marshmallows. Some of the older towns around here have a nightly celebration where the stores open late, horse drawn carriage rides, carollers etc.... Those put me in the spirit.
Well, my sweet dh came through for me and made me snap out of it. He just called and asked if we were getting our tree this weekend. I said yes, but not sounding very chipper about it and he said, "you're not into it this year are you" and when I said no, he said, "that's ok, you know my mom doesn't even put up a tree." Well, there's no way that I'm going to be like my mil and I'd never dream of NOT puting up a tree! Nothing like a wake up call with a mil involved, whew!

We also decided to ask my mom to watch ds for a few hours one night during the week so that we can shop for him together when the stores aren't crowded, so that will be fun, and we haven't seen Polar Express yet which is affordable if we sneak in some juice boxes and leftover Halloween candy.

Thanks so much for the ideas. We have a few old town squares around here that are decorated beautifully and giving ornaments is a big tradition in my family, so I might get those out first for motivation! Thanks!!!!
It doesn't take me much either, I love Christmas. I listen to the radio, had the house all decorated last weekend. I like to do some shopping with the crowds. With the Christmas music playing and the stores all decorated, it definetrly gets me in the mood.
I was at Kohls last night until 11:15 p.m. By me, even the shoppers are more friendlier that other times. You meet and talk to nice people while waiting on line. :D
I listen to the Candlelight Processional CD or the radio station that is playing Christmas music, and sing along (with the kids sometimes) to the songs. One of our neighbors has their lights all up and the kids got so excited last night at how pretty they are that I think I want to buy our tree today. We also watched Frosty and Rudolph last night. On ABC Family they have Christmas shows every night from now until Christmas, so that is a good place to look for some inspiration from childhood. Christmas budget is going to be beyond tight this year, so we're going to be looking for anything free or really cheap to drive the spirit along.
Ask my daughter if she wants to make Christmas cookies. Nothing like the ole twinkle in a kid's eye to get you in the spirit :)


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