What do you do as the ship leaves the port?


Earning My Ears
Dec 28, 2002
Besides waving, what are some things that you are allowed to do as the ship leaves the port? Can you use airhorns, blow bubbles, spray "silly string"................. :smooth: Any suggestions? We leave January 18th on the Magic :bounce:

rum runners, bahamma mamas, whatever the drink of the day is:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I don't think that air horns would get past security & I'm not sure about silly string but bubbles are great. Cast members have streamer cannons and the party is going full swing so dancing & singing along are great! If you like it a little less crowded, go up 1 deck so you can look down at the mass of dancers - you can still party but not get squashed!
I usually stare into the blurry eyes of the <B><a href="http://www.primateprojections.com/travel/DCL/sailaway/sailaway8.jpg" target="index">love of my life</A></B> as he quietly beckons me. Sad, huh? LOL.

Hey, folks - This is DISNEY!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I like your new picture, tsobb! What a beautiful family. I like your picture, too, taswira! I can't even imagine what it will feel like being on the Wonder, but I'm getting so excited to experience!:teeth: :earsgirl:
Get as early a Spa reservation as possible and relax!

Originally posted by rae519
Get as early a Spa reservation as possible and relax!

That is exactly what I was doing during sail away, relaxing with a nice massage!!
Well, I worked out in the gym. You overlook the bridge and can look out the front of the ship as it sails away! It's pretty cool and there are no crowds!
Just hope that you don't leave 1 and a 1/2 hours late like we did. We didn't leave port until about 6:25. Waiting on 14 people to show. Part of their family was already on the boat and DCL didn't find it fair for us to leave the 14 when part of their family was already on the ship. Everyone around us was very disappointed. We wanted to sound that beautiful horn and wave to the RCCL and the Carnival people as we left, but they all left about 5ish in the day light. We left in the dark. The only people we got to wave at was the crew on the Magic that was being disinfected.

Personally I think they should have flown the 14 to Nassua and let them catch up with the boat there. But, I guess if it was me that was late I'd be very greatful that they did wait for me.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Due to high winds last February - we left an hour late from the Port. It was a "rockin' and a rollin'" for quite some time!
According to the Captain, he has leeway and can make up the hour by "speeding up".

I do think I would have been very disappointed if it were my first cruise and I didn't get to see the folks waving.

September's cruise gave us a Coast Guard helicopter flyby - actually a few flyby's. It was great fun, but now I just like to get that massage and start to relax!

tstobb--Love the tuxes. Did you buy them at WDW or are they rentals on board? Gotta have them for my boys next New Years Magic cruise
Nope - for less than rentals, we got the tuxes on eBay as well as DDs dress! Their suits & her dress were brand new & mine was an "off rental" but looks like it is brand new.
The vests & ties we got from eBay as well & when I went to arrange shipping, found out it was from a tux shop about 10 minutes from my house!
Just search for Mickey vest - there are several up now.
Originally posted by taswira

I usually stare into the blurry eyes of the <B><a href="http://www.primateprojections.com/travel/DCL/sailaway/sailaway8.jpg" target="index">love of my life</A></B> as he quietly beckons me. Sad, huh?

LOL, taswira!


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