What do I get my friend for her 40th bday?


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May 30, 2000
Im stumped as to what to get my friend for her 40th birthday!
Im sure would like anything I pick for her but I cant think of anything!What do you get for someone who has everything and great taste on top of it!
I cant get her a spa gift cert. because thats what she got me for my birthday. Food gift certs. are out because I know she has a bunch she hasnt used.
Do you think a gift certificate to the mall where she could use it in any store would be too impersonal?DH says yes.
I was also thinking of one of those wine of the month clubs but I dont know!She likes antiques but, please, I cant afford that!
Any ideas?
How about a small piece of jewelry like a gold necklace or bracelet.

On my 40th, most of my friends did their shopping at Spencers (gag gifts). Then one of them at work posted my picture in all the elevators, throughout the office and in the parking garage (lordy, lordy look who's 40!)! I got to my car at the end of the day, thanking that it was over and my entire car had the pictures taped all over the windows (should have parked on another floor rather than my usual spot)! People I didn't know were passing me and wishing me happy birthday! :rolleyes: The worst part is I'm the youngest of the group so I can't get them back until they hit 50!
If you're really good friends, how about a girl's night out?

Does she have animals? Maybe a framed photo of her and her pet/boyfriend/you and her having fun?

If it's something you obviously put thought into it won't matter if it's not expensive.

What are her interests?
Why can't you get her a spa gift? Usually when someone gets you something for a gift, it's a not too subtle indication that they wouldn't mind getting the same thing. It's called "mirroring". A spa gift when you turn 40 sounds FANTASTIC to me!
I agree with NHRenee on a Girl's Night Out. I find that the older I get, the more value I put on spending quality time with friends and family over material things. Since it's a "milestone" birthday, perhaps you can plan to take her to dinner to a nice restaurant, followed by a play or a comedy show or something like that.

If it's a close friend, a mall gift certificate would be a bit impersonal. If you do choose to give her a mall gift certificate, you should try to give her a small but meaningful token gift to go along with it.

A sympathy card??? Just Kidding!!! I turned 40 in October, I couldn't pass that up! :p

I see nothing wrong with a Mall certificate. I find it harder to shop in just one place so, the whole Mall is better for me! ;)
How about if the two of you go away for the night? My best friend and I did a trip to Reading and Amish country to go shopping, then on her 40th I flew to Florida and we went to Sanibel. We've been friends since 8th grade and talk on email every day. I gave her a two sided picture frame with a picture of us when we were in 8th grade and then one of us all dressed up at our class reunion. How about taking her out to dinner -- my local friends did that and I loved it.

I always put balloons on my friends mailboxes for the big milestone birthdays, so on my 40th I looked out the window in the am and saw one little balloon, I removed it, a few hours later there were about 6 balloons, removed them and then around dinner time there was a MASSIVE bouquet of these GIGANTIC 40th balloons. Funny thing was it wasn't planned that way, just different people kept stopping by during the day. It was pretty funny.
I have a close group of 7 or 8 girlfriends and when one of us turned 40 (the 1st one to hit 40 while we knew her, one girl was 40 when we met) we had a surprise pajama party for her at a hotel. She was shocked to find us in the hotel lobby in our pj's and tiaras:D Each of us got a tiara but decorated the ones who were over 40 with feathers and other gaudy things to start a tradition of the younger girls decorating the 40th birthday girl's tiara. We also got a gaudy septer for the birthday girl to hang onto until it's time to pass it on to the next one hittin the
big 4- 0:p We drank margaritas, laughed, talked & watched movies all night!!
How about THAT picture of George Clooney AND a Nimbus 2000?

(I am so there!)
I forgot about a balloon bouquet! I've sent to several people (including my nana) who were far away. They thought it was very funny!
Originally posted by FergieTCat
How about THAT picture of George Clooney AND a Nimbus 2000?

(I am so there!)

My favorite gift was a plaque that said "I'd rather be 40 than pregnant". Of course we all joked about me getting pregnant so I could be both etc. etc. I'd send it to you but it's going back to the giver next year.:p


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