What attractions/restaurants will give you a AAA discount?


May 27, 2001
Just wondering if there are any attraction tickets/ restaurants, etc
that will give you a AAA discount?????

Our accomodations are confirmed, now I am working on Airfare, Tickets
and rental car???

Please advise!

P.S. I know I can get discounts for carrental, I may use the Fly/drive package
with USAIR.
From my experience, the only place that offers AAA discounts on some food and souvenirs is at Universal and IOA. I didn't find anywhere in WDW that had discounts.
AAA offers 5% discount on park tickets bought from your local office. There is also a 20% AAA discount for the HDDR. This adds up to a pretty good savings.Also make sure you got any AAA discount on your accomadations.I got 20% off the all stars movies even after I had made our reservations.

Jordan's Mom


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