What acts of kindness have you heard of lately?

I just heard on news a gentlemans wife unknowingly donated a shirt which had $8k in the pocket ... he had been saving up over years....
anyhoo. Goodwill found shirt after being alerted... all money returned!
Def pixie dust there!
Good people DO exist amongst us!​
I had it done to me the other day twice: My phone died and I was dreading getting another one from a financial standpoint. My car was recently totaled and I have to get another one,ugh.

My dd's friend gave me a phone that hadn't been activated yet, so I just had to pay which pre pay plan I wanted.

I buy the card and stop by Chic Fil A since it was right there and I received a free meal. Apparently it was Random Acts of Kindness day.

It is honestly the little things that can brighten up a day.
One of DW's coworkers had a buy one, get one coupon for a breakfast sandwich & gave the extra to DW. She was having a rough morning & it turned the whole day around for her :)
My neighbor's teenage son organized a little street "race" for the little tricycle/training wheel kids in our neighborhood. He got a couple of his buddies to help. Sweetest thing ever. He doesn't even have a sibling in that age group.
A 12yr old girl with a heart condition was given a trip to NYC and she donated it to her 8yr old friend that has the same condition. Upon hearing that the company that gave her the trip gave her another one since she was so selfless.
I am friends with a member of the little boy's family and I think it is amazing! These two children deserve these trips more than anyone can imagine. Yay Piper and Grant....have an absolute amazing time! Warms my heart totally!
I know this sounds so simple but I have been the recipient of a "pay it forward" scenario at a local coffee shop which is very popular in our area "Tim Horton's." I have several times pulled up to the drive thru window to be told the car in front of me paid for my morning coffee! What a great way to start a day!!!! I "always" pay it forward and pay the bill for the person behind me. It is such a good feeling and I always hope that person pays it forward at some point.


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