West Coasters Trip, Day One.



Cast: ME age 27, Kristen Age 3, My grandma age 71, My uncle age 47.

We awoke at 4:30 am and drove over to WDW from Tampa. We flew over to my grandmothers a few days earlier so we would not be jetlagged. We got to ASMo at 7AM and checked in. We were in the Buzz building room 0925. We hoppe on a bus to go for our breakfast at Cindy's. The food was excellent. We saw the Fairy Godmother in the lobby, cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Jasmine and Alladin. Outside we ran into many characters including Captain Hook, Mad Hatter, Baloo and my daughters favourite Cruella deVille. She sang Cruellas theme song to her and Cruella made a big deal about it. We then went over to EPCOT. We went into ice station cool and I tricked everybody into trying Beverly. We then saw the character bus and many more characters. My uncle decided Kristen was bored so we went back to the Magic Kingdom. We went to Pecos Bills for lunch and by this time the park was packed. My uncle and grandma went back to the hotel and Kristen and I stayed behind to go on rides. This was Monday so the lines were very long. We stayed for the fireworks and then caught one of many busses headed back to our hotel. We hit the sheets and were asleep immediately.
A fun but long first day - I love to try to trick people with the Beverly too - it is fun he he he - Thanks for posting!
Sounds like you had a great first day! Thanks for the report.


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