Were you induced?

With our 3rd son we tried to induce twice. He wasn't going anywhere. The third time we go in the hospital and I made a comment that this kid was moving so much last night that I thought he invited friends over and threw a party. Turned out he had turned and instead of being down and ready to go he was up as high as he could go. We had a c section.
Wishing you all the best. The only thing that really matters is taking a baby home not how they arrive.
I have 3 kids and was induced with my first 2 and I must say my inductions we shorter and much easier then my labour that started on its own!!

1st- 7 hours labour before she was born (via forceps after 2 hours of pushing)
2nd- 8 hours of labour and quick delivery once pushing
3rd- 20 hours of labour!!! More pain throughout and more pain with pushing
I will share one of the stories of induction not working well. I was scheduled for an induction 3 days after my due date. I had extreme nausea my entire pregnancy and retained tons of water, and I was ready to get baby out! Baby was not ready. I was not dilated at all when I went in. The had me go in the night before to soften the cervix and started the pitocin 12 hrs later at 7am. Mid afternoon (no idea what time as they knocked me out a couple of times) they broke my water. At 5pm they decided that baby was not going to be able to come out on his own (I think he was shoulder first) and I had an emergency c section. I think if I had been more patient there's a good chance I wouldn't have needed a c section if I hadn't been induced. If you don't want it, don't let them push you into it!
Nope. I had two normal low risk pregnancies and no medical reason to induce. Why does your dr want to induce you? You have every right to refuse it. Babies come when they are ready and ultrasound technology is often frequently way off with regard to baby weights. Induction tends to lead to a higher rate of interventions - epidurals, constant external or internal fetal monitoring, artificial rupture of membranes (which puts the birth on a clock and raises the risk of infection) and c-sections.


Also new research shows that babies born via c-section before 39 weeks are at risk for lung problems.

With Dd was induced due to toxemia, no thinning of the cervix, and she had not dropped. Cytotec was inserted to thin cervix around 8:30 AM. Water broke on its own a couple of hours later. Contractions didn't get bad until around 3:30PM, was given epidural at that time. After epidural we decelled (sp?) and epidural did not work. After being monitored for awhile do to the decel, and due to the lack of progression, had an emergency c-section at 9:07 PM.

The worse part was the abnormal contractions that occurred. Before one contraction was over another one would start.

For ds who was my second child, I had to have a c-section due to complications I had with dd.
I was induced and made it to 8.5cm but we found that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her shoulders and that's why she wasn't coming down. So the induction had nothing to do with my csection. I know many women who had great labor and deliveries when they were induced.
Every person I know who has been induced ended up with a c-section.

With my DS, they stripped my membranes and broke my water. It was the worst labor ever. He was in distress so they started pitocin and prepped me for a c-section. At 8cm he was in such distress & I wasn't yet to the operating room that the doctor just (and this is HORRIBLE) cut to 10cm and reached in and pulled him out. Seriously. I had weeks of recovery.

My DD, no striping of membranes, my water broke on it's own, no pitocin, no epidural. Painful (obviously) but easy labor. I was up and ready to go w/in 30 minutes.

Not that I'm having more kids but unless it was medically necessary (pre-eclampsia, fetal distress) I would decline an induction.
I was induced with DD because of pre-eclampsia. It took about 12 hours, and I nearly needed a c-section because DD got stuck. I had an epidural, which wore off at the end, but it allowed me to sleep as I dilated.

I would have rather gone into labor naturally BUT I also realize that there are good reasons for induction. Being well overdue is one good reason.
Instead of listening to the DISboards, I would find out why my doctor felt it was a good idea to induce. He might have a good reason.

I was induced after my water broke but contractions failed to start. Even with two bags of pitocin, my labor didn't kick in until I had an epidural about 15 hours later.

DS was born after about 2 hours of pushing.
I was induced 2 days after my due date with my son. I arrived at the hospital, pitocin was started around 8am, I believe.

My only problem was I asked for an epidural right away and they told me to wait until it got uncomfortable. Well Pitocin often makes you go from fine to way past uncomfortable from one minute to the next. The anesthesiologist was in with a C section when I got to that point. So I was in a LOT of pain for an hour until he came in to me. After that I was fine-so get the epidural right away or be prepared for the possibility of painful contractions- way more than regular ones.

Anyway, started pushing at 11:35am, my 9 lb 5 oz son was born at 11:54am.
Easy peasy, felt great after, was showered and dressed and visiting with family by mid afternoon.
I was induced with all three. First after in early labor at home night before, saw dr, he gave me option of waiting it out or being induced. Got to hospital at a 3, got pitocin, dr broke water, was pushing two hours later.

Second, was induced on due date with a lot of complaining on my part, it was a billion degrees and I couldn't handle it. Pitocin started at 8 NO labor signs of my own, water broke around noon, daughter born at 2:15.

Third was induced 11days after due date. Again no labor on my own pitocin at 6:00 pm, baby born at 11:45 -fifteen minutes before I made her stay in another whole day, she wasn't coming on April fools day 12 days late!

OP, it will be fine. You need to do what you are comfortable with and hopefully you've got a good relationship with doctor and can figure it all out for you! I really think mind set is the biggest part.
My daughter was late. When I went in for my 7 day post due date check up and there was still no sign of her being ready (and her being somewhere in the neighborhood of 9lbs) the Dr gave me the option of waiting another week or being induced.
I chose to be induced, went to the hospital at 6:00 the next morning they started the Pitocin IV at 7:00. That didn't really do anything for me either.

They broke my water and contractions started but I was very lucky in that my contractions didn't get really bad until it was time to push. My IV was started at 7:00 and I started pushing at 2:00. My daughter (9lbs. 5oz) was born at 2:19.

She is our only child so the one thing I missed was that feeling of "OMG it's time to go"
I was induced with both of my children. One was 8 days late and the other was 7 days late. For DS9 we arrived at the hospital around 7 am. Went through the induction, epidural and he finally arrived at 10:46 pm. For DD4 we arrived closer to 11 am same procedures as before and she debuted at 10:50 pm.

Neither delivery did we have any issues and honestly if pregnancy was just about delivery I could do that all day long. Being a super type A planning personality I loved the fact that both kids stuck to a planned schedule. Too bad that only lasted through delivery. :rolleyes1 I did not like not having anything to eat or drink after midnight and then the entire next day until delivery occurred besides ice chips. Especially while my family decided to go out for lunch and dinner and then return to the delivery room smelling like a diner.

Not sure how much more advanced the weight guesstimate is nowadays but I thought before it could be off by atleast a pound?

Good luck! Either way everything will be fine. Enjoy your new bundle and remember to enjoy every moment because time will never go faster than when you have a little one. :cloud9:
My BFF was induced, twice. The second time, she was three weeks past her due date, still no active labor, but her water broke. The baby never dropped, and she dilated very little. She ended up have a c-section. Her milk never developed either.
Instead of listening to the DISboards, I would find out why my doctor felt it was a good idea to induce. He might have a good reason.

I was induced after my water broke but contractions failed to start. Even with two bags of pitocin, my labor didn't kick in until I had an epidural about 15 hours later.

DS was born after about 2 hours of pushing.

That was rude and uncalled for. I have already discussed the reasons with my MD. I did not come here to discuss that. That part is nonayabusiness!

I came here to hear from people who have been induced and their personal experiences and how it went/felt. Not to discuss my OB's reasons for it.

I am very grateful for those of you that have been willing to share. Hearing from people who have been there is really helpful. I need to hear real experiences, it helps. I like to weigh all factors. I am a research kind of person. I am also very type A.
I was induced with one of mine. I am not going to lie to you, it was the most painful contraction wise! But it was also the quickest. My baby was a week overdue, so they had me come in the night before. They used a gel to thin my cervix. They did not let me get out of bed all night and gave me a sleeping pill which I had not ever taken before. In the morning the broke my water and started the pitocin. It went very quickly! They started it at 7, I still had a sleeping pill hangover. The baby arrived at 1042am. I was thankful it went quick because there was no relief between contractions and although I asked for the epidural, they took too long to come to give it to me.
That was rude and uncalled for. I have already discussed the reasons with my MD. I did not come here to discuss that. That part is nonayabusiness!

I came here to hear from people who have been induced and their personal experiences and how it went/felt. Not to discuss my OB's reasons for it.

I am very grateful for those of you that have been willing to share. Hearing from people who have been there is really helpful. I need to hear real experiences, it helps. I like to weigh all factors. I am a research kind of person. I am also very type A.
Ummmm ... wait a minute. YOU asked for personal stories from people and they shared not only what happened when they were induced but also why they were induced. But YOUR reasons for inducung labor are private, double-secret with just you and your OB and "nonayabusiness" for the rest of us. Nice.

If your doctor has a good medical reason for inducing labor then you have it done :confused3. It really doesn't matter what everyone else's experiences are. Everyone's labor is different.
I was induced with both babies--one the due date was off, one was no longer growing in utero. Contractions are rough with pitocin--strong and powerful. I got an epidural at 4-5 cm with both (wasn't dilated at all before going to the hospital) and was dilated to 10 in under 2 hours after the epidural. I pushed for less than 5 minutes with both. Start to finish was about 7 hours.

Btw--high tech ultrasounds are pretty good now. DS was measured a few days before I was induced. His birth weight was within a couple of ounces.

Ummmm ... wait a minute. YOU asked for personal stories from people and they shared not only what happened when they were induced but also why they were induced. But YOUR reasons for inducung labor are private, double-secret with just you and your OB and "nonayabusiness" for the rest of us. Nice.

If your doctor has a good medical reason for inducing labor then you have it done :confused3. It really doesn't matter what everyone else's experiences are. Everyone's labor is different.

But you didn't have to respond if you didn't want to give out any private medical info. I don't understand this complaint.
This is a pretty hot button issue for me. Let me just say that I am very much opposed to elective inductions. Being past 40 weeks is not a valid reason itself to induce. Both of my babies came on their own time, one at 40 weeks 4 days, the other at 41 weeks 6 days.


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