We're going to Disney...


DIS Veteran
Sep 25, 1999
but we are leaving DS (7) home. DH and I have been planning to take trip by ourselves for a while and we were able to get cheap airfare ($138 each, as opposed to the $200 we usually pay) and AP rates at the WL ($127/night for a standard room). We had been thinking about Las Vegas, but with this deal we decided we'd rather do WDW.

The only problem is that DS is not happy. We have taken him in Sept/Oct for the last 4 years and we'll go next year. I just can't take him out of school twice in one year, plus DH and I really want to go by ourselves. I've already promised DS that we won't go on Star Tours without him LOL. He's excited about staying here with Grandma and Grandpa, but he would much rather we were going somewhere "boring" - like Vegas.

Anyway, it doesn't seem right to be doing my "I'm going to Disney" dance around the house and rubbing it in DS's face but I'm still really excited so I had to tell someone!

Now I just have to think of something really good to bring back for DS!
Well, unfortunately my only advice is to not tell him "where" you are going. But you've already done that. I would have just told him that Daddy and Mommy were going away for a few days. But mine are 2 and 5. At 7 I might not get away with that. Just try and not feel guilty and have a good time. I wish I could only practice what I preach. We only go out for dinner by ourselves on our birthdays. I should take a lesson from you! Have a great trip!

I am so jealous. I would love to get out of town with my husband for a few days. It would probably be really weird going to WDW without the kids and I would probably say "I wish the kids were here to see 'this or that'. But I would definitely like it give it a try.
I'm gonna try to get a babysitter next time we go and see how I feel then.:rolleyes:
My dh and I are going (sans our 3 kids) in October for our 15th anniversary (and the Wine and Food Fest ;) ) Our kids have known this for almost 2 years. They aren't happy about it, but they "understand" They, too, will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa for the week. We are driving and staying at AKL with our AP's as well.

I don't feel guilty at all about doing the "Disney Dance" I've been doing it for 3 years LOL!! Of course we are going soon as it is and we will be back in November for 3 days and then again next January for a few days. So even though my kids are missing out on one trip, they aren't missing out on Disney all together. You've promised that you won't go on Star Tours without him. Fine. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun.

Have a great time and don't have guilt about doing something FOR YOU AND DH!!!!

3 years ago when my kids were 10 DS, 7 DD, and 4 DD, DH and I took a long weekend anniversary celebration to WDW. We take the kids there at least once a year, plus another small vacation after school lets out in summer. We told our kids we were going to WDW and they pouted until I told them where they were staying. They love staying with my sister so much that my DS said, "you and Dad could stay an extra day if you want." What a surprise and after talking to my sister we left on Thursday instead of Friday.

I suggest maybe buying him a new Disney movie that he hasn't seen and letting Grandma have it for them to watch one night with popcorn etc. Also when I packed my kids clothes I hid a couple of little notes to them that said "I love you," just to let them know we were thinking of them. Also once he is with his Grandparents they will know what to do to help him have fun too.

Just a couple of ideas for you. They worked for us. Have fun! He will too!


oops! I forgot to log out DH he's markb


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