Well I said to myself... Self you


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
need to focus on just what you said you were going to collect... So I wset out to do just that. I have said that my main focus will be Christmas and Convention... Well here is a preview of the new walls...

here is what I had...

What I started with....

Here is what I have so far...


Amazing Nat!! Guess I better get to work...I am still in the middle of framing my 2000 pom set!

And I am not wondering about the Beauty and the Beast snowglobe in the middle of the bottom white shelf to the right of the Millenium Celebration banner....hardly even noticed it...:D

I have that snowglobe too. I guess I will have to bring it to our next lunch. Christopher bought it for me last Christmas. Peggie
Leslie... I knew you would see that one...
Wow Nat,

The place looks wonderful, but what did you do with all your pins and framed sets and where is the monorail.

It looks great.

Well the monorail is in the book case with an epcot globe... As for the rest of the pins. I will be keeping some but for the most part of them they will be sold off. Some here nad some on auction... SO keep an eye out on the trade board...
what a clean room .... :) ..! My room never looks that clean more than a couple days...
What I can't understand is how do you keep youw snowglobes so clean. Mine are constantly covered in dust.
Of course having 4 cats, 2 dogs and living in an old house with radiator heat doesn't help.
Every time I dust them I manage to break something. Peggie
The painted walls really showcase your collection! :) I've been wondering the same thing about the snowglobes and dust. It's one of the reasons I don't want to collect them anymore.
To be honest... I move them a lot so I am always cleaning them. Plus I like to look at the Bell Jars and when I do I clean those off as well.
Peggie I use a very soft bristled paintbrush, alot like a make-up brush, to clean off my collectables. Just go slow as you can break something off with the handle if you aren't careful. And yes this is from experience. :eek: :eek: :eek:
I don't understand what you just said to me. Clean them with a paintbrush? I don't understand how that would clean them, they would be covered with paint.
Remember, purchased blonde is worse than the real thing, all those chemicals go right to your brain.
so..... your just going to have to come over and show me. And I am a very slow learner so bring lots of brushes, I have over 60 snowglobes. Peggie


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