**Wed Night Chat!! Planning Your Disney Fantasy Trip...Money is no object!!**


~*Snoopy Fan Forever*~
May 15, 2000
<font color=green><font size=3>Money is no object in this fantasy game...Choose your favorite resort to stay at...Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge, Beach Club Concierge...Choose your favorite restaurant to dine in...Victoria and Albert's, Flying Fish, Teppanyaki...It is your choice in this fun filled chat all about</font></font> <font color=purple><font size=4>Planning Your Disney Fantasy Trip!!</font></font>

<font color=red><font size=3>Join Hosts Beaniejumper, Dee and Mackey Mouse in the Main Lobby of Chat beginning at 9:00 pm for an evening of fun!</font></font>

<font color=orange><font size=3><font face=comic sans ms>If you're new to DIS Chat there are some helpful instructions about downloading ichat on the log in page of chat so click here to enter:CHAT ROOMhttp://*index</font></font></font>

<font color=purple><font face=comic sans ms><font size=3>You may also enter chat by going to the home page of the DIS and scrolling down to the Community/Misc category and selecting Chat Room</font></font></font>

<font color=navy blue><font face=comic sans ms><font size=3>You will need to create a user name which can be your board name, if it isn't already taken, or a different name, if it is taken. You will also choose a password. It is really fun and easy to chat, so join us this evening!</font></font></font>

<font color=purple><font size=3>Tricia</font></font>

<font color=red><font size=2>Co-Host Instructional Chat with Snuggles and Nativetxn</font></font>
<font color=green><font size=2>Co-Host Wednesday Chat with Mackey Mouse and Dee</font></font>
<font color=navy blue><font size=2> Member of the 1st Annual DIS Convention Committee</font></font>


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