Weather in January


Earning My Ears
Apr 4, 2014
I know this may differ - personally I have had one day in high 70s, and next day in 40s while there

just taking a quick poll

what weather have you had while at Universal Orlando In January?

ever been lucky enough to be able to swim?
We had a great day at Volcano Bay on New Year's Day a few years ago. It was cool in the morning, the water was REFRESHING, but temp warmed up to low 70s, sunny and it was fine. The very low crowds in the morning made it worthwhile. We went again when it was a similar temperature but it was overcast and breezy and it wasn't near as pleasant. The coldest I've been at Uni was in early March.
You can have very nice days in January for swimming, ime.
It's always been cool to cold on our January trips. Not freezing, though, well except for one time. Usually, 3/4 to long sleeves + jacket or sweater to take off and on as needed. Most trips lows have been in the 40s and highs in the high 50's or 60s with the occasional high of low 70s. How cold it feels usually depends on clouds, wind, and rain. 56 and sunny is not bad. 56 and cloudy / rainy / windy is cold.

It's never been warm enough for me personally to swim, but I am from the south and use to the heat, so it's very much winter to me even if it is only 64 out. I need it to be up in the 80s for swimming. Their idea of heating a pool and mine are not the same. I would need the pools to be hot tub level to get in them if the air was cool. Still, I've seen lots of people from colder parts of the world swimming in high 60 to low 70 degree weather.
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We have been several times in January while “we” have never used the pools we usually see others.

We went this past January 21-28th and for the most part it was pleasant (low 70’s) there were a few chilly days (60’s for a daily high) but we saw people in the pools every day.
Only been in Jan once, 2 years ago. It was very pleasant 60s-70s. I didn’t swim. We’re going in Jan again this year. Fingers crossed for decent weather.
Like all weather in Florida it can differ drastically. One year it was really warm. One year it was freezing and they shut down the pool in Cabana Bay it was so cold. Down in the twenties. Pack good options and hope for the best

Going down to the twenties and below is rare, it does happen but it's rare. It can get quite chilly but not that cold
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Like all weather in Florida it can differ drastically. One year it was really warm. One year it was freezing and they shut down the pool in Cabana Bay it was so cold. Down in the twenties. Pack good options and hope for the best

Going down to the twenties and below is rare, it does happen but it's rare. It can get quite chilly but not that cold

Just an addition to my post. The year it turned that cold, there was a run on Harry Potter Scarves. They even ran out of the simpler ones. I already owned one and had brought it with me. I had so many stop me and ask me where I got it.
Only been in Jan once, 2 years ago. It was very pleasant 60s-70s. I didn’t swim. We’re going in Jan again this year. Fingers crossed for decent weather.
Any one at Disney World this week? How has the weather been? We'll be there next week and wondering what the forecast will be. Never know how to pack. Any recommendations?
I just got back from USO….weather was chilly to cold in the morning (needed long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt and light jacket), and warmed up around midday. Midday felt nice and pleasant, but still too cold for water rides or pool. Overall it was very nice and NOT scorching hot…and I found I actually like Florida in the winter :) Bring layers. I also brought some hand warmers which helped on the coldest day. I haven’t looked at forecast for next week. If it is raining be prepared to bundle up because I think it would feel very cold if you end up wet.
I just got back from USO….weather was chilly to cold in the morning (needed long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt and light jacket), and warmed up around midday. Midday felt nice and pleasant, but still too cold for water rides or pool. Overall it was very nice and NOT scorching hot…and I found I actually like Florida in the winter :) Bring layers. I also brought some hand warmers which helped on the coldest day. I haven’t looked at forecast for next week. If it is raining be prepared to bundle up because I think it would feel very cold if you end up wet.
Thanks for the update. Will be sure to bring extra layers. And a raincoat!
We were there in December. Not sure how much it changes in a month.
The first few days were warm- low 80s during day. At night low 60s.
Mid week it def got colder.. 60s during the day, high 40s and chilly at night.
End of week it was warm again and we did have a pool day.

I wound up bringing a few fleece lined thermal long sleeve shirts as an extra layer that really kept me warm on some of those chilly nights and were light to pack.
Went for about a week in January 2 years ago. A few day were really nice, with a jacket in the morning and evening, and getting warm enough to take it off during the day. But there were a couple rainy days that were pretty miserable. We bought hot chocolate just to hold on while walking around. Light rain jackets and pants were barely enough. Made trips inside frequently just to warm up for a few minutes during those days


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