We took the kids to WDW! - All done, Now Bonus features! Festival of Holidays 2/23

Love this booze filled update.[/QUOTE

I loved it too...to a degree...this 38 week pregnant broad kept saying "I want that drink" "oh that one looks good" "why am I googling these drinks?!"

So it was a slightly torturous update :charac2: :missingthebooze:

Hubby especially liked Fran's boat/vessel
When we entered MK, Fran wanted to take a trip through the Emporium, and we didn't buy anything! We stopped for a PP photo.
The castle is so huge compared to ours. I cannot remember, does it have anything you can do in it like the walk through in ours?
Then we got on the Peoplemover. I couldn't even remember the last time I was on this ride!
I miss that ride so much. It was so fun to cruise through all the areas of Tomorrowland and have the narrative of all the rides. I wish they'd bring it back to DL.
Bungalow check out day.

Wooo! Check out that Bungalow! Hot stuff!

Wow. I'm more tired than I thought.

Fran ate one of her cinnamon rolls in the middle of the night, and she had half of the other one for breakfast.

I absolutely must do this!
Last few.... no... every Disney trip, I've either skipped breakfast, or had the standard fare (rare for me... usually it's skip)
But this is such a great idea (and you're not the first I've heard this about.)

an hour earlier I had received the text that our room was ready!!!! At 10:20AM!


Love that little bed...

Looks like a nice place to sit and chill.

Fran called Jim and Alberto in case they wanted to use our room at all that day while they were waiting for theirs to be ready. They stopped by and got one of our extra MBs so they could get into the room if necessary.

That was a nice thought. I doubt it would've occurred to me.

In the end, Fran and I had decided to go to MK since I never got my ride on the Peoplemover or the Carousel of Progress, two things that I really wanted to do this trip.

Alison gets her way!

When we entered MK, Fran wanted to take a trip through the Emporium, and we didn't buy anything!


That cat staring at me is freaking me out.

I hear this is the obligatory shot.

::yes:: Good girl.

Now I’m going to give you a little fun fact here. Most of you probably know that the Carousel of Progress was created for the 1964 World’s Fair.


Now in researching this segment I found this interesting (the rest of you probably couldn't care less), but the attraction was moved with only minor changes, and one was removing all references to General Electric's "now passe" Gold Medallion Home. The reason I found this humorous is that the CoP opened in 1967, and the home (that I keep saying we need to get cleaned up and rented) as a Gold Medallion "all electric home" was built in 1969 by Fran's parents. So they built an apartment building that was already obsolete!

"Look honey! We did it! We finally finished building our dream home! Isn't it wonderful!?!?!?"

(Standing together, arms around each others' waists, admiring the fruits of their labour.)

"Okay! Now let's tear it down!"

But I digress, back to the Peoplemover, well a little more tangent. If you had seen the CoP at Disneyland, after the show, you would have boarded a speedramp that would take you to the second level of the building. On the upper level, a 4-minute post show, narrated by Mother and Father, with a few barks and growls from their dog, coincided with guests gazing at an enormous model of Progress City. Progress City was based on Walt Disney's original concept for the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) and the Walt Disney World property. And so to reel in this tangent, (finally she gets to her point, you say) when the CoP was relocated to WDW, part of the model was relocated to here on the Peoplemover ride and that's the picture you see below!

This is new to me. Interesting! Thanks for the tidbit of info!

So with all that History I just regurgitated for you from Wikipedia, can you guess what ride we went on next?


Buzz Lightyear!

Dang it!!!

No just kidding. Of course we went on the CoP!

Oh.... STOP THAT!!

They also had the Sherman Brothers write a new song, “The Best Time of Your Life” for the aging attraction. This was replaced with a modern version of “It’s a Great big Beautiful Tomorrow” in 1993 when the attraction had a major refurb.

::yes:: And since "Now is the time" (as we called it) was the first one we heard, I was totally disappointed when I finally rode it again and..... "What's this new song?????"

They have a grammaphone.


full size refrigerator (like some of our grandparents may have had in their homes, when some of us were kids :rolleyes1),


A slight refurbishment was made in January 2011, upgrading the outdated Sony CRT television to a larger Samsung flat panel display.

Huh. I don't know if I even noticed.

I would have loved to try Skipper Canteen, but I knew Fran was in the camp of wanting the menu to change, so I kept quiet on that one.

Nothing on it appeals? Or has there been a lot of negative reviews?

She suggested Liberty Tavern and I thought they served a "Buffet at your table" style meal, but it turns out that's only for dinner.

And it was an excellent dinner too, I might add.

We made our way to Liberty Square via a couple shops, and still no purchases!

:faint: :faint:

When we went to check in at the podium the couple in front of us were trying to do a "walk up" and the CM told them that they were only seating reservations. Score for us!

I secretly love it when that happens.
Maybe not even so secretly.
(Glances surreptitiously over shoulder to make sure disappointed people heard.)

We started with the Crab and Lobster Dip.

How was that? Looks interesting.

See @Captain_Oblivious! I didn’t skip the burger!

:laughing: Good! Sacrilege otherwise.

I had her talk to them as she is much better at telling people bad news, unfortunate details, or outright lies

:laughing: Does she know you think this of her?

We noticed that several parties had one drink and left. That's not surprising considering the high price tag on most of the drinks.

Huh, I guess that makes sense. I'm not much of a drinker myself, so one would be it for me probably, regardless of price.

Some ambience shots.

Nice looking place.

There was another one on the other side of the room which had the same images displayed when the correct drinks were ordered.


Fran wanted a Nautilus drink. If you're not aware of this drink, it runs close to $60 total, but you get to take home a Nautilus shaped drinking vessel!

<whimper> Want so bad. The glass... not the drink.
I miss 20,000 Leagues under the sea.

I got the Zombie head drink that I had the other night, it was really potent.

And for an almost non-drinker, that's im-potent to know.
(almost wrote "impotent".... and that just won't do.)

I don’t remember which drink triggered this goddess. When I was here with Michael the other night, he told me which attraction this was repurposed from, possibly the Tiki Room, Under New Management.

Cool. What does it do?

I decided to try the HippopotoMaiTai. It wasn't nearly as good as the Zombie drink.

Can't win 'em all.

In fact at DL, they absolutely will not sell the drink to one person. Fran tried on one of our visits, but I had a drink already so the bartender wouldn't make her one. At this Trader Sams? No problem!

So size doesn't matter?

By this point we were both feeling very "happy"


Here is our collection

Quite the collection!

Want that Nautilus mug.

And I have your address.......

How hard is it to get into your place?
I'm asking just out of curiosity. Not for any particular reason..........

On our way back to the room we stopped at the Pineapple Lanai for a Dole Whip and a Dole Whip float.


They were doing this fire ceremony as we were heading back to the room.

"My hands! It burns! It burns!!!!"

I remember telling her that I had “tee many Tiki rums”


pkondz, 2pm, Epcot, SE, Fig newton, Sunshine seasons, Ice cream at Beaches & Cream, 10pm, 0 points

Yes! Maximum suckage!

I console myself by seeing that pretty much everyone else sucks about as badly.

1. What time do we leave the room?


2. What do we do between check out and DME?

You eat something! God only knows what!!! Stop asking me!!!

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

Toast, cereal, bacon, V8!

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

Catch up on the DIS!

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

Airplane and World's Worst Aviation Disasters!

No.... I'm changing it to.... crap... uh.... Something Disney..... twice!!!

6. Who missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one.

Me! Oh, wait.... at your home.... uh.... Cat!
Ooh, we had the crab and lobster dip at LTT, too, and I never hear anyone else talk about it. It was yummy!

I had to remind myself, after reading about your closets, that since you live in CA, you probably don't have a basement. My closets are smaller, and less numerous, but the basement makes up for it.

Aaand...that was a lot of pity points!
You are correct that the Tiki Goddess is from Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management - I believe she activates to the Uh-Oa but I am not 100% on that.

We like Carousel of Progress - thanks for the history lesson - I knew it was at Disneyland but didn't know much about it's history of moving. My mom went to the 1964 World's Fair (she was 24 at the time), so she got to see that and It's a Small World there. To me that is one of the few attractions that should stay open forever as an artifact of the history of Disney - though I do think they need to update that last scene every 20 years or so.
Bungalow check out day.


Jim and Alberto had a Standard View Studio at Kidani. I was amazed that I found that only a week or so before we all left!

Wow, that is quite the feat!

When we entered MK, Fran wanted to take a trip through the Emporium, and we didn't buy anything!

:eek::faint: You have to make sure I'm sitting down before you spring something on me like that!

The reason I found this humorous is that the CoP opened in 1967, and the home (that I keep saying we need to get cleaned up and rented) as a Gold Medallion "all electric home" was built in 1969 by Fran's parents. So they built an apartment building that was already obsolete!

Oh, my.

Progress City was based on Walt Disney's original concept for the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) and the Walt Disney World property. And so to reel in this tangent, (finally she gets to her point, you say) when the CoP was relocated to WDW, part of the model was relocated to here on the Peoplemover ride and that's the picture you see below!

Now that part I did know!

Buzz Lightyear!

Hooray! :banana::woohoo::cool1:

No just kidding. Of course we went on the CoP!

Oh. Well, I guess that's there, too.

And indoor plumbing makes bathing often easier! :laughing:

Yes, very often!:rotfl:

When we went to check in at the podium the couple in front of us were trying to do a "walk up" and the CM told them that they were only seating reservations. Score for us!

Heh. Suckers.

See @Captain_Oblivious! I didn’t skip the burger!

Good for you! I'm very proud of you.

Fran wanted a Nautilus drink. If you're not aware of this drink, it runs close to $60 total, but you get to take home a Nautilus shaped drinking vessel!

That is pretty cool. Maybe not $60 cool, but it is cool.

We stopped in the Boutiki and she got a Trader Sams T-shirt, a limited edition DVC pin set and a couple Tiki style ceramic glasses.

Whew. Now you're back on your game.

On our way back to the room we stopped at the Pineapple Lanai for a Dole Whip and a Dole Whip float.

Sounds like a perfect dinner to me!

Bonus Points


Pity points 4 bonus points.

Captain_Oblivious – 4 points


1. What time do we leave the room?

10:04 a.m.

2. What do we do between check out and DME?

More zombie drinks!

Oh, wait--too early for that. Ride the monorail around and shop?

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

A cinnamon roll. A Dole Whip. Bacon. And french toast.

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

Wander the Harry Potter stuff at the Universal store.

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

Aladdin and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

6. Who missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one.

Uh...one of the cats.:rolleyes1
OK folks, before we go any further, normally I don't interject on the quiz, but I've received two answers now that I'm considering giving negative points for (@pkondz & @Captain_Oblivious) When I asked "6. Who missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one."

Was there ever any doubt that I was referring to one of our cats? :confused3

So since everyone does not know "the herd" let me introduce them. I will introduce them in order of appearance in our lives.

The "white things" are our little old ladies, Soprano has blue eyes.

Alto has yellow eyes.

The next three came from the Animal shelter. Some of you have met Milo before.

Bagel (whose given name was Basil, but he's too much of a goofball for that name).

The other "spice cat", Pepper. She is Bagel's sister and we think that the entire litter was given names of spices when fostered out from the SPCA.

Next batch to come to us was Samantha,

and Molly, not sisters, but their mother got them up in Tulare and when she died, we inherited them.

Next to arrive was Velcro, she was a tiny little spitfire that could fit in the palm of the hand. She is aptly named for the way she could climb our screens and stick to them.

And last to arrive were these three, all tiny and stuffed into a carrier fit for a Chihuahua, they were rescued via an ad on Craigslist. DC was the oldest of the lot.

Kliban (named for the artist who did cartoons of cats in the 70's).

And the baby of the family, Tesla. He is related in some manner to DC, you can see it in their eyes. He was too small to be her litter mate (when they both arrived), but it's doubtful that she was his mother. Anyways, this is all of them.

So please consider your answers for #6 carefully, now that you have this information.
Holy crap. That's a lot of felines.
All right. I'll pick Soprano, because it was a good show.
Thank Goodness for pity points! Wow, quite a few of us got none that round

Nice day at MK! I love the Peoplemover and the COP (I am one that really misses "Now is the Time", I remember when they made the change, I was so sad)

Nice Lunch at Liberty Tree, I would like to try to eat there someday for lunch but mainly to try that Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake, the Dinner menu does appeal to me more.

1. What time do we leave the room?-----9:30

2. What do we do between check out and DME?-------- shop

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
--------eggs, bacon, cinnamon roll, english muffin

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?-----update your TRs and general DISing

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they? ---------- Zootopia, The Jungle Book

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.
Andy, Have I taken the opportunity to say how glad I am that you are back on the boards and responding to Trip Reports? I know life has been difficult and you still have a long ways to go, but it's so refreshing to have you giving your commentary again! :rotfl:

This. :goodvibes:goodvibes

Great captures!
Setting? High ISO + wide open with a fast lens I presume.

Yes, do tell! Pretty please! Settings...?

when the CoP was relocated to WDW, part of the model was relocated to here on the Peoplemover ride and that's the picture you see below!

I didn't know that! I always wondered where it'd come from. Thanks!

This was replaced with a modern version of “It’s a Great big Beautiful Tomorrow” in 1993 when the attraction had a major refurb.

It's a better song. And more catchy...

Sing it with me!

... so thanks for this. :rolleyes:

All together now!

... and this. :rolleyes: LOL! all day long now.


If I'd known about this souvie mug, I might have planned my 'P' drink here.

I had her talk to them as she is much better at telling people bad news, unfortunate details, or outright lies.


By this point we were both feeling very "happy" and decided to call it a night.

No doubt!! Holy cow!

I hope you realize how jelly I am over this particular collection.

1. What time do we leave the room?


2. What do we do between check out and DME?


3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

Toast, cereal, juice, coffee

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?


5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

Something Disney, and ??

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.


And for an almost non-drinker, that's im-potent to know.
(almost wrote "impotent".... and that just won't do.)

Wow you changed rooms again? I understand about the flight. Some days are much cheaper than others! And staying at the Poly looks like so much fun! Maybe someday I will get to stay there.

Love your cats! They are all so beautiful and healthy looking! I assume they all get along? My cat wouldn't tolerate another cat in his house.

Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?

2. What do we do between check out and DME?

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.

1. 6:30 am
2. Kona Cafe
3. Tonga toast, bacon, V-8 and eggs
4. Got a massage
5. Mary Poppins and The Good Dinosaur
6. Tesla
I had received the text that our room was ready!!!! At 10:20AM!

Wow, that was nice and early. I absolutely love the look of the studios at the Polynesian

Then we got on the Peoplemover.

I love this ride and have not done this in far too long. I think this has to go on the list for November.

I would have loved to try Skipper Canteen

I have a reservation there for November. I can't wait.

On our phones we were able to get a reservation at 2:20 and it was 1:45, so perfect!


When we went to check in at the podium the couple in front of us were trying to do a "walk up" and the CM told them that they were only seating reservations. Score for us!

That makes this even sweeter.

1. What time do we leave the room?


2. What do we do between check out and DME?

Shopping and lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe.

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property?

Caramelized Onion Soup Au Gratin; Strawberry Salad; Grand Floridian Burger; Chocolate Fondue

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

Shopping and catching up online.

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

The Good Dinosaur and The Revenant

6. Which cat missed me the most at home?

Yay for pity points!

Since so many went down the wrong path, I had to offer something.

I loved it too...to a degree...this 38 week pregnant broad kept saying "I want that drink" "oh that one looks good" "why am I googling these drinks?!"

So it was a slightly torturous update :charac2: :missingthebooze:

Hubby especially liked Fran's boat/vessel

Sorry to be so torturous! Only a few more months left, I'm sure you will be happy to have him/her out of your gut and in your arms! Do you know what you're having?

The castle is so huge compared to ours. I cannot remember, does it have anything you can do in it like the walk through in ours?

There is a restaurant on the second floor. Cinderella's Royal Table.

I miss that ride so much. It was so fun to cruise through all the areas of Tomorrowland and have the narrative of all the rides. I wish they'd bring it back to DL.

At one of the D23 events it was mentioned that it would never return to Disneyland because OSHA laws would require escape ladders ever 20 ft or 20 yards. Something like that. It just wasn't practical.

Wooo! Check out that Bungalow! Hot stuff!

Wow. I'm more tired than I thought.

Get some sleep!

I absolutely must do this!
Last few.... no... every Disney trip, I've either skipped breakfast, or had the standard fare (rare for me... usually it's skip)
But this is such a great idea (and you're not the first I've heard this about.)

Actually I got this idea from Andy, @afwdwfan I knew Fran would love it. I told her to go buy a Cinnamon roll and she was the one who came back with two! :lmao:


Love that little bed...

No, you can't sleep in it in our room!

Looks like a nice place to sit and chill.

I wish I would have had the time. We were also really close to the BBQ grills. We declined using them from the Bungalow as the walk was sort of long and it didn't seem practical. If we were in the studio, it would have been great.

That was a nice thought. I doubt it would've occurred to me.

She is very thoughtful.

Alison gets her way!

Usually I do. Unless she really has a desire to do something else.

Don't worry, we make up for it later, but not at WDW.

That cat staring at me is freaking me out.


::yes:: Good girl.


"Look honey! We did it! We finally finished building our dream home! Isn't it wonderful!?!?!?"

(Standing together, arms around each others' waists, admiring the fruits of their labour.)

"Okay! Now let's tear it down!"

Oh, C'mon, there are plenty of obsolete buildings in Long Beach.

This is new to me. Interesting! Thanks for the tidbit of info!

Well I'm glad that someone appreciates my research.


Dang it!!!

Oh.... STOP THAT!!


::yes:: And since "Now is the time" (as we called it) was the first one we heard, I was totally disappointed when I finally rode it again and..... "What's this new song?????"

I only rode it at WDW after 1993 (first trip) so I never knew the other.

Huh. I don't know if I even noticed.

Wikipedia is my friend too.

Nothing on it appeals? Or has there been a lot of negative reviews?

Fran heard that they served shrimp with the heads on, and once she heard that, she poo poo'd it. I thought the Pho sounded good as well as the steak and a few other things. I love Asian Fusion cuisine.

And it was an excellent dinner too, I might add.

Good to know.

As I said before, we made up for it this weekend.

I secretly love it when that happens.
Maybe not even so secretly.
(Glances surreptitiously over shoulder to make sure disappointed people heard.)

Yes, I know you like to gloat.

How was that? Looks interesting.

It was really good. The bread was a little strange, it was covered with a sort of sweet and sticky coating.

:laughing: Good! Sacrilege otherwise.


:laughing: Does she know you think this of her?

Totally! We play this game all the time. When tenants need repairs or such, I talk to them and take care of it. When they haven't paid their rent, she talks to them.

Huh, I guess that makes sense. I'm not much of a drinker myself, so one would be it for me probably, regardless of price.

They do have non-alcoholic drinks as well if you just want to experience the ambience.

Nice looking place.


It was definitely fun to sit in there watching the antics happen.

<whimper> Want so bad. The glass... not the drink.
I miss 20,000 Leagues under the sea.

Well we already have one request for the drink on our October trip....

And for an almost non-drinker, that's im-potent to know.
(almost wrote "impotent".... and that just won't do.)


Cool. What does it do?

I don't remember. I better go back on our next trip.

Can't win 'em all.

I'll stick with the Zombie drink.

So size doesn't matter?

I know that there is a joke in here, but I'm not following it....

Quite the collection!

Want that Nautilus mug.

And I have your address.......

How hard is it to get into your place?
I'm asking just out of curiosity. Not for any particular reason..........

You know getting here would cost you more than just paying someone to drink it for you and mail it. Fran is already got one under her belt, too bad you don't know someone else who is going and can drink like a fish... :rolleyes1

Dole Whips soak up alcohol.

"My hands! It burns! It burns!!!!"


Yes! Maximum suckage!

I console myself by seeing that pretty much everyone else sucks about as badly.

Yeah, this was a hard round, but I tried to foreshadow it with saying a few updates back that we throw it all out the window towards the end of the trip.


You eat something! God only knows what!!! Stop asking me!!!

Toast, cereal, bacon, V8!

Catch up on the DIS!

Airplane and World's Worst Aviation Disasters!

No.... I'm changing it to.... crap... uh.... Something Disney..... twice!!!

Me! Oh, wait.... at your home.... uh.... Cat!

Get some sleep!

I did!
And now I'm on the first midnight of three.... blech.

Actually I got this idea from Andy, @afwdwfan I knew Fran would love it.

That's where I saw it!!

I told her to go buy a Cinnamon roll and she was the one who came back with two! :lmao:


No, you can't sleep in it in our room!


I wish I would have had the time.

I hear that. My room is occupied for about 6 or 7 hours out of every 24.

Usually I do. Unless she really has a desire to do something else.

Oh, really? Huh. I was under the impression that it was the other way around.

Oh, C'mon, there are plenty of obsolete buildings in Long Beach.

I wouldn't know. But I'd like to, some day.

Well I'm glad that someone appreciates my research.


I only rode it at WDW after 1993 (first trip) so I never knew the other.

I took Kay and was like "See if you remember this song! It was so catchy!" and then.... it wasn't the right one!

Fran heard that they served shrimp with the heads on, and once she heard that, she poo poo'd it. I thought the Pho sounded good as well as the steak and a few other things. I love Asian Fusion cuisine.

I like shrimp deveined, head off as a minimum. I'll gladly peel the rest if I have to, but prefer it nekkid.

Yes, I know you like to gloat.


no seriously, I don't.


ha ha. no. really. I'm not like that.

YES I AM! I 100% AM!

nope. not me.


It was really good. The bread was a little strange, it was covered with a sort of sweet and sticky coating.

That sounds interesting. Can't recall that I've ever had something like that before.

Totally! We play this game all the time. When tenants need repairs or such, I talk to them and take care of it. When they haven't paid their rent, she talks to them.

You guys make a good team, sounds like.

They do have non-alcoholic drinks as well if you just want to experience the ambience.


Well we already have one request for the drink on our October trip....

See? It's a popular glass.

I don't remember. I better go back on our next trip.

Good idea.

I know that there is a joke in here, but I'm not following it....

Because it's too little? Check.

You know getting here would cost you more than just paying someone to drink it for you and mail it.

You're taking all the fun (and the illegality) out of it!

Fran is already got one under her belt, too bad you don't know someone else who is going and can drink like a fish... :rolleyes1

I would never ask because
1. you wouldn't let me pay for it and it's $$$
2. it would almost certainly get broken in shipping.
3. if I'm that crazy about it... I'll just go get one in a couple of weeks!

Dole Whips soak up alcohol.

They're like magic.
That cinnamon roll picture just made me drool on my keyboard. I want one right now!!!

Looks like a nice leisurely day. Thanks for the history report on CoP. I knew a lot of the information you shared but I picked up a few new tidbits.

Sorry lunch at LTT wasn't exactly what you expected. I really like their family style dinner and I don't recall having ever been there for lunch.

I'm jealous that you got to hang out at Trader Sam's twice. I think that was a good call to cancel your dinner reservation and enjoy some drinks and apps there.
Since so many went down the wrong path, I had to offer something.

Sorry to be so torturous! Only a few more months left, I'm sure you will be happy to have him/her out of your gut and in your arms! Do you know what you're having?

just another week or two hopefully- I think 38 weeks is considered term (I'm now 39 weeks) and they won't let you go past 41 weeks...I'm def ready for it to be out for sure! We don't know what we are having- not much longer to wait to find out now...
We are pondering a spring WDW trip while I'm still on maternity leave- from what I've read, might be a good age to take a baby
OK folks, before we go any further, normally I don't interject on the quiz, but I've received two answers now that I'm considering giving negative points for (@pkondz & @Captain_Oblivious) When I asked "6. Who missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one."

Was there ever any doubt that I was referring to one of our cats? :confused3

Negative points? Yikes. I can't have that!

I went with the cop-out guess because I couldn't remember all of the cats' names. I'll go with Pepper.

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