We Smelled It ... It Had To Be Eaten! Christmas Eve Food Porn posts #1170 & #1171!!

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Brenda, great review :thumbsup2 well worth waiting for :goodvibes The food all looked wonderful and the desserts :faint: oh my :cloud9:

I've never been to PFTS (or F&W for that matter) but my problem would be that for that price, I want to be waited on not schlepping my food around trying to find a place to sit :sad2:

Ok, here is what we had at the Charleston grill; I think it was the atmosphere and having 6-7 waiters (yes, no female waitstaff here) more than the actual food choices.

Amuse bouche: this was the first time either of us had even been to a restaurant where one was offered. This was blue cheese, fennel, mystery round berry/sour thing and frissee of green salad stuff with a cracker and vinaigrette (I really did listen to the little guy, but I was actually busy smiling and nodding like I was looking forward to tasting this-not). We were not fans of the chef's offering this evening, but appreciated his efforts. I don't care for fennel or blue cheese, and now I don't care for round/berry sour things, either.

Appetizers: DH had Charleston Grill crab cake, creek shrimp, lime tomato vinaigrette that was to DIE for. We jousted over this.
I had truffled mushroom soup, which was wonderful. I don't usually care for mushrooms, but this was gooood stuff. The soup guy said as he poured the soup over the mushrooms at the table, "Everytime I pour this, it's like a little smell of heaven." This sent me into giggles as soon as he left the table.

Entrees: Dh had Prime Beef Tenderloin with baked potatoes. He declared it as better than ***. It was melt in your mouth good. I had the Sauteed Flounder with shrimp and tasso-okra corn cake. Oh, my, it was good. We shared a side of fried macaroni and cheese. Don't you just love southern food???

For dessert we shared vanilla creme brulee. We were both about to bust we were so full, but I love creme brulee and can't get it anywhere here. This was the only dish that was a little off. The sugar was a little too browned on top and the creme was a little thin, for lack of a better word. It tasted pretty good, though. I wouldn't have bothered with dessert if I had known that the pastry chef would be sending out....

a whole plate of little goodies!!!! There was a sponge cake with lemon curd and buttercream, a dark chocolate truffle, a pecan praline and two other things I can't remember because all the blood had drained from my brain to my stomach to try and digest all this food!

With this I had my now new favorite riesling--Leitz Rudesheimer Magdalenenkreuz. Sweet without being cloying and very smooth and gulpable!

So, there you have it; our first foray to a fancy restaurant!

A second (unrelated) review on the same day is like "a whole plate of little goodies" :woohoo: Thanks for the bonus :flower3:
And you alway make me laugh too B. But, I'm a sicko...anything that relates to a good all-american queef in the direction of a rude guest makes me giggle beyond one's imagination. Chuck just shakes his head and tells me that I'm one sick monkey. It's true, I am.:rotfl2:

Loved the update. I'd skip right to the desserts but then I'd miss something hilarious in between. Thanks for the laughs kiddo. :)

Hiya Nancy! I'm glad I could come through with some laughs for you my friend! Thanks for reading and you can fart all you want around here ... it's natural. :laughing:

Great update on PFTS Brenda! This was our first and probably last year doing PFTS. While we thoroughly enjoyed the evening, I can spend my $$$ better someplace else......V&A perhaps......:thumbsup2

Hi Kathy - thanks for reading! We did have a good time at PFTS but we also think the money is probably better spent somewhere else, too. I'm glad to hear that you guys enjoyed your first PFTS, though. :goodvibes

Thanks for the pictures of PFTS. YUM Your review was perfect they needed more seafood! It all looked good but one can only eat so much meat bring on some seafood. The deserts looked delish:cool1: . We went last year and loved it they had this great washbi crusted tuna that was to die for. I really want to try the cranberry kiss. Maybe tonight we are going to decorate the Christmas tree that sounds like a good drink for that. Can't wait to hear and see more:goodvibes

Thanks for reading - glad you enjoyed the review! Yep, definitely needed more seafood! Where were the scallops? The crab? The lobster? :confused3

I hope you like the cranberry kiss - I thought it was terrific! Can't wait to make it again for Christmas ... and maybe this time we'll share it instead of drinking it all ourselves in the course of one afternoon. :laughing:

The PFTS looks fun, but I admit the price tag has been enough to deter us year after year. I think I could justify it with the amount of cheese and dessert they had to offer, yum! But being vegetarian, well......there's not much else for me there.

Except, of course, the booze. :thumbsup2

Great installment! And would you believe we STILL have another layer of chocolate mice? What the heck is wrong with us? I might have to remedy that this morning.....

Hi Erica! I hear you on the PFTS price tag, especially since you're vegetarian ... they don't usually have a lot of options to choose from if you don't eat meat or fish. But the booze selection does make up for it ... a bit. ;)

You still have mices? Go forth and eat, and perhaps wash that yummy chocolate down with a nice cold glass of milk. :goodvibes

Hey Brenda!

That is a great picture of ALL of us! Despite my new bangs that the hair cutter thought I should have! Can you say "hello .. I am going to Florida and I don't need that amount of forehead exposed to the sun!". I felt like I should be on the Good Ship Lollypop!:rotfl2:

We had fun at PFTS but I agree with the amount of Ostrich served. It was like they had a sale at Big Game super center.:confused3 I think they should talk and find out ahead of time so maybe you get a better variety. Both weekends for us the ran out of any traces of Sparkling Wine an hour before closing and again agreeing that they should be required to pour till then end at these prices.

We will still be up in the air about another PFTS until we see the events for next year but hope they get control of the crowds a bit. We loved meeting you and Jay and yes, we would love to do a proper dinner/drinks when we meet again and not just the PFTS drive by!:yay:

Hi Chelsi! I thought it was a good picture, too, especially of you and your hubby. I thought you looked terrific!

I was really surprised by the repeats at our PFTS ... and I agree with you completely - they should work a little harder to ensure more variety each week so there's not so much overlap. And don't get me started on the wine issue again. ;)

Hope we get the chance to meet up next October! :hug:

I've been well. Just got back from WDW for my first Christmas visit and got engaged! :lovestruc Yes all very exciting! Plus we drove from MA to FL, that was an adventure in itself! :rotfl:

Congratulations!!! :hug:

This is very interesting. My relative is none other than the drunk of the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant! HAHA. He married into my family tree.

Awesome ... you've got Uncle Sam on your family tree!

I have to say those desserts at the PFTS looked so darn yummy! I think I would have paid that price just to eat those all day! :rotfl2:

Dessert was terrific but it usually is at PFTS. YUMMY!!!!

Most of the meats make me:scared: I like to stick with cow, chicken & pig. You throw in ostirch and lamb and ick!
But the desserts!!!!:thumbsup2

I'm not a big fan of lamb or ostrich either, but it was good to try them before handing my plates over to Jay to finish! :laughing:

And yes ... dessert was wonderful!
Thanks for the PFTS update, Brenda! Hmmmm... maybe I didn't miss it as much as I thought I did. ;) I know I would have been very upset to have no program letting me know what there was on each chef's table. Bob and I are not going until a week later for F&W next year, but I am thinking we won't be booking the Party again for a while. We will have to see what we might want to spend that money on!

Here's what you can spend it on: the 2010 WBTA :woohoo: . (Well, at least think about it :thumbsup2 .)


Boy, this would have gone really nice with some Rosa Regale!

Yeah, it sure would have. It would have tasted good with the Rosa and it would have been a lovely color match, too!

I gotta tell ya Bendy, I would have a really hard time eating anything called 'spuma' - it conjures up some really unpleasant images. So, I looked it up in the Food Dictionary and here's what it said: see [SIZE=-1]SPOOM[/SIZE] OK, so spoom is a little easier to deal with, but here's the definition for spoom: A frothy type of [SIZE=-1]SHERBET[/SIZE] made with a light [SIZE=-1]SUGAR SYRUP[/SIZE] mixed with a liquid such as fruit juice, [SIZE=-1]CHAMPAGNE[/SIZE] or [SIZE=-1]SAUTERNES[/SIZE]. Halfway through the freezing process, the mixture is combined with uncooked [SIZE=-1]MERINGUE[/SIZE], which gives spoom its airy texture. The Italians call this frozen specialty spuma, which means "foam" or "froth."

Now SPOOM sounds like a litte slice of heaven! Maybe the Italians should have stayed out of this one!

I also was a bit leery of the spuma ... all I could think of was sputum. :lmao:

And ... you might not want to use the word spoom, either. It's slang for something kind of naughty. :laughing:

Brenda - thank's so much for sharing the descriptions and pictures of your 'fancy-schmancy collector's edition of Beedle the Bard' with all of us peons who couldn't afford it! From your description, it is definitely worthly of the hype, especially to a true fan like you.

I had to settle for the Barnes & Noble, pick-one-off-the-stack version with the 'Members Receive 10% Off' sticker that is almost impossible to remove without ripping the cover. I am saving it for the plane ride to Florida on Saturday, but I couldn't help peeking...

Thanks you for letting me share the joy of Beedle ... it was my Christmas giftie from my hubby. It is really cool. And the tales are charming ... I'm sure you're going to love them!

Another member of the book geek squad here. When we move, half of what gets packed is my collection of books. And when I was a kid, I wanted to be one of the little women.

Hooray for book lovin' foodies! It took us four months to pack all of our books when we were waiting for our house to be built. The day we moved in all the neighbors were sort of peeking into the house from the street and the first thing I unpacked were my books ... I heard one of them say, "All I see is furniture and books ... how do you read that many books?"


Bendy, are you and Jay going on the WBTA? As you can see from the logo in my siggie, DH and I are booked for that one. That would be soooooo cool!

We are discussing it and giving it serious consideration. How fun to "know" someone already who's booked. :cool1:

I think the guy from the Ritz Carlton was there last year, and did a lot of mini desserts then as well. That rose and pink champagne cake is so pretty, and so pink. I love pink.

All I know is that guy and his desserts were awesome!

And I agree ... that pink cake was gorgeous; almost too pretty to eat. Almost. ;)

Absolutely River St.! We had gotten some there in Savannah so I knew that's where I had to find them! Don't worry about the restaurant ideas, we managed to eat and drink ourselves right into a Tums commercial :rotfl2: with no help whatsoever. We tried Social wine bar the first night and that is really our kind of place---good wine, good food, casual and fun.

We did go to the market on Sat. and froze our butts off! A high of 50 and lots of wind, which was not what I was planning on, but it was still a great time.

Sounds like you had a good time! :thumbsup2

That was a wonderful review, Brenda! I think the pink cake was my favorite--actually all of it looks good. I will try just about any kind of meat as long as it is cooked and removed from any offensive looking body part (like a frog leg). :laughing:

Thanks - glad you liked it!

Ok, here is what we had at the Charleston grill; I think it was the atmosphere and having 6-7 waiters (yes, no female waitstaff here) more than the actual food choices.

Amuse bouche: this was the first time either of us had even been to a restaurant where one was offered. This was blue cheese, fennel, mystery round berry/sour thing and frissee of green salad stuff with a cracker and vinaigrette (I really did listen to the little guy, but I was actually busy smiling and nodding like I was looking forward to tasting this-not). We were not fans of the chef's offering this evening, but appreciated his efforts. I don't care for fennel or blue cheese, and now I don't care for round/berry sour things, either.

Appetizers: DH had Charleston Grill crab cake, creek shrimp, lime tomato vinaigrette that was to DIE for. We jousted over this.
I had truffled mushroom soup, which was wonderful. I don't usually care for mushrooms, but this was gooood stuff. The soup guy said as he poured the soup over the mushrooms at the table, "Everytime I pour this, it's like a little smell of heaven." This sent me into giggles as soon as he left the table.

Entrees: Dh had Prime Beef Tenderloin with baked potatoes. He declared it as better than ***. It was melt in your mouth good. I had the Sauteed Flounder with shrimp and tasso-okra corn cake. Oh, my, it was good. We shared a side of fried macaroni and cheese. Don't you just love southern food???

For dessert we shared vanilla creme brulee. We were both about to bust we were so full, but I love creme brulee and can't get it anywhere here. This was the only dish that was a little off. The sugar was a little too browned on top and the creme was a little thin, for lack of a better word. It tasted pretty good, though. I wouldn't have bothered with dessert if I had known that the pastry chef would be sending out....

a whole plate of little goodies!!!! There was a sponge cake with lemon curd and buttercream, a dark chocolate truffle, a pecan praline and two other things I can't remember because all the blood had drained from my brain to my stomach to try and digest all this food!

With this I had my now new favorite riesling--Leitz Rudesheimer Magdalenenkreuz. Sweet without being cloying and very smooth and gulpable!

So, there you have it; our first foray to a fancy restaurant!

Oh, yum! That sounds like a wonderful meal ... I'm so glad you enjoyed it! If we ever make it back to Charleston it's on the top of my list.

Everything looks really good! I'm not sure how I would handle the crowds though. Once everyone is in, are you still packed as tightly? I tend to end up spilling all over myself in those situations. :lmao:

The night that we attended the crowds weren't too bad once we got inside the main venue. But I did hear that a few events later in the month were packed with people. So it's really hard to say for sure how it would be if you were to attend.

Ohhhhh.... We're gonna get tossed from the Chefs Table... You'll be taking pictures of my food and I'll be taking pictures of you taking pictures and Jay will be drinking everyone's wine telling the pastry chef that no... he's never seen us before... :rolleyes1 And Planky will be running through the main dining room with toilet paper stuck to his foot... :lmao:

Our only saving grace will be that my brother's best friend Jack is a server there....(as long as we don't get him fired...)

Oh and the Glow cubes... You got it!!! :thumbsup2

Thank GOD there won't be 400 Disers on this cruise... those alone could sink the ship...

Sounds like a fine evening at V&A to me! :lmao:

Brenda, great review :thumbsup2 well worth waiting for. The food all looked wonderful and the desserts :faint: oh my :cloud9:

I've never been to PFTS (or F&W for that matter) but my problem would be that for that price, I want to be waited on not schlepping my food around trying to find a place to sit :sad2:

A second (unrelated) review on the same day is like "a whole plate of little goodies" :woohoo: Thanks for the bonus :flower3:

Thanks! All in all it was a good event - not great but good. And the desserts were terrific (except for the cannoli which was boring).

I also like Jamie's review ... I like reading about fabulous places that our tastebuds and tummies would be interested in!

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it--I tried not to hijack the thread. :goodvibes

You know I don't mind! We have a cool group hanging out here who all enjoy food and fun - I'm sure they enjoyed reading all about it! :goodvibes
Great installment! And would you believe we STILL have another layer of chocolate mice? What the heck is wrong with us? I might have to remedy that this morning.....

I'm rationing mine between snow storms... :goodvibes :goodvibes

I know we're thinking about it ... thinking real real hard! :thumbsup2

& Erica and I MIGHT forgive her for ditching us and going on the WB... :rolleyes:
OK, Joanne... I will bite... what is the 2010 WBTA???

ETA: WestBound TransAtlantic?

You got it. The itinerary looks wonderful (and ends at Castaway Cay. Sigh.). Considering the cost of the Baltic and Med cruises, the TA is a real bargain (if anything Disney could be called a bargain, that is :rotfl: ).
OK, Joanne... I will bite... what is the 2010 WBTA???

ETA: WestBound TransAtlantic?

That's the one!

I'm rationing mine between snow storms... :goodvibes :goodvibes

Whatever you gotta do. ;)

& Erica and I MIGHT forgive her for ditching us and going on the WB... :rolleyes:

Humbug! I told you we're looking for a hurricane chase! :lmao:

You got it. The itinerary looks wonderful (and ends at Castaway Cay. Sigh.). Considering the cost of the Baltic and Med cruises, the TA is a real bargain (if anything Disney could be called a bargain, that is :rotfl: ).

We totally agree! :thumbsup2
Humbug! I told you we're looking for a hurricane chase! :lmao:

We were originally going to be doing that cruise, but several from our group need to be home to celebrate the Jewish holidays...


There are alot of the cruisers from the WB PC Repo who will be onboard with you and I am POSITIVE that you will have a wonderful time. You will absolutely love them (Angie and Dennis will spoil you... and Jackie will have to do the WB version of the Champagne Girls - I'll loan you my tiara...) There are others... I'll have them take good care of you (and don't believe a word they say about the little green guys behavior (or mine for that matter)) on the cruise... :rolleyes1
Excellent Party for the Senseless reporting, Brenda! :thumbsup2 It looks like you had a good time overall. I agree, there needs to be some changes for us to consider going back. We LOVE the food & wine... but the rest needs work. The 'entertainment' this year was a joke - I don't care so much, but I don't want to pay extra for it, ya know? (It adds up x5 :eek: ) Just keep the price at around $100 a person and nix the live entertainment altogether. And how about more seating around the edges, so you can just sit for a moment, without having to find a table to share? I saw people plopped on the floor and sitting on the edge of the stages. Not acceptable, if you ask me. As always, the food will be a fond memory. :cloud9: Thanks for refreshing that memory. :hug:

We're off to our next WDW adventure today! (If we can't get past this monster storm system crossing the Midwest!) I will report back on all of our dining delights, especially Christmas Eve at V&A. :santa:

Cheers, my friend!
We were originally going to be doing that cruise, but several from our group need to be home to celebrate the Jewish holidays...


There are alot of the cruisers from the WB PC Repo who will be onboard with you and I am POSITIVE that you will have a wonderful time. You will absolutely love them (Angie and Dennis will spoil you... and Jackie will have to do the WB version of the Champagne Girls - I'll loan you my tiara...) There are others... I'll have them take good care of you (and don't believe a word they say about the little green guys behavior (or mine for that matter)) on the cruise... :rolleyes1

Well, I thank you in advance for offering to hook us up. :hug: I will keep you posted as to whether or not we take the plunge (although I think we will ... :rolleyes1 ).

Excellent Party for the Senseless reporting, Brenda! :thumbsup2 It looks like you had a good time overall. I agree, there needs to be some changes for us to consider going back. We LOVE the food & wine... but the rest needs work. The 'entertainment' this year was a joke - I don't care so much, but I don't want to pay extra for it, ya know? (It adds up x5 :eek: ) Just keep the price at around $100 a person and nix the live entertainment altogether. And how about more seating around the edges, so you can just sit for a moment, without having to find a table to share? I saw people plopped on the floor and sitting on the edge of the stages. Not acceptable, if you ask me. As always, the food will be a fond memory. :cloud9: Thanks for refreshing that memory. :hug:

We're off to our next WDW adventure today! (If we can't get past this monster storm system crossing the Midwest!) I will report back on all of our dining delights, especially Christmas Eve at V&A. :santa:

Cheers, my friend!

Happy Winter Solstice my friend! :hug:

Thanks for taking a read - glad you enjoyed our PFTS recap. I think your suggestions are excellent ... especially as regards the entertainment. I never really care that much if there was any in the first place ... the food and the wine are the draw, not the people on stage.

Have a great trip to WDW - can't wait to hear all about it! Safe travels and many hugs to you all! :hug:
Thanks for a funny and very enjoyable PFTS update. I'm a dessert nut and the champagne cake looked to die for. Do you remember which Chef did it as one might be able to track down the recipe if he has a cookbook out or something?

However, I do have a wonderful fresh box of pralines we got in Charleston this weekend!

I still can't believe how many boxes of fresh pralines my sister and I blew through while in Charleston and Savannah last summer. It's like eating a bit of heaven.
When I was in the fourth grade my mom bought me a set of Louisa May Alcott's works when she figured out that I was in love with Little Women. I have Little Men, Jo's Boy's, Eight Cousins, Jack and Jill, and Under the Lilacs. When I was older I managed to get my hands on Rose in Bloom, which is the sequal to Eight Cousins.

I loved them all except for Under the Lilacs - that one just didn't do much for me.

I leave for 2 weeks and come back to 15 pages of witty Bendy banter. Who woulda thunk it?

I LOVE Eight Cousins and rarely meet anyone who has read it. So happy to see that you are a fan. I will definitely have to check out Rose in Bloom.

It's nice to know that my reading has a term associated with it - greader. I have a voracious appetite for books as I read them so quickly. I was out on a leave of absence for knee surgery for 2.5 months earlier this year and read 63 books. It was nice.

Loved your PFTS review. I'd love to do this but am afraid it would be too crowded. Besides, we have several similar events here with fabulous food and wine (since we're next door to Napa Valley) that are much cheaper so I'm not sure I could justify the price tag. Either way, glad to see y'all at least had an OK time.

Looking forward to more reviews!
I still can't believe how many boxes of fresh pralines my sister and I blew through while in Charleston and Savannah last summer. It's like eating a bit of heaven.

We have two left, there are three of us.....methinks dd is going to lose out after she goes to bed.
Thanks for a funny and very enjoyable PFTS update. I'm a dessert nut and the champagne cake looked to die for. Do you remember which Chef did it as one might be able to track down the recipe if he has a cookbook out or something?

I still can't believe how many boxes of fresh pralines my sister and I blew through while in Charleston and Savannah last summer. It's like eating a bit of heaven.

Glad you enjoyed our PFTS recap. The chef who made the pretty pink cake was Nicholas Lodge: I think he's been on some Food Network Challenges before...usually as a judge. He looked familiar and Jay said it was because we'd seen him on Food Network.

I don't know if he has cookbook or not ... I got the impression that he specializes in sugar art. :confused3 Let me know if you do find something because I wouldn't mind trying my hand at that gem of a dessert either!

I leave for 2 weeks and come back to 15 pages of witty Bendy banter. Who woulda thunk it?

I LOVE Eight Cousins and rarely meet anyone who has read it. So happy to see that you are a fan. I will definitely have to check out Rose in Bloom.

It's nice to know that my reading has a term associated with it - greader. I have a voracious appetite for books as I read them so quickly. I was out on a leave of absence for knee surgery for 2.5 months earlier this year and read 63 books. It was nice.

Welcome back Shauna - hope you had a wonderful trip with lots of tasty food!

Oh yes, Eight Cousins has always been one of my favorite Alcott works. I like the sequal but it's not as charming as the original, probably because I was already in my mid-twenties when I found it ... by that time I was already a hardened cynic. :lmao:

Greader ... that's what Jay's been calling me for years (greedy reader); but I think you've got me beat. 63 books in just under three months ... :worship:

Loved your PFTS review. I'd love to do this but am afraid it would be too crowded. Besides, we have several similar events here with fabulous food and wine (since we're next door to Napa Valley) that are much cheaper so I'm not sure I could justify the price tag. Either way, glad to see y'all at least had an OK time.

Looking forward to more reviews!

I can understand your hesitance to try PFTS, especially in light of some of the things that have been reported on the DIS this year. And if you can participate in something similar that's equally as good but less expensive while at home, then why get gouged in order to do it a WDW? It's one reason why we don't usually eat at Steakhouses while vacationing anywhere ... beef is king in the armpit of the Midwest. ;)

And we did have a good time that night, we were just disappointed that it didn't meet the expectations we had based on our experience the year before and I was especially disappointed in the seafood to meat ratio. Oh well ... it happens. :goodvibes

We have two left, there are three of us.....methinks dd is going to lose out after she goes to bed.

Your pralines would be safe with me! :lmao:
You may get her Prailenes... but you ain't getting my bearclaws until winter is over!!! :lmao:
The chef who made the pretty pink cake was Nicholas Lodge: I think he's been on some Food Network Challenges before...usually as a judge. He looked familiar and Jay said it was because we'd seen him on Food Network.

I don't know if he has cookbook or not ... I got the impression that he specializes in sugar art. Let me know if you do find something because I wouldn't mind trying my hand at that gem of a dessert either!

You're right. His specialty is sugar art and cake decorating and though is cookbooks have basic cake recipes the focus is on using gumpaste and edible glue to make fancy decorations. Guess he didn't so that for PFTS. :confused3:
Tonight my department went out for a holiday dinner ... yum yum in my tum! Just got home a pfew .... er, few minutes ago and I ordered seared foie gras as my appetizer!!! :banana:

And I even took a picture and will post it here tomorrow for all you lovers of fatty liver ... ah, there is joy in Stinktown tonight! :thumbsup2

I only had two drinks but I forgot that I shouldn't take all my meds at the same time with booze and well .... let's just say I can't feel my face. :lmao:

It was a fine evening ... lots of fun and good food with no picture taking by yours truly (other than the foie gras). I posted a review of this restaurant on my blog back in February when we treated Jay's parents to dinner there one night (Annie Gunn's ... go read my blog if you want to know about their food).

Anyhoo ... enough tipsy rambling from me. I'm going to bread ... uh, bed. :rotfl2: I hope to post an update later this weekend but it's really going to depend on how much of the other stuff (holiday and work related) that I get done first.

Hugs to you all, because who couldn't use an extra huggle? :grouphug:
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