we got an E-night...now I'm worried about childcare! **update-another question**


Dec 16, 2000
There is an e-night during our trip. Loki and I would like to have a parents night out...enight is 8-11.

Now heres where I become a nuerotic mommy!
I am nervous about leaving my DD alone with an in room babysitter (what if she needed help?)

I have read about the kids club and like the fact that it has
1. more people
2. a beeper for the parents
3. seems like a fun time for her

my questions are
1 . DD loves to go to bed (we're lucky i know)
she usally asked to go to sleep around 8 - 830
does the club have beds/mats for them to rest on?

2. when do the clubs close?

3. how much do they cost?

4 and most important...have any of you had a BAD expeiance with the clubs ?(neverland in particular)
5 what about transportation, we will be using disneys trans. system during are stay...will this be ok? will we be able to get to mk and back in a timly manner?

thanks for all your replies in advance

[This message was edited by issa on 04-13-01 at 12:41 PM.]
we used the micker mouse club at the contemporary, they had mats, but it was a very small place and you have to ba back in three hours, with transportaion back and forth to the parks this dont give you much time. I checked iabout the service that comes to your room, but they where booked solid for the entire week, so if you want them call from home a wwek our two before you leave
The kids had a great time. We dropped them off at 6 and picked up at 11 (They are open 4-12 with no maximum) The place is quite large. They have video games, movies, places to do crafts, nintendo 64 and a computer. They have mats, pillows, and blankets to sleep on if they want. It was $8 per hour per child, plus they had a kid buffet dinner (chicken fingers, mac n cheese etc.) and snacks. The kids liked it so much they WANT to go back there next time!

Hope this helps you.
Just curious where you got the dates for e-ride nights for August already? I have checked various websites and they have nothing yet? The official WDW site actually says "hours not established" for August?


Castmember Laura
It sounds like the Neverland Club would be your best solution. Drop them off around 7pm, or earlier as dinner is included in the price-($8/hr--not sure if there is a discount on a 2nd child), take the monorail to MK, do the E ticket night, hop back on the monorail, pick them up and take the short walk to the TTC and catch your bus back to your resort. Both of your kids will love the Neverland Club--lots to do for all ages. They give you a beeper and a phone number so you can call and check up on them! You are lucky, our E ticket night runs from 10-1--too late for the childcare options :( Just call 1(407)WDW-DINE to make your reservations--have your credit card available to secure your spot--nothing will be charged to it until you pick the kids up, and then you have an option as to how you want to pay :) There is a 24 hr cancellation policy.
You will have a blast, and not have to worry about the kids, because they will be having a blast, too. :D

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore


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