We Couldn't Leave Arizona Jeff Behind!!!


Apr 23, 2000
AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Arizona Jeff and the Temple of Pins

When we last left our hero, he had uncovered the ruins of an ancient civilization that collected what appeared to be small pieces of metal with pointy things on the back. After carefully making his way through the booby-trapped ruins, he found what he was looking for, an ancient pin cart. The racks were still intact and many were filled with Disneyland Graduation 2000 Mickey pins (wow, those things really didn’t sell well!). Arizona Jeff evaluated these pins closely guessing on their carbon dating. Hmmm, yes these appear authentic, they look older than John59. Amid all of these pins, he spotted a small sign. Carefully, he reached in and removed the card. He swept the dust off to reveal the message,
“Come as a dog, come as a mouse, we don’t care, just come to our house. You are invited to my Malibu Beach Party. I live in the two-story pink house with the elevator. You can’t miss it; it is the only house without a back. Signed, Malibu Matt”

Well, this was not exactly the message he was looking for. As Arizona Jeff went to place the sign down, he noticed there was something on the back. It was a picture of a pin set which was released in the late twentieth century. The set contained twelve pins, which represented some sort of holiday celebration. It was clear that Arizona Jeff must find these rare antiquities to be placed in the Arizona branch of the Disney Museum. This was the defining moment when a quest was begun. Follow along as Arizona Jeff searches for the Twelve Days of Christmas pins. This adventure promises to be quite interactive and your help is needed if he is to be successful. So check your pin bags to see if you have any of these mysterious and enchanting pins that Arizona Jeff needs to complete his quest.




Quickly contact the president of the Peaches himself. He alone holds the key to your search.


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

The Saga of the Peachident

Adjusting his trademark hat (an Arizona Diamondbacks baseball cap of course), Arizona Jeff began to contemplate where to search for the missing pieces of this elusive pin set. It was clear he would not be able to accomplish this adventure alone. He would need the help of many and a wee bit of luck if he were to fulfill this mission. His first step on this expedition would be to visit the Pinhook. It has been said that the acting ruler of the secret Peach Society had in his possession six of the missing Twelve Days of Christmas treasure. If Arizona Jeff were to be successful, he would need to barter with the Peachident and relieve him of his treasure. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be worth it. As he made his way to the presidential palace, he found the Pinhook in the pin vault counting his conquests and cackling about his plans for Peach domination. Arizona Jeff slowly removed his bullwhip from his belt and swung it into action. Crack! The whip hit its mark squarely on the south side of a north-facing Peachident.
“Yeow! What did you do that for?” he asked.
“Sorry, I was aiming for the pins.” Arizona Jeff replied.
“All you had to do was ask.” Said the Peachident rubbing his backside.
“I am searching for the elusive Twelve Days of Christmas pin set. Talk on the street is that you have pieces to this treasure.” Said Arizona Jeff.
“Ah, I have been expecting you” replied Pinhook who had decided to stand rather than sit for a period of time. “These pins are rare and quite exquisite and will cost you dearly.”
“I am in no mood for your games Pinhook,” sneered Arizona Jeff waving his whip in the Peachident’s face. “Oh, wait. Is that Monopoly? Well I have time for one game I guess.”
With that, our hero sat down and completed a game of Monopoly with the Pinhook. In the end, he emerged victorious causing the Peach leader to file bankruptcy through one of those television attorneys. As payment for the loss, the Peachident relinquished his six Twelve Days of Christmas pins in exchange for a small pouch of dead presidents. Arizona Jeff now had in his possession Three French Hens, Four Calling Birds, Nine Ladies Dancing, Ten Lords a Leaping, Eleven Pipers Piping, Twelve Drummers Drumming. The quest was half complete but the hardest part still remains. Arizona Jeff collected his treasure and began to contemplate his next move.





I wish I had some of these pins to help you out because then I would be included as a character in your ever evolving saga. Keep us updated on the great adventure.



Jeff as I stated in an earlier communiqué with your museum, I have one of the pieces you need to complete your quest. Seven Swans Swimming….



Buzz_Lightyear also holds the same piece of the puzzle as NHMickey. Seven swans a swimming for trade.


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

The Tale of Moving People

As Arizona Jeff made his way along the street, he noticed several people dressed in swimming attire headed towards a large pink house down by the beach. He wondered if this had anything to do with that note he had seen earlier at the Pin Cart ruins. It was interesting that nearly all of these people were carrying what appeared to be plastic humanoid likenesses of a man with a moustache and overly developed pectoral muscles. As he was watching the procession moving down the street, he heard a noise coming from behind him.
“Psst, hey buddy you wanna buy a Malibu Matt doll?” the stranger asked.
As he turned aound, he saw a woman in a trench coat. As he turned to face her, she pulled open her coat to reveal Malibu Matt dolls down each side of the coat. She herself was dressed in a flowered bikini. After Arizona Jeff picked his mouth up off the ground, he looked at the woman and explained, “I’m sorry madam, I am not interested in your doll collection. I am on a quest for the Twelve Days of Christmas pins.”
“I happen to know where you might look to find your treasure.” She said.
“Prey tell where might that be, may I ask?” he said.
“It is told that the PeopleMover has what you may be looking for.” She proclaimed.
“Why thank you kind woman, and what may you desire in exchange for this valuable information?” asked Arizona Jeff.
“I only wish to be remembered when you retell your adventure” she said. “My name is MickeysMom and I am but a humble Malibu Matt flasher.”
Armed with this information, Arizona Jeff kissed the fair maiden on the hand and began his search for the PeopleMover. He did not have to travel far as the transportation hub of the city was only a few yards from where he stood. As he asked around, he was told that the PeopleMover dwelled in the heart of the transportation center. He approached her.
“I understand you may be the keeper of a Twelve Days of Christmas pin,” he said.
“You must be Arizona Jeff. The Peachident told me I should expect you. That is quite a welt you put on him.” She said.
“A misguided bullwhip I’m afraid. So Ms. PeopleMover, do you have such a treasure?” Our hero asked.
“But of course and I shall gladly help in your quest for a price.” She answered.
Arizona Jeff had seen this look in a woman’s eyes before. This one was no one to toy with. He would have to watch his step carefully. “Name your price my dear.” He said.
“I too am involved with a quest. I am in search of the bear they call Pooh. He and his band were last seen in mid-February near the west coast. I am in search of a pin that shows the bear and his friends.” She proclaimed.
“Ah yes the art of the barter. You drive a hard bargain my dear but I shall comply.” Said Arizona Jeff. With this, he removed a carefully wrapped pin and gave it to PeopleMover. In exchange, our hero received Eight Maids a Milking. As he turned to go, he gave the fair PeopleMover a kiss of gratitude and strode from the room. When he reached the street, he stopped to contemplate his next move. He now lacked only five pins from completing his adventure. Those five are a Partridge in a Pear Tree, Two Turtle Doves, Four Calling Birds, Five Golden Rings and Seven Swans a Swimming. The adventure continues.


shirley 38

I have to ask this

Did you write the Harry Potter Books. If you did not you sure did miss your calling.
No pins here or under John 59 pillow. He did not do it honest he is asleep.



THIS IS A SAGA !!!(But , you will never see it at Barnes & Noble)

I really don't think Don Imus is going to give you a plug for this book.
I'm a bit lost. Is this about the Twelve Days of Christmas or Indiana Jones or Harry Potter.

Maybe it is just me. You are right about me, due to an identy crisis I have. My call name is john59. The 59 is predicated on my age. But last October I turned six#$&&$#&---I can't even write it. john59/6##&%&$#%!

AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Mickey in the Frozen Tundra

As our hero returns to the street, the noise is getting louder from the pink two-story house on the beach. It is clear that the residents of the town are none to happy with the occupants of the house or their rowdy friends. Before long the law enforcement officials and Army personnel are on their way to the house led by G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip and life-like hair. It is clear that no good is going to come of this. Arizona Jeff had no time to watch the police crackdown. He was still on a mission. The last thing the PeopleMover said to him was that his quest should travel north to New Hampshire. That said, Arizona Jeff maxed out his credit card buying winter gear to survive the bitter cold of the frozen tundra. Armed with a bullwhip and dogsled, he made his way north along the snowy peaks of New England. Along the way he happened across Norm Abram in his New Yankee Workshop. Norm was busy building a king size bed using 3,000-year-old wood that was salvaged from old railroad ties in Central America.
“Excuse me good man, could you tell me which way to find the Mad Framer?” asked Arizona Jeff.
“Why sure, up the road past the pressure-treated lumber gazebo, then left at the cedar picket-fence made with recycled wood from a 100-year-old church, then right at the old barn that has been remodeled into a $3.5 million home with radiant heat under the hand-carved wooden floors.” Exclaimed Norm.
“Uh, was that a left or a right at the multi-million dollar remodeled home?” asked Arizona Jeff.
“Right. And remember, there is no more important safety equipment than these, safety glasses.” Said Norm.
With that, our hero called to his dog sled and away he went. Soon, he was upon a quaint little cottage nestled in the trees of New Hampshire. Arizona Jeff walked through the drifts of snow and made his way up to the door. There he knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again but still no answer. Finally, he rapped on the door with a giant icicle that he broke off from the roof but no one answered. Then, a small voice could be heard, “Taint no one living in the house. Why everyone knows that folks in these parts only live in RVs and trailers. Makes it easier to collect maple syrup if in you just move your house. You might check out back in the 14 foot travel trailer with all gas appliances that can be yours for little or no money down.” Arizona Jeff made his way around back to find a little man and woman along with a very large dog sitting around a campfire cooking what appeared to be cheese soup. The woman appeared to be gnawing on a beaver tail of some sort.
“I’m looking for the one they call Nat,” said Arizona Jeff
The man said not a word. He merely grabbed the red-hot kettle of soup, downed it in a single gulp, washed it down with a glass of snow and went into the trailer. Curious, Arizona Jeff followed him in. The first thing he noticed when entering the trailer was that all of the walls were covered in framed pins. There were pins everywhere; all in shadowboxes in all shapes and sizes. Every square inch of wall space was used to display pins. The other thing about this trailer was the music. It appeared to be the music from the Electrical Light Parade. It was a happy little tune but man was not amused. In his hands, he held a frame with two pins, both from the Electric Light Parade. Faintly, Arizona Jeff could hear the man mutter, “They said there were two but now there are three.” He kept repeating this all the while looking at the framed pin set in his hands.
“Hey, I don’t want to bother you, but I understand that Nat has a Seven Swans a Swimming pin and I would dearly love to trade for it.” Said Arizona Jeff.
“Here, take it. It doesn’t matter. They will probably make a thirteenth pin to that set too and then I will have to start all over framing.” Complained Nat.
“Cheer up little guy, what you have here is wonderful, you should be very proud. Maybe what you need is a break. Come with me on this wonderful adventure to complete the Twelve Days of Christmas set.” Offered Arizona Jeff.
For a moment, the man’s eyes lit up but then they quickly filled with tears, “I have to work.” He said.
With that, Arizona Jeff left the frozen tundra in search of pins and heat, perhaps not in that order. The quest is now down to four pins and the trail gets harder.


It's 6:27am, I'm half asleep, and I'm sitting here cracking up over the trip to the Tundra.
I need coffee. This is too much to deal with without caffeine.



You should be a professional storyteller. I am thoroughly enjoying your quest for the 12 pins. Good Luck!




I wish I could help you with your quest Arizona Jeff. Your adventures have helped me escape, at least for a while, the drudgery of feeding and cleaning up after, seven strange little men.



hey Jeff... You forgot the pin...



But that is ok I sent it out in the mail.



Hey, Jeff!!

It's been over 10 years since the last Indiana Jones movie ... I hope we don't have to wait that long for Arizona Jeff to complete his quest.



Hey, at least I don't see any prequels in the future...
*knocks on wood*

(All those who hope Jar Jar Binks will be killed in Star Wars Episode 2, say aye! AYE!!!)

ANYWAYS! I'm really enjoying reading this story (hey I'm in it so it's gotta be good). Jeff you are a very creative writer! I'm likin' it! And this is coming from someone who has a BA in English, and who also had to read a lot of crud in her educational career...LOL!!!

AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Poles, Princesses and Parkhoppers

Our hero was still feeling the effects from his travels into the epicenter of the upcoming ice age. Mental images of the man in the tent crying over his incomplete Electric Light Parade display were more than Arizona Jeff could handle. There is nothing quite as sad as watching a grown man cry and his tears turning to ice before hitting the floor. You do have to give Sandy credit for her ingenuity though. She strategically placed drinking glasses under each eye and an automatic icemaker was born.
As Arizona Jeff began to head south, he came across a small little man dressed in lime green long underwear (and I don’t mean Victoria’s Secret although if she saw him I am sure she would want to keep it secret) and a ski cap standing next to a metal pole in a park. His hat was filled with lime green DIS pins. Curious, our hero stopped. As the man approached, Arizona Jeff could not help but notice that he did not walk or run but rather hopped about like some sort of lime green rabbit. This hopping made the pins jingle on his hat. The rhythm of the jumping caused the jingling pins to form some sort of melody. Although he could not quite place it, it sounded almost like the theme song to “The Godfather”. Looking at the man, it was clear he was no Al Pacino. When he reached Arizona Jeff, the man spoke.
“My name is Vince and I am about to make you an offer you cannot refuse.” The man said.
“Oh, and what might that be my green little friend?” asked Arizona Jeff.
“I understand that you are looking for the Twelve Days of Christmas pin set. My family has this set that I shall give you as a gift. I merely ask that you return this favor to me someday.” Replied Vince.
“That is very generous Pin Father, but I am only in need of four pins to complete this set.” Explained Arizona.
“No that cannot be, you must not break up the family. If you want, I shall bump off these eight pins so that you can accept my gift.” Said Don Vince.
“But I cannot do that. This quest has meant a lot to me and I must complete it.” Jeff replied.
“I admire someone who is loyal to their associates. Perhaps there is room for you in my family. How are you with weights and measures?” asked the Pin Father.
“I’m sorry, I really must be on my way.” Jeff said. But before he could move, Vince had him by the arm and led him to the pole.
“I do not think you understand me. I want to help you. Without my help, I cannot be responsible for what might happen to you. You get what I mean?” replied Vince.
Jeff looked at the pole. He was not sure what was about to happen or why this pole was so important. It seemed to be a standard galvanized metal pole without decoration. Along the side was one word, “Festivus”. At this moment, it was unclear where this adventure would lead. But at this darkest moment, a light appeared. From within the light came the figure of a woman. The woman was somewhere between the ages of 8 and 80 (Arizona Jeff knows better than to try and guess a woman’s age for crying out loud). On her head was a crown with the word Moderator. Upon her flowing gown was what appeared to be a Disney pin. She approached the two men near the pole.
“Nice pin” said Jeff attempting to make conversation.
“My name is Regina and I am master of my own domain. My wit is quick and my mind is dirty and I am the keeper of justice and fair play. I wear these Disney pins to show my love of the mouse.” Said the woman. Behind her, I could see someone that looked like she could be a sister to Regina. With the comment about the pins, I heard the sister mutter, “Oh Geez!” At that moment, what appeared to be lightning came from Regina’s outstretched fingers delivering what appeared to be an atomic wedgie to the sister. The sister yelped and began running in circles, the elastic band of her underwear forming marks on her forehead.
“I am not someone to be toyed with. What seems to be the problem here?” asked Regina.
“I am on a quest looking for four pins to complete the Twelve Days of Christmas set.” Announced Arizona Jeff.
“He must renounce these eight pins and accept my gift of the entire set. I do this as a favor and only ask for his gratitude.” Came the ParkHopper’s reply.
“It would seem that the only way to resolve this dilemma would be through the Festivus pole. In turn, each of you shall stick your tongue on the pole. The person whose tongue does not stick will be declared the speaker of truth. As the challenger, Arizona Jeff has his choice to go first or second.” Declared Regina.
“I shall go second.” Said Arizona. With that, ParkHopper held out his tongue until it came in contact with the pole. In the sub-arctic weather his tongue became glued to the pole like a pin collector to a new episode of ER.
“The pole has spoken Arizona Jeff. You may proceed with your journey.” Proclaimed Regina.
“Thank you Regina. But alas, I know not where to turn next in my quest for the pins.” Our hero said.
“I cannot give you the answer Arizona but I can guide you. Answers are not always found in the light. Sometimes what we need most is found in the shadows. Embrace the darkness and your quest will continue.” Said Regina. With that she disappeared leaving Arizona Jeff standing there next to the Festivus pole-sucking ParkHopper. The journey continues.



I just about scared every person in the dealership. I can't type due ti the tears in my eyes...



I am laughing way too hard to think of anything witty to say Keep 'em coming! Wish I could help...
I can't get the image of Vince stuck to a pole out of my head!!


BETWEEN 8 AND 80??? You're in big trouble mister funnypants.
Oh help me. I'm never going to live down that master of her domain crack. That's the last time that I ever say anything like that in chat.




At the end of your quest, please release Vince. He has a redeeming quality. He is the friend of a leprechaun. I can't wait for your next journey!

Mary Jo (who is laughing hysterically after an especially bad morning)



I love your stories Jeff....even if you left me sticking to the Festivus Pole. I will have to take it under great consideration before I make you another offer.



SueEllen - so far Jeff has run into Malibu Matthew, Nat, Vince and Regina in his adventure... I don't know if we should be upset, glad or scared that we are the only hosts not featured in his chronicles...LOL



As they say....."Be afraid.....Be Very Afraid"



I would be afraid...



To MZDavis,
You'd better hope Sorcerer doesn't have any of these coveted pins buried in VA. If so, you're in the direct path of our intrepid hero.


AZ JazzyJ

The Mysterious Matron of Pins

Arizona Jeff returned to where the quest had begun weary and confused by the comments from Queen Regina. What could she have meant by “embrace the darkness” or “found in the shadows”? Our hero did not have to wait long to find an answer to his questions. From deep within a darkened alley came a voice, “Pins? Did someone say pins? Wouldn’t be Christmas pins your looking for would it?”
Cautiously, Arizona Jeff began to follow the voice deeper into the darkness. Finally, he came across a small woman dressed in a St. Louis Cardinals Mark McGwire jersey. It was difficult to see the woman as she insisted in hiding in the shadows. She spoke in almost a whisper, “My name is MJ, mistress of the shadows queen of the lurkers. I am always here but rarely do I speak. I have seen your quest young man and I may be able to help.”
“You look much bigger on television Mr. Jordan.” Said our hero.
“Don’t toy with me sonny! I’ve got socks and kids older than you and I could hang you faster than a Hallmark ornament! The MJ stands for Mary Jo not Michael Jordan.” MJ responded.
“My apologies mistress MJ and may I say that is a lovely shirt you are wearing.” Our hero quickly responded.
“Let’s cut the small talk. Rumor has it you are looking for the Twelve Days of Christmas pins, is this true?” Asked Mary Jo.
“Well, technically I am looking for the four days of Christmas since I have collected eight already.” Arizona Jeff said.
“Ah yes, your adventures precede you. I have to congratulate you on your handling of the ParkHopper. It was a fine piece of work leaving him hanging on the Festivus pole. Do you plan to leave him there?” asked MJ.
“According to Punxsutawney Phil, spring shall arrive soon and the Pin Father shall be freed from the pole to continue to hop.” Responded Arizona Jeff.
“It is my understanding that you are in need of four pins. I must warn you, I seldom offer my help and you must prove yourself worthy in order to receive these pins. A quest you have asked for, a quest you shall have. I will give you four tests. For each test that you pass, you shall be rewarded one of the remaining pins. Should you fail any of these tests, I shall once again vanish into the shadows leaving your quest unfulfilled. Do you accept these conditions?” queried Mary Jo.
Arizona Jeff nodded his agreement and awaited instructions.
“You shall meet me in the city center at the stroke of midnight and I shall give you your first challenge.” Proclaimed MJ. As the last syllable of her voice echoed in the alley, she vanished without a trace. Arizona Jeff stood confused and dumbfounded. There was nothing left to do except wait for darkness to arrive. And the clock begins to tick…

Oh Arizona Jeff, look for a clue in the NEW TITLE THAT I'M STUCK WITH.
Monty Python has the Minister of Silly Walks, and we have the Board of Silly Titles.

I'm going to have to inflict some bodily harm on a certain mysterious webmaster who goes by the name of Alex.




Arizona Jeff- I am enjoying your post even though I don't collect pins! This is great! I'll have to show DH sometime.




Well Arizona Jeff,
I don't know whether to be sad or grateful that I can't help you with you quest!

I am however thoroughly enjoying your adventure...you are fast becoming a LEGEND in your own lifetime




What a polite little slave he has turned out to be

Please someone offer him all the pins but SSLOWLY. I want this to last one for a week or two. I don't want this saga to end. I'm getting less and less done on the PinPics site coming back over here every twenty minutes to see who JJ has met next.
Must post a topic to my JJ. Won't get to keep him as my slave.



TDC Blue Fairy

I wonder, is Jeff a legend in his own time, or just in his own mind? LOL! Just kidding!!!! Great work Jeff, the DH is enjoying this more than anything I have seen in a while!



Sharon, my DH

is getting into this too. It's like chat night. He's always saying. "What are they talking about?" Same with JJ's posts


shirley 38


My tongue is not stuck to a pole but I am lost Oh Great One.
I need you to show me the way as to want pins are left that you need.
I will try to help you conquer your quest.



When we last left our intrepid hero he was in search of 4 pins to complete his set. He is in need of a Partridge in a Pear Tree Pin, the 2 Turtle Doves pin, the 4 Calling Birds and the 5 Golden rings. What trials and tribulations will the mysterious MJ force our hero to go through for each of these pins? Will he survive? Will we ever stop laughing? Stay tuned this board fellow readers.



How do I explain this to the family?

I hope that last pin takes you forever to find, I want this quest to go on. Now tell me something. How do I explain to my family why I am crying and laughing at the same time? They don't understand this pin thing anyhow, now they think I am really off the wall.
Of course the fact that I drove down for 9 days, and came back Thursday only to fly down less than a week later just to be there for the pin event is another thing they don't understand. But I bet you all do... Peggie



Jeff if I have to explaine myself at work one more time for laughing out loud while sitting in my office alone no one is going to believe me...



Jeff, Thank you !!

I had to catch up on the story tonight. I missed alot. Thank you for the wonderful stories. I had a Disney night no cast member should have to go through. This gave me something to laugh and cry with. It gave me time for a moment to get the bad things out of my mind.
Thanks, Linda


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Channeling My Energies

As the witching hour approached, Arizona Jeff found himself quite alone in the middle of town. The streets were quiet as most of the residents were still hiding as a result of the party that was still going on in the Mary Kay Mansion of Malibu Matt. Plastic boys and girls continued to travel back and forth to the beach house walking stiff-legged since they had no knee joints. They must be having a good time though since all of them had smiles pasted to their faces. Our hero made his way to the center of town. There he waited patiently for MJ the Matron of Pins to arrive. As midnight arrived, the old town clock began to chime. On the ninth bell, a breeze began to swirl around the compound. Then in the midst of the darkness emerged Mary Jo. “I see that you are prompt. That quality is lost on the young people today.”
“Earlier, you spoke of being able to help me with my Twelve Days of Christmas quest.” Said Arizona Jeff
“My, my, you are impatient aren’t you? Yes indeed, I have four pins which I believe are of interest to you. If my memory serves me correctly, you are in need of Day 1 – Partridge in a Pear Tree, Day 2 – Two Turtle Doves, Day 5 – Five Golden Rings and Day 6 – Six Geese a Laying, is this correct?” Asked Mary Jo.
“You are correct oh wise one.” Said our hero.
“Over the course of the next four nights, I shall give you a challenge. You will complete the challenge and trade me one pin. If these requirements are completed, I shall reward you with a pin. We shall begin this evening with the first challenge. In exchange for its completion, you shall be rewarded Six Geese a Laying. Are you ready?” Proclaimed MJ.
“But of course my dear OLD woman. What shall you have me do?” Asked Arizona Jeff
“There is one of great power who is lost. You must find her and determine why she has vanished.” Mary Jo handed Arizona Jeff a picture and description of this lost soul and sent him on his way.
The picture appeared to be dated. The woman in question had a smile but the clothing she wore was quite out of style. It was obvious that she had not been seen for quite some time. He began to walk, not knowing where he was going. Suddenly he looked up to find himself outside what appeared to be a home. Our hero knocked on the door. A young woman answered. Behind her, Arizona Jeff could see that her kitchen was in disarray. Pots and pans were strewn all over the room. What appeared to be some type of pasta was hanging from the ceiling. A television was on and tuned to PBS where Julia Child was preparing to beat the living daylights out of a chicken before roasting it in half a bottle of wine.
“Hello my good woman, I was wondering if you know this woman and if so, could you tell me when you last saw her?” Asked Arizona Jeff
“But of course. This is SueEllen. She was once a woman of great power in this kingdom but I have not seen her for some time. The last time I saw her, it was near the medical plaza.” Said the girl.
“Thank you miss…” began Arizona Jeff.
“They call me Sorcerer.” The young girl said
“Thank you Miss Sorcerer. I appreciate your help.” Continued our hero.
“You look hungry,” said Sorcerer “Would you like to come in for a bite of dinner? I am quite a cook if I say so myself.”
“Perhaps some other time ma’am.” Said Arizona Jeff
“Really, I am just dying to try out a new recipe. I saw it last night on the Naked Chef.” Replied Sorcerer.
Arizona Jeff blushed. “Uh, I gotta go, bye.” Our hero rushed from the scene as quickly as possible. Sorcerer thought she heard him say, “Naked Chef, why does it always have to be the Naked Chef.”
Arizona Jeff made his way to the medical center. At least now he had a name, SueEllen, and he had a picture. As he stood there contemplating his next move, lady luck shown down upon him. Ok, maybe it wasn’t lady luck. Ok, so there was a light on in an office and it was blinding him in the eye. In the window of the office he saw a silhouette. At first he thought it was Alfred Hitchcock but then realized that the doctor’s office actually catered to pregnant women. Our hero made his way to the light. Inside, he found SueEllen being led into an examining room.
“SueEllen!” called our hero.
“Yes?” she asked
“I have been sent to find you and determine why you have vanished from the kingdom.” Said Arizona Jeff
“Come see for yourself.” She said.
Our hero followed her down the hall and into a small room. There were strange machines and apparatus everywhere. Arizona Jeff had never seen any of these but they appeared to be some sort of torture chamber. SueEllen waddled over to a long table and lay down. Some sort of medical personnel came in and covered her stomach with Vaseline and strapped her to a machine. Arizona Jeff was anticipating the worst. He had never actually witnessed someone being tortured and was not quite sure how he would react. Instead of writhing in pain, everyone merely watched a television hanging from the ceiling. SueEllen and the doctor would stare at the television proclaiming they had seen this body part or that body part. Arizona Jeff would squint and gaze at the machine but could not see what they were looking at. After several minutes of seeing nothing but static, our hero jumped up from his seat and pointed at the television, “There it is! The Six Geese a Laying pin! My heavens woman, you have swallowed my pin!” Arizona Jeff exclaimed.
“I did nothing of the sort, that is a baby, not a pin.” SueEllen said.
“Nonsense,” Arizona Jeff said “Why right there, I can see the pointed back.”
“Congratulations SueEllen, it would appear that you are going to have a boy.” Said the Doctor.
Arizona Jeff did not hear that last part. He had all the information he needed. Armed with a picture from the doctor, he rushed back to the center of town to find Mary Jo. Upon showing her the pictures, she proclaimed, “Congratulations my young explorer, you have solved the mystery and your challenge is now complete. In exchange for a Disneyland Minnie Mouse Valentine pin you shall be rewarded with Six Geese a Laying. Come back tomorrow for your next challenge.”
With this, MJ again vanished into the night. The adventure continues.

Another Great Chapter! I was hoping for and Iron Chef reference but it's still great.



I missed this thread for a while, since I've been away from the boards for a couple of weeks (son's wedding kept me busy for a while), but now I'm totally hooked and can't wait to find out what happens tonight! Jeff, how did we ever make it here on this board without you!?



You got me Jeff!!!!
How amusing! The more I read, the more I laughed. Today has been the first day in a while that I have been back to the "kingdom". I don't know how you did it, but yes, I just recently had an ultrasound--but don't know about that little pin thing yet--give me about 6 more weeks and I should be able to tell you if there is a pin back around! (OUCH!!)

Your saga is incredible. I only hope you are able to rescue the rest of your pins!

Sue Ellen



I like being mysterious, but OLD? At least you need to admit that my kids are younger than you! None of them have five kids! lol
Mary Jo



As always Jeff....a wonderful chapter.


Well Jeff you accurately described the state of my kitchen yesterday morning when I had the neighbors over for an Eggs Benedict breakfast and a showing of "Remember the Titans". There were pots and pans EVERYWHERE and hollandaise sauce all over the stove. Thankfully I didn't have to clean up
I might have to try your decorating tip of pasta hanging from the ceiling


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Get Off the Pot

As the sun slowly faded below the horizon, our hero is once again preparing for another challenge. The Old woman (well she is not really old when compared to a tree he kept reminding himself) was indeed making him work for his treasure. Arizona Jeff was beginning to feel the toll this quest was having on him both physically and mentally. He kept reminding himself that his quest was nearly complete. Only three pins remained for him to fulfill his quest and these three pins were by far the most precious. He had visions of the pins each night, the Two Turtle Doves, Five Golden Rings and the most precious of all; Partridge in a Pear Tree. As he stood there engulfed in the vision of the three remaining pins, Arizona Jeff lost all track of time. Before he knew it, midnight approached. He awoke from his trance to find the Matron of Pins standing in front of him impatiently.
“Well, are we going to get started tonight or not?” MJ asked.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Am I keeping you from the Senior Citizens Early Bird Special at Luby’s Cafeteria?” Asked Arizona Jeff.
“Well, if you are not there early, all of the walker parking is gone.” She said.
“By all means then let us get started.” Replied our hero.
“Tonight is by far the most important challenge I have for you. If you are not successful tonight, the quest will all be meaningless. I cannot stress how important tonight is, do you understand?” She asked.
“I understand. Please continue,” he said.
“I shall give you an address. At this address, you will find your challenge in the front yard. There is an item of great importance lying in the grass. It does not belong there and your assistance is needed in returning this item to its proper location. Do you think you will be able to accomplish this?” Asked Mary Jo.
“I shall do my best to comply with your request my grizzled friend.” Said Arizona Jeff.
With that, Mary Jo handed our hero a card with an address before vanishing into the darkness. Arizona Jeff looked at the address and began to make his way to the house. He was not quite sure what the item was he would be looking for and wondered if he would recognize it when he saw it. Arizona did not have to wonder long. As he rounded the corner and approached the address he was given, he immediately saw where this challenge would lead him. There in the middle of the lawn sat a white porcelain toilet. That in and of itself was an odd enough sight but as Arizona Jeff got closer, he saw that there was someone sitting atop the toilet. It appeared to be a smallish blue fairy that seemed to be singing to herself all the while reading what looked to be a picture book of pins. Well, this was indeed an awkward situation. It was clear that he had been tasked with placing this toilet back where it belonged but he had not anticipated that first he would have to wait until it was free. Using his most delicate and tactful voice, Arizona Jeff asked, “Excuse me, do you have any idea how long you might be using this seat?”
“Wait your turn! I have about 30 more pages of pin pictures to locate and this is the quietest place I can find to do my reading. Besides, you shouldn’t be here. This is a ladies lawn. The men’s lawn is down the street, around the corner, up a hill, over a log and through an insect infested swamp.” Came the Blue Fairy’s answer.
“I’m sorry,” said our hero. “I did not realize there was a gender difference in lawns. I really must insist though. I need that toilet.”
“Fine, fine, fine. It is not like I am getting any peace and quiet anyways. I have had nearly all of the neighbors over here asking when I would be done. If someone would just take a look at my book and help me with my pictures, I would probably already be done by now.” Complained the Fairy. With that, she completed her job and then flew off crying about duplicate pages and how no one took the time to truly appreciate all the work she was doing.
After a few minutes of catching his breath, Arizona Jeff removed the toilet from the lawn and carefully took it into the house and installed it in the bathroom. This in and of itself was an entire adventure. Using countless rolls of duct tape and a hammer, our hero transformed the once proud lawn ornament into a porcelain work of art. After he was complete, he flushed the toilet to test that it worked. Instead, it shot water up through the bowl all the way to the ceiling.
“Oh, I think I reversed the polarity on that thing and turned it into a bidet." Our hero stated.
A few more adjustments and the installation was complete. Just as he was finished, Mary Jo appeared at the door and seemed to be dancing to and fro. As our hero stood to admire the work he had done, MJ pushed him outside the door and rushed in slamming it in Arizona Jeff’s face. Through the locked door he heard her say, “Congratulations, you passed the challenge! Leave a Mickey Be Mine Disneyland Valentines Day pin on the dresser and take the Two Turtle Doves pin. I will see you tomorrow night! Don’t bother waiting for me, I may be a while.”
Confused, our hero followed the woman’s instructions and then left the house with his pin. The quest was down to only two pins remaining. Tomorrow is another night…

Gee, I'm learning things about MJ I never knew!! LOL



Jeff..............shame on you

don't you know it's not nice to pick on Blue Fairys. I know this one personally...........she can be a pain. LOL


TDC Blue Fairy


A TOILET?????? That's it, no pin chain for you mister! Vince, be thankful you are only stuck to a pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The lost episode

Although Arizona Jeff told a great version of his meeting with the blue fairy, he left out a few details. Since I and the other pin pics police officers were heading to our meeting with the chief we were just around the corner and able to see the entire event unfold.
It is true that our Chief was sitting on the toilet in the front lawn but her intention was slightly different than what Arizona Jeff first thought. The fairy could see that as Jeff was heading toward her he was wiggling back and forth with his legs crossed and she knew exactly where he was headed. Since she did not feel he had done his fair share of adding pictures to pinpics she knew the exact punishment to enstow upon him and sat down in the one seat Jeff needed the most.
After their conversation, and the Fairy's fear of what might happen if she did not move soon, she decided to fly away and let Jeff get exactly what he desirved. Sneaking just behind the toilet the fairy waited for Jeff to look into the toilet for his precious pin and flush, proceded to give him a swirlie.
Now we heard her exclaim as she flew out of sight "Add your pictures to all the pinpics pins tonight."


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

Who Let the Dogs Out

Just before midnight, a harvest moon crested the trees surrounding the little town. It cast an orange glow all around and lightened the shadows that encompassed the village square. Standing alone was the towering figure of Arizona Jeff. His confidence had grown with each passing challenge. Only two pins remained before his quest was complete. As he stood there, his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the moon. In the shadow he saw a content and for the first time in quite a while a regular Mary Jo. Arizona Jeff strode over to the woman for the evening’s instructions.
“You have done well Arizona. You have passed the first two challenges quite easily. I hope that your luck holds out this evening. Tonight, you play for a very rare pin, the Five Golden Rings. This pin is one of only two that remain. As such, the stakes must be higher. Your skills and daring will all be required if you are to be successful. There is a damsel in distress and only you can help her. You must search out Eeyore64 and release her from her captor.” Explained MJ
“Please don’t tell me I have to find the first 63 Eeyores before I get to this one.” Stated our hero.
“No, no, the first 63 are inconsequential it is the sixty-fourth that holds the key to your quest. Her last known whereabouts were at the castle on the hill,” Mary Jo said. “Find her and bring her back to her village and friends and your challenge will be complete.”
With these instructions, Arizona Jeff made his way to the edge of town to the hill below the old haunted mansion. The grounds appeared to be in some sort of disarray and it was clear there had been a struggle recently. Arizona was very careful paying close attention to his surroundings. Slowly, he began to make his way up the hill towards the house. At first, it seemed the house was dark but as he got closer, he saw that a lone light was on in the upstairs window. Sound was coming from the house. It was music, familiar music. It appeared to be the Imperial march from Star Wars. This seemed to be odd indeed. Quietly, Arizona made his way up the front steps to the doorway. Looking inside the window, he could see the walls were adorned with items that gave the impression that the occupant was some sort of artist. Paintings and photographs lined the walls. There also appeared to be Hallmark ornaments and figurines scattered around the house. Other than the eerie Star Wars music, no other sounds could be heard. Arizona Jeff decided that whoever lived here, must be away which would give him an opportunity to perhaps look around and find Eeyore64. He crept into the house and up the stairs. At the top were two doors. From one door emanated a muffled sound of giggling and a very strange smell. It smelled something akin to hot plastic. Outside the door were what appeared to be clothing that would fit a Barbie doll? Wisely, Arizona Jeff decided to skip this door and go to the next. Looking through the keyhole, he saw poor Eeyore64 looking forlorn. He entered the room and introduced himself, “My name is Arizona Jeff and I am here to rescue you.”
“Thanks for noticing me. Please hurry before she returns.” Said Eeyore64.
Arizona Jeff picked her up sweeping her off her feet and carried her down the stairs and out into the front yard. It appeared that they were about to make their escape when a figure appeared directly in front of them. She was a tall woman of nearly six feet, give or take a couple of inches. She wore a leather jacket with a Hot Wheels logo across the back. Her hair was a fiery red and her eyes shown brightly. When their eyes met, "Everything I Do" by Bryan Adams seemed to fill the air. Her legs seemed to go forever but the most intriguing thing about her was the purple kickboxing belt that she wore not around her waist but around her head as a bandana.
“Oh my gosh! It is Mean Laureen!” Eeyore screamed.
“Surely you didn’t think you would get away with this?” the redheaded wench hissed.
“I did think I would get away with it, and don’t call me Shirley.” Our hero replied. “Do you think you alone can stop me?”
“RELEASE THE HOUNDS!” Proclaimed the Mean One.
At this moment from behind the house came the howling of dogs. Arizona Jeff turned to see four poodles with cute little bows tied to the tops of their heads. They looked like some sort of deranged Hallmark greeting card for the mentally ill.
“Don’t let their appearance fool you, these dogs are trained to eat pins.” Laureen said.
Our hero was definitely in a bind. On one hand he had 4 killer poodles that were obviously ticked off at they way their hair was cut. On the other hand he had this 5 foot 10 inch Amazon with a purple belt around her head. Arizona Jeff did the only thing he could think of. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a portable CD player and pressed the Play button. "Rock Lobster" by the B-52s began to blare out of the speakers and soon Mean Laureen was slam dancing with the poodles just as Arizona had anticipated. He grabbed Eeyore64 by the hand and rushed for the gates. By the second verse of the song, Arizona Jeff was back at the town square with Eeyore64 in tow. Out of breath, he met with Mary Jo.
“Congratulations once again Arizona Jeff. You have successfully completed the challenge. I shall give you this Five Golden Rings pin in exchange for a Springtime Tigger pin.” MJ said.
“But I do not have a Tigger pin.” Our hero replied.
“It would be my honor to help in this quest,” said Eeyore64. “Please accept this Tigger pin on Arizona Jeff’s behalf.”
Mary Jo collected her pin and again vanished into the night. And now, one pin remains…



Well well well Jeff... very impressive. Seems you have been doing your homework!!
Or should I say that my DH has loose lips??

Lauri aka "Mean Laureen"



Thanks for rescuing me!
Man, I was so scared.....and I don't EVEN want to know what was going on in the room next to me!
Mean Laureen knew that I had a pin to help Arizonia and she was trying to keep me from helping him! So, HA HA Laureen, Arizonia is unstoppable!



Let's see if Arizona Jeff is there to help you at the next pin meet, Kathi.


shirley 38


One Pin to go. Oh I wish I had it for You Jeff. Hey why not e-bay here I come.



um, I , uh
I don't think I can make the next pin meet-- uh, I gotta work-- yeah that's it!!
Oh wait, remember, I bring Stealth Steven with me when I come--- whew, I'm safe!



neener, neener, neener LAUREEN?!?

You got zinged my dear friend and didn't even get a letter or a pin! Guess we'll be a little bit more careful about who we chose to trade next time won't we? hmmmmm?
We'll get him at the next WDW meet. He'll show up sooner or later!!!

Guess he got you all. What a delight this has been!

Too bad I waited so late last weekend to trade for a "Partridge in a Pear Tree".




I am not letting this leave page 1!!!



Oh No! what has MJ done with JJ?

You know he would get a message out to us if he could. Arizona Jeff, where are you. Another midnight has come and gone!


calling all pinpics cops and others

We have a missing persons report. Be on the lookout for a confused, misguided lost looking male, age unknown. He wears a lime green fedora and carries a whip. Oh my mistake thats a lanyard. He was last seen for certain with a fairy and a toilet bowl in the vicinity of the ladies toilet lawn. It was there that we learned his name was Arizona Jeff, AKA JJ aka Jazzy Jeff
Unconfirmed reports have cited him involved with a domestic disturbance or a kidnapping. Some redhead was charged with disturbing the peace after accusing Arizona Jeff of donkeynapping an Eeyore 64. After getting the names of all the attack poodles, it was uncertain as to whether Arizona Jeff was actually a party to all this or not. One thing is clear he is not one of the poodles.

Deputize as many guests and veterans as you can and find this man! He is armed with a bazaar sense of humor and is considered obsessed or is that possessed? May have an identity crisis and believes himself to be a superhero.




Ouch Kathryn!
You just made me 10 years older! (Eeyore54) .....while being captured was scary, I don't think it aged me 10 years....if you don't mind, can I go back to being Eeyore64???
Thanks ever so much!
(whew, she fixed it--Thanks!)


AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

We Don't Need Another hero

At last, the quest came down to this, one pin, one episode, one night. Our hero made his way towards the town square just as night began to fall. He began walking towards the town square for one last meeting with Mary Jo. He was beginning to take quite a liking to the old gal. It was nice to see those that are getting up in years still able to get around like she does. As Arizona Jeff approached the town square, several things seemed out of place. First off, the sign at the bank seemed quite odd. It had the wrong date on it. Second, there appeared to be a large group of people huddled along the streets watching his every move. This was a little disconcerting since he had nearly been alone for the previous challenges. While walking, he could hear them whispering.
“That’s him, he is the one that defeated Mean Laureen!”
“Did you hear, he actually met the Mad Framer from Up Yonder?”
“It has been said he left a man hopping while stuck to a Festivus pole by his tongue!”
“I heard he actually met Regina, master of her domain.”
“Well I heard he battled wits with the Peachident. Well, it was half a battle or was it half a wit. I can’t remember.”
“Someone said he actually met the PeopleMover, queen of transportation.”
“Did you guys here that Malibu Matt is walking with a limp and smells like hot plastic?”
Everywhere he turned; there were more people and more comments. When he finally reached the center of town the crowd followed behind him sealing him in with a circular wall of people. At the center of this circle stood Mary Jo. Our hero approached.
“I have been waiting two days for your return Arizona.” Mary Jo said.
“Yeah, well, I uh had a thing, sorry.” Replied our hero.
“You are down to one final pin, the Partridge in a Pear Tree.” Announced MJ. “For this challenge, we have something special. Behold, the Pin-der-dome!”
With this, she waved her hand at a structure that had been constructed at the center of town. With her last syllable, the crowd began to roar their approval and press in jockeying for the best viewing position.
“You shall have one last battle. The rules of Pin-der-dome are simple, two people enter, one pin leaves.” Explained Mary Jo. At this last sentence, the crowd began to chant, “two people enter, one pin leaves! Two people enter, one pin leaves!”
It was almost eerie to hear this crowd as they all chanted in unison. Arizona Jeff was beginning to feel the electricity in the crowd and knew this would be no ordinary battle. He stood and awaited his opponent. Suddenly the crowd began to cheer as it parted to reveal a woman dressed in what appeared to be a policeman’s uniform. The chant quickly changed to “Kathryn, Kathryn, Kathryn!” Although she did not look imposing, it was obvious that she was no one to be toyed with. When Kathryn reached the Pin-der-dome, she stood in front of Arizona Jeff. The two combatants eyed each other sizing up their opponent. The tension was intense. Finally, Mary Jo spoke, “As the challenger Arizona Jeff, you may select the form of battle.”
Looking directly into the eyes of the PinTrader, our hero said flatly, “Inflatable Sumo Wrestling.”
Neither of the warriors blinked as they sneered at each other. The crowd gasped at the news. Immediately two PinPics police officers appeared holding sumo suits. Each of the warriors donned their suit and was led into the Pin-der-dome. When they were in place, the PinPics police officers attached an air hose to the sumo suits and inflated them until each of the combatants were as round as the Blueberry girl in Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. The policemen then removed the hoses and rushed out of the dome. The two warriors waddled back and forth as the crowd went quiet. Then it happened, Kathryn rushed towards Arizona Jeff. The collision was massive but the air bounced PinTrader backwards and she lost her balance. In an instant, Arizona Jeff was upon her knocking her down. She lay there like a turtle unable to right itself. The crowd was in shock. Their champion lay there like an upside-down armadillo. Our hero leaped into the air and landed directly on top of the PinTrader pinning her to the floor. In that instant, the crowd again erupted as the battle ended. With help from the PinPics police, Arizona Jeff removed the suit and met with Mary Jo.
“Congratulations Arizona Jeff. You have completed the challenge and have earned the Partridge in a Pear Tree. Merely give me a Main Street Electric Parade Farewell Spinner Pin and your quest is complete.”
In that instant, all of the joy and celebration left Arizona Jeff. He immediately understood that this quest was all for not. Bowing his head he quietly explained, “I do not own the pin you are seeking. I have not the necessary trader to complete this task.”
The surroundings became completely silent. In the crowd, the sounds of women crying could be heard. Dejected, our hero began to leave the square his shoulders and head drawn down. The stunned crowd could do nothing but watch as he walked away. Deep within the crowd, a small child called, “Can no one help Arizona Jeff? After all he has been through, does no one have the pin that MJ requires as payment?” Our hero walked off into the darkness, his quest complete but unsuccessful. Regina was correct, he could not do this alone, and he needs your help…



AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

It cannot end...

As Arizona Jeff began to walk away, a small little man with a tear-streaked face dressed as an Eskimo called out, “Wait! You cannot go!”
Arizona turned to see the Mad Framer from the frozen tundra. In his hand he held a rare Cast Member pin. “Please take this, it may help in your quest.” Nat said.
“Is that what I think it is?” Asked PinTrader who had just appeared from the Pin-der-dome. “I would dearly love that pin and I have a Main Street Electrical Parade Spinner pin I could trade!” She reached into her pocket and retrieved the pin. “I have no need for this Spinner pin as it will always be a part of me.” She then rose her pant leg to show an indentation of the pin left from where Arizona Jeff and bounced her in the Sumo suit.
Mary Jo arrived to see the transaction and collected her Main Street Spinner pin. In exchange, she handed our hero the final piece of his quest. He took the pin and held it over his head. The crowd began to cheer! Tears of joy fell down the faces of the crowd. After several minutes of ovation, the crowd noise subsided and Arizona Jeff announced, “I would like to thank everyone for their help during this quest. It could not have been done without you. To celebrate the success of this quest I propose we have a party. Everyone, free drinks at Malibu Matt’s house!” With that the crowd began running to the beach to the bright pink two-story house without a back. This party lacked only one thing…



Hey, WHO'S paying for these free drinks, anyway???

One good thing about a house without a back ... it's easy to clean up after a party. Just toss all the debris and unconscious partiers out the back when the party's over.
Congrats on the completion of the quest, Arizona Jeff. Truly a fine cliffhanger in the tradition of "Superman Versus The Mole Men." One question remains, though ....

Will someone get the Parkhopper's tongue off the Festivus pole?!?!?!?!?




I'm surrounded by crazy people.




oh no! Regina

are you the next one to go into the Pin-der-Dome in Pinville?Is it same same circle of mad people that surrounded JJ as he moved steadily into the inner circle????
Violet uh I mean



Now I know this story is fiction.. Malibu Matt actually talked about CLEANING A HOUSE!!!!
Mean Laureen



Oh Jeff

is it really over, I was so enjoying your portrayel of all our Dis Friends....boo hooo!!!! Someone find Arizona a new QUEST!!!!! quick, hmmmmmm perhaps the Space suit group....The Adventures of Arizona Jeff on Mars.....sounds good to me...



AZ JazzyJ
Chat Host
Lord of the Happy Pin Dance
Classic Post

The final post...

The party at Malibu Matt's house had begun to wind down. Nearly everyone in the town had dropped by to see Matt's two-story pink mansion without a back. Each person stopped to see Arizona Jeff and to admire the Twelve Days of Christmas pins. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Matt attempted to open it but found that he had no wrists or opposable thumbs. The mad framer Nat came to his rescue and flung the door open. There stood a man dragging a post which was still firmly attached to his tongue. As he entered, all eyes were drawn to the pole and its companion.
"Th-ay, I heard there wa-th a party here. Why wa-th-ant I invited?" The Parkhopper asked.
"Sorry Parkster, I guess in all of our excitement, we kind of forgot about you." Our hero said.
"Th-at'th ok. I ju-th-t followed the empty can-th to the hou-th-e." The pole sucker said.
"I think this pole has about worn out its usefulness, don't you think?" Asked Arizona.
"Ye-th, I think th-o." Said Vince.
With that, Arizona Jeff picked up a pot of hot coffee and walked over to Vince. He then poured the coffee on the pole and Parkhopper's tongue freeing the man from his pole. The crowd began to cheer as Parkhopper began to yell about how hot the coffee was. Arizona Jeff patted him on the back and led him to the bar for some salted peanuts and adult beverages. What better way to end an adventure than to stand around the Festivus pole singing traditional holiday songs and recounting the stories that had transpired during these past several days. As the last note of the last song was sung, Arizona Jeff collected his pins and set off into the early morning sun in search of his next great adventure.



Amazing!!! A pin quest story for all time. I am thankful at least not to be stuck to the pole anymore. From what Nat says they are still getting snow up there in the frozen North and I thought I would be stuck forever. Congratulations Jeff on the successful conquest of your Quest. I don't think anyone on this board will ever forget it!



Amazing! I was away for two weeks , and look what I missed. An epic saga of the grandest pin hunt of all time!
What great fun! Thanks for the entertainment!
Jeff, if you had come to Maine after the visit to NH, you would have found your Two Turtle Doves pin a lot sooner and saved yourself some grief!


TDC Blue Fairy

That was truly entertaining, even if you did put me on the toilet......I still cannot get over it.....ahhh the horror, the nightmares....I will have to sell my pins to pay for my therapy




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