We are having a yard sale soon. How much should I ask for original Nintendo unit and games?

Kris Puyear

Aug 17, 1999
We have the original game that we bought back in 1990 and around 25 games. We also have the Super NES system and around 15 games. They work perfectly fine and are in great condition. But our son has Nintendo64 and also Playstation so we don't have any hookups and the two older units are just taking up room.

How much should I ask for this at our yard sale?

The best way to figure out the value is to go onto EBAY and see what price the system has been selling for there, that should at least give you a ball park idea.....


1985 Off Site
1996 Old Key West (OKW)
1997 Boardwalk/OKW
1999 Old Key West
2001 Wilderness Lodge
Villas/Old Key West
To be honest with you, I would sell them on e-bay instead. I have much better luck selling items like that, and nicer kids clothes on e-bay than at yard sales. People at yard sales around here, only seem to be looking for major bargains and aren't willing to pay much.

I'd have to 2nd the idea of selling on eBay instead of at a yard sale. This past Christmas, I was going through our movie collection. There were quite a few I thought we could get rid of, but my children had a very tough time with the thought of parting with their movies. I told them we'd try selling them on eBay and whatever money was made would be divided between them and they could do whatever they wanted with it. (Later, they both decided to put it into their savings account which just thrilled me more) We sold roughly 10 movies, 2 books (which brought in very little to nothing, maybe $5.00 for both) and 1 N64 video game. The kids made about $120.00, and we were all thrilled. They got some $$$$ and I got some space in our cabinet. We wouldn't have gotten half that at a yard sale.

It's best if you are able to add a picture to your listing, but for video consoles and games, everyone knows what they look like. I doubt if you can't add a picture it will hurt your final price.

Another suggestion, If you don't need the money right away, try running the search on completed auctions. I bet if you could hang on to it till closer to the holidays you will get top dollar for everything you have.


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