WDW with 9 mos. old...advice?


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
DH,DH, and I will be going to WDW in early June. I'd love any advice on how we can be most successful at MK, Epcot, etc. What attractions should we consider? Does anyone know which rides that we could go on with him? Also, I've heard about a Care Center. What/where is it? Thanks! Leslie
We took our daughter for the first time at 9 months and she is going for the 6th time next week (she's 3 1/2).

Some tips - bring your own stroller. One that reclines for naps, has a basket for the diaper bag, and a visor to keep the sun off the baby.

Diapers, wipes, baby food, and formula are pricey at WDW. Bring them if you can or stop at a grocery store on the way to WDW to buy them.

The baby care centers are located in each park. They are nice, quiet, air conditioned spots that have baby supplies for sale, rooms for nursing, rocking chairs if you just want to take a break with baby.

The baby can ride practically everything that doesn't have a height restriction. On those rides, Mommy & Daddy can babyswap and take turns riding.

Our daughter had a ball at 9 months. She loved the characters, wasn't afraid of anything dark, she basically sat and smiled and laughed and took it all in. We have adorable pictures/video of her on this trip. She napped whenever she needed to in the stroller and when she did, we were able to hit a couple of big rides or eat a nice leisurely meal. There are also several long, dark rides that are perfect for sleepy times - like Spaceship Earth at Epcot for example. We could ride through there while holding her and by the time the ride was over she was out.

Good luck!

We took our daughter at that age, and younger. In June, it will be very hot. Watch out for too much sun.

Give her plenty of fluids, a young one will dehydrate quicker that an adult.

And, of course, take lots of pictures!

Smile :D

<font color="#FF0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="3"><center>Darryl</font>
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We just got back from our first WDW vacation with our dd 31/2 and dd 9months. They both LOVED IT!!! of course. Although before we went I too had a ton of questions about what she would be allowed to go on and such... Like the last post told you, she can go on everything that doesn't have a height restriction... Our baby had soooo much fun on everything, she is a very easy going baby and that made a world of difference I'm sure, because they are in and out of the stroller a lot!!! She wasn't afraid of the characters at all, and LOVED LOVED LOVED It's a small world and the Winnie the Pooh ride!! We did a character dinner at the crystal palace with Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eyeore, and have priceless video of them playing with her as she stared and stared!!!
We did two days at MK because it was so magical, and only 1/2 day at Epcot, although I look forward to that park when the kids are older, looked wonderful and wished we could have seen more. Animal Kingdom is very relaxing and they both loved the Safari ride and seeing all the animals, much different than a zoo... they are RIGHT there along side you. There is no way you won't have a wonderful time, just enjoy taking it all in!!!!
ok heres my must have list for better travelling.

carseat duffle bag. this makes toting your carseat through the airport to the plane (buy your baby a ticket)a breeze. its a little pricy for the amount of usage but totally worth it!

sportbaby backpack diaperbag. you can find it online at sportbaby.com or babies r us. it has a huge changing pad that is attached so you cant loose it. its big enough to change the baby anywhere. it has a wet pocket inside and lots of nooks and cranies for all your stuff!

table toppers! this are presterilized mats that stick to the table so your baby can eat the finger foods on any surface!

a carrier. i like the baby bjorn best, but bring a soft one thats easily folded under your stroller. this makes holding the baby on rides, in lines and at shows a snap.

evenflo's easy ones. these are premeasured packs of formula. then you can pack the bolles of water in the am and head out to the park and not worry about keeping them cool.

have fun and take your baby eveywhere, dont forget to kidswitch!


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