WDW Vacation Package Pin?


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2002
Does anyone know what the pin looks like that you receive for booking a WDW Resort Package? Someone I know was wondering. I'm pretty sure it must be a 100 YOM pin of some sort, but has anyone seen it and can describe it or direct me to a picture?


I just noticed that you are new to the DIS boards. WELCOME!

I have not seen the new pin. Maybe someone here can help you out. You certainly have come to the right place. There are some very knowledgable people here.

Sue Ellen
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know why I've never joined before...I know RouteManDan from Yahoo Clubs, I'll have to find him and say hi!

It is a little pin with Mickey painting 100 years...
Here is a picture

Found it on www.pinpics.com
Thank you! I had seen that one and thought it might be it, but then I saw Mickey in a plane with 100 on the tail and thought that might be it too...there's a bunch on eBay I found, but most don't let you know what dates they came out.

I'll let my friend know though, thanks again!


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