wdw resort discounts


Feb 29, 2000
can someone please explain to me how resort discounts work. we are going nov. 17th for six nights. i've been calling the 1-800 cro number to check on aaa discount availability and i'm confused. two times they checked and none were available. third time she wanted my aaa number, said she couldn't check without it (why could they before?), got hung up on that time. called back, he didn't ask for my number but said none were available. i then asked about other discounts available such as mangers specials - he said there was no way to check without codes. i have no idea what he meant so i asked were i get the codes, he said he did not know, that they were promotions and i should check for advertisements. what is going on? what ads? why are they so secretive, if they can offer a discount why can't you keep calling and expect to get the disocunt if it is available when you call? help!!!!!!
Disney has never been very forthcoming with discount information. You have to know what to ask for and then you have to keep asking. In order to check for the AAA discount, Disney needs your member number and the expiration date of your membership. I believe they may be able to check for the discount without your number, but they certainly won't book the room without it. I wouldn't confuse the issue by telling the CM what happened in past calls to CRO. Just call and ask about the AAA discount for the travel dates you are going and be prepared to give them your membership info.

As for other types of discounts, the manager's specials or upsell rates are usually last minute types of promotions. These usually pop up anywhere from 30 - 90 days in advance. The time period you are planning to go in November will most likely not have these type of discounts as it is right before Thanksgiving. Unless the AAA discounts are sold out (these are limited and do sell out), you should be able to get the discount as it is value season at all the WDW resorts and these discounts are available during value season.

There are certain promotions that require a code for booking. Check your local paper (usually on Sundays) in the travel section for promotions offered by Disney. The ad will have a code for the promotion. These promotions are not offered all the time and not offered everywhere, so don't be surprised if you don't find it.

The key to obtaining a discount from Disney is doing your homework and persistence. These boards go along way to help with the homework part. Good luck with the persistence!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator



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