WDW Attraction Fright Factors

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Por favor mantengan se alejado de las puertas
Oct 21, 1999
I've seen alot of posts questioning whether a certain attraction was ok for their child. Of course every child is different, but at one time WDW rated each of their attraction as to potential fright level.

A while back, they eliminated these ratings from the website during a makeover.

Follow the link below to a listing of the ratings that were once used. The system uses clever phrases to group attractions into four categories in order of increasing fright potential: Hooray!, Whoa!, Yikes!, and Yeeow!

The Hooray! attractions should not frighten anyone. The Whoa! attractions require some parental guidance and really vary in intensity. Peter Pan's flight is included in this group. I would consider it a Hooray! Yikes! are mostly non-height requirement attractions that are the scariest. Yeeow! are the thrill attractions.

WDW Fright Factors

Por favor mantengan se alejado de las puerta

[This message was edited by gcurling on 04-12-01 at 01:17 PM.]
I just wanted to say "thanks" for the info. How kind of you to find it and repost. I'm taking a 3 year old next year and this is so helpful. thanks again. ;)


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<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font></font)
You are very welcome. Our daughter is 3 yrs and 3 months old. Later this month, she will be making her 19th trip up to WDW. She is 39 inches tall, so she cannot do any of the 40" attractions just yet.

The ratings are fairly accurate. There is only one attraction that she is tall enough for that she refuses to do - Honey I Shrunk the Audience. The snake an lion coming out at you scared her last year. She won't go back in.

Otherwise she loves everything. Kali River Rapids just lowered the height to 38" so we are going to give a try in a couple of weeks.

Enjoy your trip

Por favor mantengan se alejado de las puertas


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