Water parks for preschooler who can't swim?


Dec 23, 2000
We have a Florida resident seasonal pass, so it's not good for most of the parks this summer (but I hear that it might be good for AK!!) We still might like to visit one of the water parks, since we've never been to Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach. We have a four-year-old who can't yet swim. She may have some lessons before we go, but I'm wondering if there will be anything for her to enjoy if she can't swim. Any thoughts? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Although we have never been to the other water parks, our entire family (spanning ALL age groups) really enjoyed Typhoon Lagoon. There is a little area for the little kids to play and it is all fun for non-swimmers. There is a little raft ride and misty places. DH concurs with me (WOW!) that TL is great fun for all - INCLUDING little non-swimmers!
Hope that this helps!

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget Board and
Disney for Families BoardCo-Host
We just came back from our Disney trip and went to Blizzard Beach with our two year old. He had a ball! There was a play area for small children complete with sand, small water slides, and small tube rides ideal for non-swimmimg pre-schoolers! I even took him on the lazy river with me and on the family raft ride (although the family ride scared him a bit!)
Typhoon Lagoon and River Country also have similiar play areas for small children. Have a great time!


:) :D
Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach both have really nice play areas for toddlers and pre-schoolers. The family raft rides (especially the one at BB), the lazy river rides, and the pools are good fun for everyone.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
My little ones love the play area for the small kids. My ds, 8, would still like to play there if he could. There is also a play area at River Country too. It has thing in the water to sit on and has some slides too. There is also fountains for them to run through too.

Keep in mind too that they do have life jackets available for you to borrow (at least they did when we were there in '97 with my then 3 year old niece). It may help for a little piece of mind. :)
We used a life jacket for our kids when we were there last fall and they gave that extra boost of confidence. Nice ones for our 5 year old - a "old fashioned" one for the 7 month old (not that he cared).


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