Was able to obtain special Indiana resident rate for Dixie Landings!


<font color=green>Survived the big crash<br><font
Nov 10, 1999
I got two nights in early March (to add to a stay at the Disney Institute, where my company is sending me) for only $99 per night, plus tax!

I will not post the code here - but it was in the Indianapolis Star if you are an Indiana resident and want to do a little sleuthing!

(I learned about it here! Thanks to everyone!)

<font size=4 color=#FF0066>D°o°die</font>

March 2001 - Our first trip to Disneyland!! (Grand Californian)
March 2000 - WDW (All Star Music)
May 1998 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1997 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
May 1996 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1995 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1994 - WDW (Honeymoon! Dixie Landings)

Dear Dodie

Do you happen to know how long that deal is going to be good? We live just south of you near Columbus, IN. and are planning on going the end of March or beginning of April. We went in February and December of last year. I would have to get a copy of the Star to get the numbers but since the library is near my home that will not be hard. Do you know if there are other special IN rates for the other places? We are sort of thinking about the Disney Institute for one our trips this year. We used to stay there when we used to take our kids with us back when it was called the Villa's. We mostly stay at the All Stars now. Sorry for getting carried away but it is so much fun to find a 'neighbor' with a love for the mouse.

Hello Slightly Goofy~
This special offer is available for Ohio,Wisconsin,Indiana,and Florida residents..at least this is what I was told by CRO when I called last week. The offer is valid from Feb 18-April 11..All Stars are $69/night and Moderates are $99/night plus tax..the only one that was available when I called was Coronado Springs(April 7-14)..there were rooms available at the others but they were not the discounted rooms!! The code was CLA if you need it. GOOD LUCK!!

I posted it over on the resort boards. Guess I should have over here as well.

I didn't realize it included AS resorts as well! What a deal (if you can get it)

Been there, done that, going back!
Off-site 87, 88
All Star Music 97
All Star Music 98
All Star Movies 99
Ft Wilderness Oct 00
BWV/WLV Oct 01

I'm not sure when the Indiana rate applies, but it seemed to be through March and April (which surprises me because that's typically peak season).

I didn't know that it applied to the value resorts too, or I might have asked for that...but we LOVE DxL and it will be the last time to stay there before it merges with Port Orleans.

I guess it's okay to post the code - reading the guidelines in another post. Someone has already done that here, but in case you missed it it's CLA. You need to mention that it's for Indiana residents AND you may be asked to provide proof of being an Indiana resident upon check-in!

Happy hunting! :D

<font size=4 color=#FF0066>D°o°die</font>

March 2001 - WDW Surprise!! (Disney Institute & Dixie Landings)
March 2001 - Our first trip to Disneyland!! (Grand Californian)
March 2000 - WDW (All Star Music)
May 1998 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1997 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
May 1996 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1995 - WDW (Dixie Landings)
March 1994 - WDW (Honeymoon! Dixie Landings)


Thank you so much for the info. I will be calling to see if I can get ressies for April. We used to love Port Orleans but since they closed down the sit down restaurant and moved the piano player to Dixie we would just as soon stay at All Star. Truth be told I would pay more for All Star because it is so easy to find my way back and forth from. Shhhhh Don't tell Disney. That and a McD within walking distance. Pure heaven.

Disney is going to get our money, I just want to get the most days I can out of them. LOL Linda
Does anyone know about this rate for LA?
I thought I saw a post earlier about the discount rate listed in Lousiana newspapers.


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