Want to make parfaits for Valentine's Day...any recipes?


Mar 26, 2001
I'd like to make parfaits (something a little fancy for the kids) for Valentine's Day. Any good recipes? I'm thinking chocolate, or something with brownie chunks. But I'm open for ideas. I also have alot of bananas sitting on the counter. All suggestions welcome!! Thanks!:D
How about jello and whipped cream or pudding parfaits. Use strawberry or raspberry jello, add a few berries to it also if desired. You can either let that set by itself before layering or layer in clear cups, alternating jello with cream/pudding layers (have jello set in cups before adding next layer.
What about a layer of chocolate pudding, then a layer of sliced banana, then pudding, then banana with whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top? Or raspberries if your bananas are looking a little worn.
Last week I made a "trifle" for a Valentine thing and my layers were:

brownie chunks
then a drizzled a little of the juice drained from a package of frozen raspberries
then a layer of chocolate pudding (I did Jello-instant!)
then a layer of the raspberries
then a layer of cool whip
start all over and end with cool whip on top.

It looks great and tasted pretty good too from what I gather, because the bowl was empty!
Thanks for all these great ideas! I need to make up my mind quickly...nothing like waiting until the last minute.:)


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