walmart tickets


<font color=FF33CC>Enjoys "other" parks too, but d
Mar 21, 2001
does anyone know if the walmart superstore sells all disney passes, park hopper plus 5 day in particular. Can you still get early admission with these, I imagine they are paper ones not the swipe kind
I am not sure which Wal-mart sells the tickets, but I can tell you that your pass does not gain you entrance into Early Entrance. It is being a resort guest. So if you are staying at a WDW resort, you have the priviledge of EE.
And any pass that you purchase NOT at check-in will be the paper kind. They make the cards at where you check in.
Hope that this helps! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
During March Break, I went in and bought my tickets from the Walmart Travel, at the Super Walmart on 192 and they are the regular paper kind. The cost of the 5-day park hopper plus was $246.00.


off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
CSR & ASMu July 01


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