Walmart Superstore


Proud Canadian
Nov 13, 1999
I have read several references to this store and would like to know where it is. We would like to fill a cooler with drinks and snacks and want to make a quick trip to Walmart. Are the prices better for these things elsewhere?
The WalMart is just down 192 (on the side of I4 opposite Disney) - it's a few miles down, but not overly far - it's maybe a mile or so past the intersections of 535 (which connects with the road coming out of Epcot - look on a map and you'll see it). I'm a really bad judge of distance, so I may be off on that. It is just after the Medieval Times Dinner Theatre on the right hand side of the road. If the construction on 192 is any better (it's been horrible the last few times I was out there) - it's pretty easy to get to and open 24 hours. We make a trip there every Disney visit. I don't know how many styrofoam coolers I've bought there and then pitched at the end of vacation.
If the drive is too much for you, stop at Steak-n-Shake for a pick-me-up. A Chocolate Malt sounds really good about now......and they are SOOOO close to Wal-Mart, you just have to stop.


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I was just there last week. Once I found it and got my bearings, it was a 12 minute drive from Walmart back to the Port Orleans resort.


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