Wal-Mart employees


Earning My Ears
Feb 11, 2001
If you are a wal-mart employee, can you get discounted wdw tickets as a benefit?
Hi there!

My husband is a Sams Associate and I have never heard of such a thing...they did offer the Disney Club as a benefit in the past...but no more since the program has changed.
Nope Wal*Mart "Associates" don't get discounted Disney Tickets.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's OKW-01 1X
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

Thanks, I'm a wal-mart employee, but didn't know.
I've read McDonald employee get 20% discount on tickets.
I am a Wal*Mart Associate also and I have frequently wondered if your Associate discount would work, but, I only buy annuals, so, have never checked it out. Not sure about the MCDonald's discount, btw.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's OKW-01 1X
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

Yes, Mc Donald's employees reeive 20% off their passes.But you do need to in management in order for you to have received the discount card.


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