VOTE for Walt Disney, Greatest American!


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2005
VOTE for Walt Disney, Greatest American!
Discovery Channel is conducting a countdown on the Greatest American personalities. Walt Disney has made it to the Top 25.

Vote by phone at the following number. It's toll free...

Walt Disney

Without Walt, we would not have WDW or any of the Animated Hits that we watch and love...

Please pass this on to everyone you know and see if we can get a win for Walt on the 50th Anniversary of Disneyland.

You can find out more on savedisney . com

Let me ask all of you a question (well, all of you that speak of inventors or Presidents being the Greatest American).

What about Fantasy? What about all the smiles and laughture that happen every year when a Child or Big Kid (Adult) visits a Disney Theme Park or watches a Disney movie?

How about all the parents and grand parents that get to see the smiles on their kids faces?

I do appreciate the light bulb and electricity, but to me, I'd rather not have either if I didn't have the fun and laughture. Walt has brought that to Millions of people of all ages. Lets think outside the box here...

Walt to me is the Greatest American and there are a lot of people who agree.
Sorry, but while I think Walt was a great man, he certainly wasn't the GREATEST AMERICAN. I would probably put Lincoln and Rosa Parks ahead of him.
I voted.
And yes, Diane, the Great Americans Lincoln and Parks were exemplary human beings....I noticed Ben Franklin in the top 25 too. And Einstein.

So I was just going to LOOK and not vote, since it would be too hard to choose.
But then I thought about smiling and laughter....actually when I saw Bob Hope...and what an amazing gift to bring smiles to the faces of children.

And that's when I decided that Walt made it possible for so many children to grow up believing in magic and WISHES and pixie dust.And I thought of all the smiles and laughter and memories.

So I voted for Walt.
Since you can vote 3 times per week, I'm sharing my votes with Walt and Neil Armstrong.

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