Very concerned about my HRH ressie!


oh bother!
Aug 23, 1999
I am very concerned that I just got charged incorrectly!

I made a reservation at HRH back in January for 4 nights beginning April 24 for a pool view room at the rate of $169/nt. I haven't received anything such as a confirmation or a charge on my credit card verifying this, so I called today to confirm.

I spoke to a rep who confirmed that I did indeed have the above reservation, and that they hadn't yet charged my credit card. I then asked her about a card I got from Loew's today as part of their membership program for a rate of $149 a night. She did not have any info about this rate, and asked her supervisor. Her supervisor did not have the info either, and asked for me to fax the paper to her, which I did. I was told they would call me right back. This was about noontime today.

I never received a call back. I just called back (6:30 PM EST) and explained what happened to another rep. She immediately put me on with her supervisor who said that the daytime supervisor must have the information with her, and, very much to my dismay, that I had a rate in the system of $189 a night, which is the current rate that is being quoted! I asked how that could be if this afternoon it was $169. She said she couldn't explain it to me because the system had frozen and that someone would call me back tomorrow. I tried to emphasize that I was very concerned about this rate change in the system and I asked if she could please try and do something and she told me to just wait until tomorrow!

Is there anything I can do other than wait until tomorrow? I must say, I've never had this problem with Disney CRO!! LOL!

We made reservations back in December and never received any correspondence until almost February! I, too, called back to make sure we were in the system and everything was ok. At that time I changed to the Entertainment discount of $129/night, pool view and had to wait about three more weeks for that confirmation too. Of course, our credit card was charged promptly! We inquired about the Loews discount, to see which disc would be better, and CRO said that had to be worked out with the front desk upon check-in. How are you to know what to do? I hope you get everything worked out. I know how frustrating it can be to wait.
I too was having a difficult time with the people at HRH so I called Loews and found them to be very helpful. The Loews rep. changed my ressie to Portofino(w/ Ent. rate) after I was told by a HRH employee the day before that the Portofino had no rooms, also the HRH employee quoted me the rack price as a Entertainment rate for HRH Club Room. The Loews rep. seemed to be really concerned as to what was going on at the HRH. He said that they would be in contact with the HRH Managers, hopefully everything will smooth out soon.

In short, call Loews.


and they said the same thing! They said that they see in the system that the rate was always $189 and that as the hotel books up, the rates go up. Which is kind of contradictory in my opinion, how could the rate be the same in January and in February if the rates increase?

AHHH! Sorry to vent, but how is this possible? The worst part is that they never charged my credit card for the deposit and they also never sent me a confirmation so I don't have a leg to stand on. I'm sorry I ever tried to get a lower rate, because now it's just costing me more.

I guess I just have to wait til tomorrow and see if someone will call back...

Thanks for your replies.
Check to see if they have any entertainment book rooms left. I made ressies for those same nights about two weeks ago and there were several rooms left. I paid $149 for deluxe.

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Luvspooh, it sounds like your just having some bad luck. I hope you get that call tomorrow. I agree that is very strange of them to raise the rate after you had already booked it.


I also hope you get that call tomorrow. I just make a reservation using the entertainment card rate for the HRH 4-nights next november. They give me A CONFIRMATION NUMBER. They also said that I will receive my confirmation letter withing 1 week. DOES ANYBODY GOT A CONFIRMATION NUMBER ALSO ?!?!?!?!?!?!

I got my con. # over the phone too but do not remember anything about getting a letter in the mail a week later. I guess I will have to wait and see.


I had no problems when I booked for March. I did this a couple of months ago garden view 117.50. I was given confirmation # over the phone&written con. about 10 days later.

What are you getting charged on youre credit card? I didnt have to put a deposit. They held 1 night on my room for approval but my card won't be charged untill our stay.
I got a confirmation # too and they told me that I would receive written confirmation in the mail when it got closer to our arrival time.

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I would call the Hotel directly, (not the 800 number), and speak with the General Manager of the Hotel. They have the power to help you out with this, the reservationists do not. If they can't honor your original price, I would ask for the Number for the V.P. of Customer Relations/ Service of Loews Hotels at their corporate offices. I'm quite sure they will be able to help you.
I booked the HRH for arrival on 3/27 for 4 nights with the entertainment rate ($117.00). I just tried to change the arrival to 3/28 for 3 nights. They want to change the price to $149 per night now for the change. Does this seem right?
No! Was the $ 117.00 rate non-refundable? I don't see why they have to change the reservation at all, why not just cancel the night of the 27th and keep the rest of the reservation as is? Once again, I wouldn't waste time talking to people who can't change policy, speak to someone in charge.
I agree that it is best to call the hotel directly. I just got the run around with them this afternoon. I have reservations for 2 deluxe rooms since they won't let us (5 people plus a baby) stay in one deluxe 500sf room. I wanted to check and make sure that there were no standard size rooms since 1000sf is a lot of space. I was told that there were no entertainment rate regular rooms for my dates and that they couldn't guarantee that my rooms would connect even though my 4 children would all be in one room and my husband and me in another. That was the general Loews number. That person gave me the 888-UESCAPE number and they said that I woould have the connecting rooms, but that the king room was 149/night and the 2 queen room $174/night. The person that I had made the original reservation with put down an additional adult so the room cost more. They finally figured out how to change the reservation. I won't believe it until I see the written confirmation. What a pain--I hope that it's worth it! I'll try the direct hotel number if the confirmation isn't correct.

but I didn't receive an answer either time! I just received a call from someone in Loew's Central Reservations in Phoenix saying that they were going to contact the manager in charge of rates ( I forget the exact title) to see if the rate I "claim" I was quoted was even available on January 4. I then received a phone call from the Universal reservations manager in Rhode Island saying that they were looking into the rate on the card which I faxed to them yesterday. Both said that someone would get back to me today. Guess what? No reply. It's too late now to contact anyone, so I'm going to have to wait until Monday. If they say they can't revert my ressie back to the original rate I at least want them to charge my credit card for 1 night so I have that rate in place and they don't increase it again. By the way, I did receive a confirmation number, but nothing written in the mail or a charge on my credit card for a deposit, both of which the initial reservationist told me I would receive.

I'm not going to give up on this. I am really amazed that this is not an isolated incident. I am really in shock that they do not regularly send out confirmation letters. When I do finally get a definitive answer, I think I'll ask if they can fax me something in writing on the spot...

Thanks for all of your feedback.
After posting my problem with HRH 800# wanting to charge me $149 instead of the Entertainment rate of $117 per night for delaying the day of our arrival (but not extending the reservation), I called the HRH 407# and was able to change the day of arrival without any problems. I don't know why the lady at the 800# wanted to cancel my entire reservation and then rebook it. Then she told me my rate wouldn't be availble, the garden view was sold out, etc. I kept asking her if I was just removing one day of my reservation why would that change my room. She never did have an answer that made any sense to me.

I am just very grateful that the reservationist I spoke with at HRH knew how to make a customer happy (and she didn't even know I had a problem to begin with!!)...YEAH!!
I made a ressie at the HRH in August for Easter week,and paid a deposit, then changed it to the entertainment rate when I read about it on the board. Then last month we had to cut off two days, so I called again. For some reason they didn't have the right deposit amount (Now had the lower entertainment rate credited) and told me I had to call accounting. They also told me I didn't need a new confirmation. I was a little worried because the only paper I have is from August with the $164. rate. After reading of a few mix ups with ressies on this board I became a little worried .I called back on the 407# and said I really wanted a confirmation in my hand, and they're sending it. Although they're trying to do a good job, it looks like there are mix-ups and I think it's better to have all bases covered.
I am very confused about all the different rates and booking configurations. I booked HRH using my Universal Fan club card and then discovered it was cheaper using the Entertainment rate. I was told that my credit card would be charged right away, but nothing has showed up and its been more than a month.

I find it irritating that there are so many codes, discounts and deals. When you call the reservationists have no clue. I even spoke with a supervisor who sounded like she was reading from a cue card. I hope everything goes smoothly when we get there!

The Gagnons--Bob, Tracy, Jacob, and Emily
from Central Reservations. They said that the rate I was referring to finally showed up in their system today and they would honor it. The woman begrudgingly added that I shouldn't be getting the rate because it was for a garden view room and there weren't any garden view rooms available for that time.

She said to bring the card with me when we checked in, and that the credit card has been charged. I haven't checked yet to see if it has. Oh, I also asked about a written confirmation, and she stated that the hotel sends them out about 2 weeks before the date of the reservation.

I got her name in case there is any further mix-up, but I'm hoping for the best.

All in all, I am really surprised that so many people have had similar problems with the reservation process. Thanks to all that posted, and hopefully everyone's problems will be ironed out.
Your credit card will be charged 5 days prior to your arrival, which is the cut off for cancelling without penalty. Usually, you won't get your bill between 5 days before you arrive and your actual arrival at the HRH. But this is how our reservations were handled at both PB and HRH.....our card charged 5 days prior to arrival.

As far as reservation snafus, Disney CRO is *infamous* for giving out a different answer each time you call. ;) So it's not unique to Loews. LOL

Also, I'm seeing confusion about amount of discount. Generally the Universal Studios Fan Club card is 30% off, while the Entertainment rate is 50%, subject to availability and season.

Always ask for the Ent. rate first, and if that's not available, go for the Fan club rate. :)



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