Vent-Christmas Invitation


<font color=blue>Sure sister's cat is as big as a
Jan 21, 2001
In today's mail, we received an invitation for Christmas Dinner at my brother's house. This is the 1st Christmas for their grandchild and it reads "Come Celebrate "Emily's" First Christmas.

Now I know this is their 1st grandchild but I think this is a little overboard. Also given the fact that my mother just passed away on September 1st, I am not really feeling in the holiday spirit. Not that I won't be celebrating Christmas. Also, we are a small family so invitations are only being sent to my sister and myself.

Not having children myself, I dont know if I am being too critical. My sister, who does have 2 small children, is annoyed by the whole thing also.

Maybe I am being too critical.
parents and grandparents tend to get very wrapped up in a first born child and do tend to be a bit overboard.

but have enough stress this holiday season, you don't need to create more over this annoyance.

I think it's more important that you spend time with your brother and his family and don't sweat the small stuff.
I hate to say it - but I think you might be a little over sensitive -

your brother is just ecstatic over his new grandbaby and he wants to show her (or her parents) how much it means to him - her mom will probably put the invite in her scrapbook and when she is older she will see that everyone was so excited to have her -

Is it his mother who passed away too? Maybe he is trying to focus on all the joy you have this Christmas -

I would file this in the Life's too short pile and enjoy Christmas with your family!
Personally, I do not think that you're being oversensitive. I have two small children, but this would definitely annoy me as well. It makes it sound as if Christmas is about little Emily and no one else. I'm am sure that isn't how they meant it - but that's how it reads to me.

Now here's the positive - go anyway. I lost my dad at Christmas, so I understand your grief. But I think it is wonderful that there is a new little one in the family to help you through this painful time. Perhaps focusing on the joy of new life and the childlike magic of the holiday will help you relax a bit and try to enjoy the time as much as possible.
My condolences on your mother's passing; I cna only imagine how hard the holidays must be.

I too wondered if you and this brother shared the same mother who just passed? If so, perhaps he's just trying to inject happiness in an otherwise gloomy time with the celebration of this new birth? I'm sure he's not trying to ignore the passing of your mother but rather to set up a backdrop of laughter and joy -something your mother would most likely want, no?

Congratulations on the newest addition to the family.:)
My mom died in June and I spent my birthday sitting in her hospice room watching and waiting for her to die. I think I would relish a family celebration and think of how much she would love to be there with the family. Go to the celebration and think of her.
Well, it is Emily's first Christmas, she is his first grandchild and family is important during the holidays. I think those are all good reasons to go and celebrate life while remembering those you love dearly and miss wholeheartedly.
Oh I would be put off by that invitation. Is Emily the new Christ Child? :rolleyes: If you don't feel like a big family celebration then politely decline. But, if you do feel up to it, I would still go. It might make you feel better to be with other people.
Beth76 said:
Is Emily the new Christ Child? :rolleyes: QUOTE]

I thought the same thing! It does seem a little much. It sort of seems like instead of being invited to a family gathering you are being invited to a birthday party or a similar event where there is a guest of honor. Christmas seems like an odd time to have that kind of event. Is it sort of a baby shower?

I do have some family members who combined their child's Christening with Thanksgiving - it was done prior to the turkey dinner. It was actually very nice. That said, I can't really imagine doing them doing it on Christmas.
So sorry about your loss. I can see why you dont feel like a big celebration.
On the other hand while I feel your pain , I can also see your brothers need for some joy. I dont know your family situation but my feeling is maybe this is his way of trying to heal .

I also did this with my own children . When the 1st was born we had a HUGE Christmas Eve party to celebrate and we invited around 40 people .
When my 2nd was born we did the same thing only more people cause we had a bigger home.

I would like to think he didnt do this trying to be a pain in the rear .

Again I am very sorry about your loss , you are in my thoughts and prayers
Yes, we share the same mother. I shouldn't put all the blame on my brother as I think it is my SIL who did this. On the other hand, my brother has already said for next Christmas since Emily will be with her other grandparents, we should go to Atlantic City for the day. Now mind you, we have a sister who has 2 young children that we have spent every Christmas with since they were born. I am going to go for the holiday as he is my family and I do love him.


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