Valet Parking ?

Jul 30, 2004
Hi we will be staying at WLV and BCV and were wondering who you pay when you valet park? Do they put it on your room charge or do you have to pay a staff member?
Rambler5678 said:
Hi we will be staying at WLV and BCV and were wondering who you pay when you valet park? Do they put it on your room charge or do you have to pay a staff member?

They put it on your room charge.

Are you DVC members? I'm not, but I believe valet parking is free at DVC resorts for DVC members.

You'll also need to tip the valet. My husband tips both dropping off and picking up. About $2 each way.
Rambler5678 said:
I thought you only had to tip when you pick up the car not both ways?

As you probably have seen on these boards, valet tipping has many sides to the issue. It comes down to whatever you want to do is fine.

Proper tipping etiquette for valet is pick up only so don't feel you have to tip when you drop off, definately not necessary. Average amount approx $3.

If you are going to be going from resort to resort during the day...don't forget to ask for the hang tag identifying you have already paid for that day so other resorts don't try to charge you again. You will need a new tag each day if you are resort hopping..they are dated and the color changes.

The valet charges will automatically bill to your room.
Just a word of caution... if you are not staying at the resort that you are valet parking at, it will be cash only. While staying at Pop Century, I had dinner reservations at Artist Point, and we drove. (We only drove because it was the night before Hurricane Jeanne, and parks were shutting down...)

When I came to claim my car, I handed the bell captain my room key, and he told me that it was cash only. Only WL guests could charge to thier room. Thankfully I had enough cash on me, but what if I hadn't? That would have been a scene.

As for tipping, one of my old managers used to be a valet manager at the GF (she is no longer employed by the company) and she told me that it was best to always tip at drop off as well, because they were the ones that could do the most damage to the car. Not that anyone at Disney would do that, they would never, but, it would increase the chance of the car being parked in a more desireable parking space, rather than below the tree where the pooping seagulls sit.

(Of course this only applies to if a valet provides a worthy service, and takes your car... if you have to stand there and wait, and then approach the bell captain yourself, interrupt the conversation about last weekend, and remind them that they have a guest who needs a car parked, then a tip is obviously not neccessary. Not that this happened at the WL for me. No, not at all.)
Don't matter that you are renting point your room key will still say DVC member on it. So will your parking pass so just show the valet guy your room key and you will have no charge. They don't know you rented the points. Alway call down with your stub # so your car will be there when you get down to them . :D
Actually, according to rules on the members site, we may have to show our blue member cards for perks now. Don't count on the room key for your perks, I have had to show the real member card for some dining discounts.
Chip 'n Dale Express said:
Just a word of caution... if you are not staying at the resort that you are valet parking at, it will be cash only. While staying at Pop Century, I had dinner reservations at Artist Point, and we drove. (We only drove because it was the night before Hurricane Jeanne, and parks were shutting down...)

When I came to claim my car, I handed the bell captain my room key, and he told me that it was cash only. Only WL guests could charge to thier room. Thankfully I had enough cash on me, but what if I hadn't? That would have been a scene.

As for tipping, one of my old managers used to be a valet manager at the GF (she is no longer employed by the company) and she told me that it was best to always tip at drop off as well, because they were the ones that could do the most damage to the car. Not that anyone at Disney would do that, they would never, but, it would increase the chance of the car being parked in a more desireable parking space, rather than below the tree where the pooping seagulls sit.

(Of course this only applies to if a valet provides a worthy service, and takes your car... if you have to stand there and wait, and then approach the bell captain yourself, interrupt the conversation about last weekend, and remind them that they have a guest who needs a car parked, then a tip is obviously not neccessary. Not that this happened at the WL for me. No, not at all.)

Well finally someone that sees tipping the way I do. I have literally been made fun over the fact that I tip going and coming. My reason being the one you stated, I want the person parking my car to realize I appreciate their service.
Chip 'n Dale Express said:
As for tipping, one of my old managers used to be a valet manager at the GF (she is no longer employed by the company) and she told me that it was best to always tip at drop off as well, because they were the ones that could do the most damage to the car. Not that anyone at Disney would do that, they would never, but, it would increase the chance of the car being parked in a more desireable parking space, rather than below the tree where the pooping seagulls sit.


Please don't take this personally. I've seen this kind of comment posted by several people, about just about every "tipped" position. If you don't tip the waitress well they may spit in your food, If you don't tip housekeeping they won't vacuum the floor, etc.

I AM SO TIRED OF BEING TOLD THAT I HAVE TO PAY EXTRA TO HAVE SOMEONE DO THERE JOB WELL. I don't mind tiping. As a matter of fact I'm a good tipper. I went to a dinner tonight in my hometown and left a $5.00 tip on a $16.00 bill. The waitress was NICE. She was attentive. She did her job well and she was personable. I ENJOYED tipping her.

I don't enjoy tipping people who incenuate that if they don't get a good tip, not only will I not get good service, I will get service that is detramental to me or my property. Just makes me mad.

Rant Off

One other great thing that disney does is not charge for Valet if you have a handicap sticker or tag. I thought this was wonderful. Of course we still tipped but what a nice perk and savings.
I tip about $3 when I get my car back. Couple of times the person who filled out the claim check and took my keys was not the person who parked the car. Once at the BC we came out 20 minutes later enroute to the bus stop and our car was still sitting in the same spot. Another time at the BWV's a young lady took my key and gave me the claim check, then I saw her pass off the keys to another CM saying "Here, park this car".
Rambler5678 said:
I thought you only had to tip when you pick up the car not both ways?

I always tip both ways. Seems parking the car is just as important as getting it!


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