Valet Parking


Earning My Ears
Aug 16, 2002
I know that valet parking at BWV is complimentary for DVC members, but how about BCV? Hope this isn't a repeat question, but I'm new on this board and couldn't find any mention of this anywhere. Thanks for any info.
Valet parking is free for DVC Members at all DVC resorts (BWV, VWL and BCV). The $6 charge still applies at other valet resorts.

Don't forget to tip the valet.

Enjoy! :)
Also, for any guest with a handicapped parking permit, valet parking is complimentary at all WDW resorts.

We tip the CM who takes our car & the CM who brings it back to us.
I may be wrong but isn't normal to tip only when picking up your vehicle in a valet situation??? I thought that valets pooled their tips.
I don’t know whether it's normal or abnormal. It is customary to tip valets only when retrieving your vehicle.

Some of us tip both ways…I do. I do it because I’m not sure whether they pool their tips and both valets are providing a service.
For those who tip both much do you tip? $2 each way ...more? Less?
I have more trouble deciding what to tip valets than any other tipping position!!!!!
For quick service, I tip $2 each way. I'm handing over the keys to my car, I feel I should give the valet something when I drop it off. The parking area isn't that close and he has to run back up. There is a thread over on the resort board by a CM that gives a guide to tipping. He said to tip only when retrieved.
Originally posted by SamSam
For those who tip both much do you tip? $2 each way ...more? Less?
I have more trouble deciding what to tip valets than any other tipping position!!!!!

We ususally tip $3 both ways. I guess we give them what we would be charged.

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