Vaccination requirements on Australian Cruises


DIS Veteran
Nov 22, 2019
Hello fellow Dis boarders, I have just discovered that Disney Cruise Line is still requiring full vaccination for the Australian cruises. Given the fact that, as you know in Australia we now have zero restrictions, and the lack of communication from Disney, don't you think that there will be heaps of people that won't know about this and will just show up on cruise day without being fully vaccinated?

I think there will be lots of unhappy customers.
We sailing on the first cruise from Sydney. A few weeks ago we were sent an email discussing the cruise requirements in regards to vaccinations. Previously the information may have been a little bit open to interpretation by some people. But after getting the email I think it was very clear. Disney must have felt that the information wasn’t crystal clear to some passengers so made an extended time for refunds of deposits than was previously offered.
We sailing on the first cruise from Sydney. A few weeks ago we were sent an email discussing the cruise requirements in regards to vaccinations. Previously the information may have been a little bit open to interpretation by some people. But after getting the email I think it was very clear. Disney must have felt that the information wasn’t crystal clear to some passengers so made an extended time for refunds of deposits than was previously offered.
We are travelling in Feb and didn't receive anything.


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