Used Connection vouchers at B&C, Peppermarket, & Contemporary


Dec 15, 2000
Used connections $10.50 voucher at Beaches & Cream with no problem. Shared voucher with DH and server told us best way to get most for our voucher. Had onion rings for appetizer, double cheeseburger, milkshake, and Kitchen Sink (shared that with the other four at our table who did not have vouchers). Don't remember total tab, but Kitchen Sink was $21.xx alone. Left an extra $5.00 tip on top of tip included in voucher. (I think servers like getting you to order more expensive items because that increases their tip.)

DH and I each used a $10.50 voucher at Pepper Market at Coronodo Springs. We each had a smoothie to drink, grilled steak with excellent mashed potatoes, and dessert. I had flan and don't remember what DH had. Total tab was $56.00, so I think our $21 spent on vouchers was a good deal.

DH, sister, father, and I used two $29.50 vouchers at Concourse Grill (I think that's the restaraunt - on 4th floor anyway) at Contemporary. I split one voucher with DH and my sister and father split the other. No problem splitting meals and there was enough food. However, my DH did order a salad separately for his appetizer. Our bill using vouchers was $96 and we spent $59 for vouchers, savings of $37.00. I think we left an extra $5.00 tip there, too.

All in all, I would say Connections is a very good deal. It allowed us to eat better, try new restaurants, and keep our food budget down. Servers were well aware of vouchers and how they worked and were very accommodating about sharing meals (i.e., putting one milkshake into two glasses, etc.). Go for it and I doubt you will be disappointed.

Margaret in CT

PS We are keeping Connections membership for savings on movies at home (4.50 Connections ticket versus 8.75 at theater) and restaurants at home.
Thank you so much for the update!

We are leaving Friday for 2 weeks at the World and are looking forward to using the Connections vouchers!
Can anyone tell me when the new expiration dates for the vouchers are going to be available. I think they are currently May 02. We're not going till July aand would like to purchase ones we can use. Thanks.
At pepper market were you able to get a salad or side dish, or did they feel that the price of the steak was enough. We have a few to use for our trip, and was trying to figure out how to use them there.
Hockey mom,

At Peppermarket, steak came with potatoes and grilled vegetables. I suppose you could get a side dish and pay cash for that. You would still come out ahead, in my opinion.

Best steak I had, by the way, was at Mama Melrose's. (did not use Connections there) If I could just get the Mama Melrose's steak and Pepper Market mashed potatoes, I'd be in heaven!

Margaret in CT


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