Universal with 12 year old girls


Earning My Ears
Feb 27, 2001
Please Help!

Am taking daughter and friend (age 12) to Universal for the first time. We will be in Orlando for five days. Is there enough at Universal for the entire stay? What about city walk at night, is it appropriate for them?

I would appreciate any recommendations, we have done Disney a few times, and I questioned if we need to also spend more time there.

Also, any restaurant or other fun suggestions appreciated.

Thank you!
Moving this to the Universal discussion board.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Twelve is a great age for Universal! We spent 3 days in IOA and the Studios and could have used more. Citywalk is very kid friendly with many restaurants and stores. Restaurants all have children's menus. Citywalk is free - there is just a cover charge(or you use a party pass) to enter the drinking and dancing clubs.

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, Margaritaville (go early) and Pastamore. Sea World is a short drive away if you want to do a day there. :cool:

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