Universal vs WDW


Earning My Ears
Sep 9, 2000
I'm going in for a bone marrow transplant in a few months and my family and I would need a great vacation to hopefully celebrate my recovery next winter. My question is, which park? Finances will be limited and I think we'll be able to go to only one. We LOVE Disney but we have been there several times and maybe a change would be nice. Plus our three boys are teenagers; maybe they would appreciate Universal more. The DH and I don't like motion rides like Body Wars and the Star Wars rides at WDW; will we find ourselves too limited at Universal? Any opinions would be welcome. I'd like to start planning to keep my mind on something pleasant... thanks everyone! :rolleyes:
I think you should give Universal and IoA a try. I think your children will like the rides. If you don't like the motion simulator rides, I would skip Back to the Future for sure. If you enjoy thrill rides and rides and shows based on movies, I really think you will love USF/IoA. I hope you decide to give it a try. And, also, I hope everything goes well with your upcoming surgery and you are feeling better soon.

Been there, done that, going back!!!
If you are tired of disney i guess i would still go to disney but you should definetly do IOA and just forget about universal.(Just my opinion please don't jump on my back. thank you) I know this is a touchy subject on these boards.

P.S the kids will absolutely love IOA. :D
Hi Diane,

A change of scenery can be great! Especially with teens, I think they will love Islands Of Adventure. Universal in case you didnt know is 2 parks and City Walk. Plenty to do for a nice 3 day get away. We had always gone to Disney and this past December due to these boards I booked a 4 day trip to Universal/IOA. I still love Disney but now I also love these parks. IOA is a sight! It's themeing is beautiful and interesting. At IOA you can expect great high tech rides and shows. The only ride at Universal you may not enjoy is Back to the future.(motion simulator ride)City Walk offers many dining experiences with some terrific food. Read a few trip reports on the Universal trip report board to get a feel for the parks and see if it sounds like something that would interest your family.

I hope all goes well with your surgery, and wish you a very quick recovery. :)

Why not do both WDW and Universal? I guess that would be a rather long vacation... but I was just thinking that we took two days to do Universal and IOA and we left by 4:00 each day so I don't know how you'd make a real vacation out of it I guess. But they are definitely worth going to. Very fun! Motion rides... well, Back to the Future and Men in Black would definitely be out I guess. As would Spiderman (which is an awesome ride!). And if you're not a rollercoaster fan that deletes the Hulk and Dueling Dragons at IOA. And probably Dr. Doom's Fearfall too. That leaves Ripsaw Falls, Bilgrat Barges, the Suess ride, and Poseidon's Fury basically at IOA. ;) But you'd still have fun, as would the kids. But I would plan and day at the beach or something to take up time if you decide just to do Universal. Have fun and good luck! :D

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
Our teens really like Disney but they LOVED Universal and IOA. Give them a try. The theming at IOA is wonderful. I don't think you can compare Spiderman and Men in black to Body or Star wars which are very jerky. The only simulator ride that you wouldn't enjoy would be back to the future but your teens will love it. I wouldn't call MIB a simulator ride at all. Maybe spend a few days there and one day at somewhere like Seaworld.

I loved all the parks for different reasons. But be warned Spiderman might spoil you for other rides, its wonderful. Your teens will thank you. USF and IOA is a teens paradise.

Not a real vacation? Not only is it a "real" vacation, but to many its one of the best vacations. Men in Black is not a simulator ride. It is an interactive dark ride. Spiderman is also on a track. They are both unlike BTTF or Hanna-Barbera.
I had severe motion sickness on Body Wars. I didnt feel that way with either of these rides. I saw no specific mention that the poster did not like rollar coasters. IOA and Universal are much more than simulators and rollar coasters and one could spend a good 3 days at these parks and leave still wanting more.

Jessica... My goodness. You obviously got the wrong impression dear. I was not putting down IOA or US. I said that I LIKED them and that I had FUN as I recall. I think you're a bit on the defensive eh? :) My cousin didn't get sick on Star Tours, but he did on Men in Black and Hanna Barbara and Spiderman so I thought I would inform her of that danger. It depends on the person. And he also got sick (not like he threw up, but got queasy) on the Hulk and Dueling Dragons. That's why I said it. Not to put down the park for heavens sake. I don't get sick on anything and so I loved all the rides, but it is a simple fact that it only took us until 4:00 in each park to get done so our family wouldn't be able to make an entire vacation out of it whereas we spent five days at DW and didn't come close to getting it all done. I'm sure it's different for everyone and everyone likes different things so I wish people would stop being so touchy about the two parks! There are different good things about all of them! Why does one have to be better! (This isn't really directed at you Jessica. I've just seen a lot of it on these boards lately...) It all depends on your likes. I think they are both wonderful parks. That's why I suggested doing both if possible. So, please don't anyone else take that the wrong way. I didn't mean this to sound rude, although I'm sure many will take it as such. I'm just sick of things I say on the US board getting trod all over because people think I'm like hired by Disney to bash US for some reason when just about everything I say about US is positive! What silly fans you are! :D

"The magic is as wide
as a smile and as
narrow as a wink, loud
as laughter and quiet
as a tear, tall as a tale
and deep as emotion.
So strong, it can lift the
spirit. So gentle, it can
touch the heart. It is the
magic that begins the
happily ever after."
THAT is Disney! ;-)
A lei of aloha and prayers to you with the hope of a full recovery!

I agree that you and your family will love Universal. It is new and exciting and very compelling. It will keep your mind fully occupied - IOA is a total experience. Each area is themed in both sounds and sights. It is like those Waldo books, everywhere you look you see something new and exciting. I think it is edgier than Disney, at least it isn't as "sweet".

I think you will be able to ride most of the rides except for Back to the Future and maybe the coasters (although I saw a children's special this past week end that said coasters are less likely to cause motion sickness - I intend to test this when I go next month! LOL) Last time we went, we took our grandsons and one gets motion sickness very easily (even once when I swung him too long on a swing!). He did not feel sick on HannaBarbera, Cat in the Hat, Spiderman, or any of the rides in Universal. He didn't go on MIB (it wasn't opened) or Back to the Future (I had heard it was rough). So I would think there could be alot you could do in the parks.

We spent 3 days there last visit and we did not get to see or try everything. So next month we are going for five days. So obviously, I do think you can make a very enjoyable vacation out of it. ;)

I plan to take my time and really enjoy the parks next time. I guess if you are into commando style touring you could do it all in 2 days...but I would suspect your kids will want to try things again and again and like I said there is so much detail, once through a ride is really not enough. :)

Universal has a vacation video that would give you an overview of the parks. You can order it on their website. There is a toll free number, but I cannot find it...sorry. Maybe someone else will read this and post it for you. (Please)

Again, I wish you good health.
I think USO would be a great change of scenery.
Your teens will love IOA! I love WDW too but comparing it to USO is like compaing apples to oranges. There's both fruit but different experiences. If motion simulator rides bother you, you do not want to go on Hanna Barberra ride in Universal, although it does have stationary seats in front. If you can appreciate incredible themeing you will also enjoy IOA, but there's probably a little more for you at Universal. Does spinning around a few times bother you? (Think tilt-a-whirl at the fairs), if so be aware that MIB and Cat in the Hat have a couple of those. If you can put up with that they are FUN rides! :D

If you can swing it, stay at the Portofino. You'll deserve it and the boat ride to and from the parks(actually city walk) is very relaxing.

PS: Good wishes your way for your speedy recovery :)
Thank you all so much for responding to my post; I learned a lot! Also, if I could ask another favor ; could you all stick me in at the end of your prayers for a speedy recovery? I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks again! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


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