Universal Fan Club Card


Mar 20, 2001
Can anyone tell me where I can get the Fan Club Card? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I really luv these boards. There is so much great info. Thanks! :)
The Universal Fan Club card is like the old Magic Kingdom Club Card. You can get it free thru your employer or Credit Union. It offers discounts on passes, dining and Universal hotels.
Did this question ever get answered? I'd be interested in finding out how to get one. Or at least what the benefits are!
Disney Debbie--

There is a Fan Club website which lists all the benefits. It is www.universalstudios.com/fanclub
If your employer or credit union does not offer one, try your friends and family. I also just saw that if you buy your passes on-line from Universal, they will send you a card. If you are a AAA member, many of the benefits are the same. However, the discount for the on-site hotels is 30%, which is a substantial discount if you can't get the entertainment rate or need a kidsuite (which are not elgible for entertainment rates).
Thanks lovely - I know my co. doesn't do it because I'm the one that would sign us up for it!! I'll check it out and see if it would be something worth doing. I signed up up for the MKC last year - about 2 months before they got rid of it - and I felt really, really bad about that! They should never have let us sign up that soon to discontinuing it. Especially since the so-called Disney Club is a joke - that you have to pay for! :mad:

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/disdebbie/Mickeyandus.jpg">
Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000


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