Two Bedroom Dedicated or Lock Off

Paula H

Mar 12, 2001
I have ressies at VWL for May for a 2 bedroom dedicated unit. I just found out some of our family members are leaving for home two days before we are, so we won't need to second bedroom for the last two nights (Friday and Saturday = high point nights). If I change the reservation to a lock off unit and so that the last two nights are for a 1 bedroom, will the second bedroom just be locked off or is it possible that we'll have to pack up all of our stuff and move? With two little kids and a ton of baby "gear" I think I'd be inclined to just keep things the way they are instead of risking having to move. But, I'd also love some spare points for the end of the year. Any advice or guidance?
My guess is that if you call and explain to them what your situation is, they'll put you in a lock off. They will tell you they can't guarantee, blah,blah, blah, but they usually are pretty sensible when it comes to that kind of stuff.
I would change to a lock off if you don't need two queen beds in the studio. They are very accomodating- just make sure it is noted in the record and that you ask at check in because sometimes room assignments get mixed up. You will have to get a new key when you drop the studio.
We had a similar scenario last year. We had guests the first 5 nights and not the second 5. We changed our ressie to a lock off and had the ressies linked, so we could stay in the same unit. It worked great! As it turned out, they never locked the door between and didn't put anyone in the studio portion the second half of the ressie either.
Thanks everyone for your help. I'll be calling MS tomorrow morning to make the change.

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