TV Commercials You Cant Stand

Yes, the one for metastatic Breast Cancer, naming side effects "Which can lead to death" Well, lady, metastatic Breast Cancer can lead to death too, I'd probably take my chance with a pill.
The one that got me is the smiling lady arranging plants while the narrator goes on about how you will lose weight but side effects include oily bowel movements and the inability to control them! Gee you look so thin but pee ew 🙊. I’d rather be fat than poop myself.
Those make me angry. They intentionally target and exploit older people with lower income and imply they are a government plan. They are not. They are for profit insurance scams.
Except they aren't scams, they are done in connection with the Medicare/Medicaid programs. They are for profit, for sure, but there are plans within for people may need more then those two programs offer. And in many cases it is supplemented and coupled with what people were already paying for Plan B.
When the announcer mentions, "if you've had thoughts of suicide." I have thought of other people's suicides all the time!*

*This is not intended to downplay the seriousness of actual suicide.
Except they aren't scams, they are done in connection with the Medicare/Medicaid programs. They are for profit, for sure, but there are plans within for people may need more then those two programs offer. And in many cases it is supplemented and coupled with what people were already paying for Plan B.
Many of them have nothing whatsoever to do with Medicare or Medicaid. Read the small print.
The Taco Bell commercial with the chihuahua in it they did years ago. So you’re saying dogs will eat your food? Maybe someone should have thought about that. My last dog would eat from the cat litter box if we let her. I haven’t eaten there since that commercial.
The new T-Mobile ads with Zoe Saldana in an oversized winter jacket. The ad copy is just awkward as heck.

Any holiday commercial where a new car is given/received as a gift.

Any insurance commercials. Doesn't matter the company, they all insist on being annoying just so they are memorable, I guess. Geico, Progressive, Liberty Mutual, State Farm, Allstate, the list goes on....
We especially hate the Progressive commercials that talk about people not wanting to turn into their parents. Very disrespectful, and by the way those parents are often paying those premiums so why insult them?
We especially hate the Progressive commercials that talk about people not wanting to turn into their parents. Very disrespectful, and by the way those parents are often paying those premiums so why insult them?
The people turning in to their parents aren't 16. They're in their 40s, when we all become our parents. I think they're hilarious.
The pharma commercials that list all sorts of lethal side effects for a non lethal complaint, like,
"Nose-run-a-phobia can finally be cured! No more tissues as you spend all day worrying about sniffles, now you can be a Super Star! Side effects may include death via heart paralysis, sudden limb abruptions leading to death by vein explosions, snake eyes with brain bleed and spontaneous combustion." whaaaa?

Also hate any commercial asking me to select my experience... it is like asking me to pick the fist that will punch me, Ummm no, I will not participate. Are people doing this?
cannot stand the "personal injury lawyers" .... enough, already ! also the "we buy homes" >:(
Smacks of the old "get rich quick" scams.


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