Tusker House breakfast buffet/ Sunrise Safari?


I miss Tapestry of Dreams!
Mar 30, 2003
Yipeeeee! We have our ressies for the Sunrise Safari for August. What can you tell me about the breakfast buffet served at Tusker House at the end of the safari?

Details, anyone?
We were there last October. There was the usual American fair (eggs, biscuts, bacon, sausage, fruit, etc) They also had African items, you deffinately won't go hungry. It was displayed beautifully.
We just got back from a stay at AKL Concierge and did the Sunrise safari ~ INCREDIBLE!!! It really was great. The buffet breakfast was awesome too ~ the cinnamon crusted french toast was to die for!!!! Enjoy your trip!
Oooooo . . . sounds delicious. I know I'll definately need some coffee after getting up so early! LOL!
We usually stop by the concierge lounge for coffee and some fruit to hold us over until breakfast. We've never been disappointed with the food they serve at Tusker House.

Enjoy the safari and breakfast.


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