Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey


Sharing the same birthday with my baby girl and Mi
Sep 9, 2005
I have decided to start a new journal for this new (and hopefully final) chapter in my weight loss journey. Here is my old journal, just in case you have nothing better to do than read about my running and such.;)

If you don't want to read the whole enchilada, then here is the Cliffs notes version:

I am currently 39, will turn 40 in November. I had hoped to reach my goal weight of 125 by then, but that is not going to happen. I would like to reach my goal by my next vacation, another cruise at the end of June. I started my journey in 2007 at the abominable weight of 214. Currently I am at 165, which is about 8 lbs heavier than my lowest recent weight. I trained all summer for the DL half, which I PR'd btw:banana:. I am in a bit of a funk with my running currently, not feeling the love at all. I have another half coming up 2 weeks from today, I am just looking to finish at this point. I am going to spend the winter working on weight loss and cross training. I am going to try spinning and I definately need to strengthen my upper body. I am really, really hoping that a break from running will bring back my mojo and I will want to run again.

So thats it. Tomorrow morning I am starting point counting with WW again. I had great success with it in the past, I just can't lose weight when I am seriously training for a big race. I am going to walk on the TM
(which I don't mind) 3x week, run outside 3x week and take one day off. Once I get past the half, then I will start spinning and weights.

Any advice or encouragement is welcome and appreciated. Thanks for reading or posting.
Monday, Monday. No one likes Monday. Me included. But alas, you can't stop it from coming back around every week.

I had a horrible headache last night, was hoping that it would go away with a good nights sleep. And it did. So I got up and walked on the treadmill, 1.25 miles in 30 minutes with an incline of 3%. A good workout. Earned myself 2 exercise points.

weight: 167.8

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
dark chocolate peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 10 pts
granola 4 pts
yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts
cappuccino 3 pts

dinner: 8 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
turkey 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
100 cal pack chips 2 pts
soup 2 pts
cake 5 pts

points used: 31
flex used: 7
flex remaining: 28
Hi there,

I've read a bunch of your post all over the WISH board before and your review of the DL 1/2. I've found your story, and many others here on WISH, to be inspirational.

Good luck with your new start on WW. I've always done well with their plan. It sounds like a little break from running may be exactly what you need to get your enthusiasm for training back on track. I'll be interested to hear about the spinning. I've never tried that before.

Best of luck to you! I look forward to following along with your journal.
Thanks lolakat! I am going to try to post daily, especially my food journal, since that works out best at keeping me accountable. I was a couple points over today, but that is what flex points are for. And since it is my first day back, it will take some time to get back in the groove.
Yesterday was a tough day. Its hard to get back into the good eating habits when you have been so far off the wagon. It will take about a week for me to adjust, I just have to be tough and power through.

I realized when I looked at yesterdays entry that I entered my weight wrong. I have to adjust it, have to be honest.

Walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill, earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 167.0

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
dark chocolate pb 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: 7 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
garden veggie pattie 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
sweet potato fries 3 pts

snack: 1 pt
green pepper strips 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt

points used: 23
flex used: 0
flex remaining: 28
It is deffinetly hard to adjust to a new eatting program. I think it looks like you are doing great over your first couple of days. I love that WW gives the flex points to help with the little "blips" life throws us. It's important to be able to splurge every once in a while without feeling guilty
Weather has been dreary, which makes getting up and getting on the treadmill hard to do. But I did, which is a success. After training for the last 5 months, I wish I could sleep in more, but morning is the best time for me to exercise.

Walked for 30 minutes, earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 165.8, good:thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
dark chocolate pb 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: ???? pts guessing about 20
chinese buffet

dinner: 15 pts
cereal with skim milk 10 pts
toast with peanut butter 5 pts

points used: 43
flex used: 19
flex remaining: 9

So, today we had an office lunch at the chinese buffet. Which I love. I tried to eat more veggies, but some items are just too hard for me to resist. So I blew almost all my points for the week today, but that is okay. Now I just have to keep pushing the water, I am so darned thirsty from the salt in the food!
Hi Veronica
Good to see you here again.We are within .8 lbs of each other right now.Retaining fluid is my problem so I keep fluctuating.Sometimes you have to eat out and that sabotages everthing when you have to weigh in.

I remember the blahs after every race- they say that it is normal.Boy it is hard getting back out there too- congrats on doing that for another 1/2

Keep up the good work- you are going in the right direction.

Well, the scale was oh so unkind today. But that was to be expected. The eating out is done with, so now I can stay on plan and this bounce back should be gone soon.

Walked this morning for 30 minutes, 4% incline. Earned 2 pts

weight: 167.4:sad2:

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: 8 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
turkey 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
100 cal pack chips 2 pts
progresso WW vegetable soup 0 pts
apple 2 pts

I am still hungry, but trying to resist eating anything and just drinking my water.

points used: 23
flex used: 0
flex remaining: 9
Try not to fret too much about that "bounce back" weight. I think day to day weights can be so variable with water retention etc etc. I try to ignore them and look at weekly or even monthly trends (so hard to do though).
You are doing great with your point tracking. I'm sure those lbs will be melting away soon!

BTW, thanks so much for stopping by my journal!!
I totally spaced and did not post yesterday. We had torrential rains and I was trying to get out of the house early to beat the traffic. Got home late, made dinner and fell into my chair and asleep.

Ran this morning (it was beautiful, just perfect for running) 3 miles in 29:29.
Earns me 4 exercise points.

weight: 163.0:cool1:

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
6 in grilled chicken flax wrap 7 pts
chips 2 pts

dinner: 10 pts
tacos made with ground turkey (2) 6 pts
fat free refried beans 2 pts
apple 2 pts

I am over by a point, but I didn't add activity points for lawn mowing this afternoon. So we will call it even.
Another cool but sunny morning here. Perfect for running. Which I did. Ran 6 miles in 1:02:52, avg pace 10:28. Last long run before my half marathon next Sunday. I am going to try to get out for a couple 3 milers this week as well, but the forecast is a bit dodgy at this point, it may rain again this week.

Earned 8 pts for my run today.

points for today: 22 + 8 = 30

weight: 163, same as yesterday which is awesome considering its the weekend and I tend to eat too much when I am home all day.

breakfast: 13 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
cereal 4 pts
skim milk 2 pts

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
salad greens 0 pts
ground turkey 2 pts
ff refried beans 2 pts
guacamole 2 pts
ww cheese 1 pt
salsa 0 pts
apple 2 pts

Thankfully tomorrow is Monday and I get 35 flex points!
Here we are again, Monday. One full week of being back on track (mostly). I didn't walk this morning, overslept. Which is okay since I ran both days on the weekend, and I usually take Mondays off. So no extra points for me today.

Weight: I have decided to only weigh on Mondays, its too depressing to watch the numbers go up and down all week!
weighed in at 156.6, so a 2.2 lb loss from last week. Which is great. No its not the almost 5 lbs I would have had yesterday, but its all good.

points for today: 22
flex available: 35
flex used: 8

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 14 pts
Wendys chili 7 pts
baked potato w/sour cream 7 pts

dinner: 8 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
garden veggie pattie 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
chips 2 pts
apple 2 pts
Congrats on 2.2 lbs :banana: You're doing great!

Glad to hear you had good running weather this weekend. Good luck with your 1/2 marathon this weekend.
Another cold rainy day here. Only saving grace is that it is payday!:thumbsup2

Did 30 minutes incline walking on the treadmill for 2 exercise points. Wanted to do 45 minutes, but just didn't have the time today. Will try to do that tomorrow.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex available: 27
flex used: 1
flex remaining: 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: 10 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
healthy request italian wedding soup 4 pts
apple 2 pts
Still raining here in NY. Only a few more days until my half marathon. My friend and coach called me last night, we talked about my lack of motivation, race strategy, timing etc. I am hopeful that I can find my groove and rock out 13.1 miles in 2:15 or less.

Walked 2 miles in 34:19 this morning, incline still at 4.5%. Earned 2 pts

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex available: 26
flex used: 7
flex remaining: 19

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 10 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts
chicken dinner 8 pts

dinner: 13 pts
egg 3 pts
french toast 6 pts
bacon 4 pts
Still rainy and gray here. Took this morning off from walking, trying to rest up for the half on Sunday. DD has her TKD test tonight, so dinner will be rushed. I am working at my part time office today instead of my regular one, so my day will be a bit different. I really wish I had just taken today off and stayed home with DH, who wanted to take the day off. Oh well, I can sure use the money.

points for today: 22
flex available: 19
flex used:
flex remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
yogurt 1 pt
granola 4 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: ???
The last few days have been hectic and the weather hasn't helped. It has finally stopped raining, we are expecting some nice weather for the weekend. I have been a little stressed with a work issue. My part time job (I work 1 day a week at one dental office in addition to the 4 days I work at my full time job). My part time place is expanding and they have said they wanted to hire me for full time. Last week an offer was finally made, and it was a VERY lowball offer. And no security. I am on salary at my f/t office, so my check is the same every week. At the p/t place, I would have to punch a clock and could be sent home if there were no patients. So my check would vary. Something I am not comfortable with, since I am the primary earner in our house. I go in today, so I have to tell him that I am not coming on full time. And I worry that they may not want me to stay on Fridays. Which is not horrible, but the money from Fridays is helping to pay down debt and for birthdays and vacations etc.

Sorry for the rant, but its been affecting me. And my eating. I am hoping that after today its better.

points for today: 22

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

chicken salad 5 pts

Sorry to hear about the work stress. They must like your work if they wanted to make you full time. In which case they would be foolish to let you go from your part-time role. I hope it all works out for the best.


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